Qrono Wcckly Timc5, Wcdncâday, March 27q 1991-5 Receives Ail Round Cord NDP Plan annual fund raising event Perogies, spot cances and a chance to meet yoiff local member of provincial parliafflent - these are but a few featurès of th e 9th Annual NDP area dipnher/dance. Scheduled fo7 6:00) p.ml, Saturday, April 6thjý at mhe General Sikorski Hall in Oshawa, the fundraiser further toasts an ail you can eat, sit down, polish meal and -dancing to the misic of the 50s through to die 90s ufltil 1:00 a.m. Organizers expe-t tO seil out mhis year's event, as evdýry riding within the Region of Durham and surroundinïg are is fecpresented by a NDP member af provincial parliament. Thý'se members Melissa van Litb received her Ahl Round Cord for Guides on February 26, 1991. Her proud What would mother have thought? Wb ile I was on holiday watcbing the Bue Jays, 1 lieard on the radio that after winning the mother of al battles, General, Norman Schwarzkoff, the Commander of Desert Storm, was 10 be offerecl the, mother of al jobs by several U.S. businesses eager to acquire bis namne. On a personal note I can also report tbat 1 was i the mother of al traffic janis getting away from Grant Field after the Blue Jay's first Grapefruit Season Opening gamne. 1 bave also had the mother of ail disappointiments at not being able 10 secure tickets 10 watch tie Blue Jays play the Boston Red Sox. During my stay in Florida I went 10 the mother of ail saiad bars and saw the mother of ail accidents on US. 19. Wbile returning fron Florida I was the victini of the mother of al parents are Andy and Limh, and proud grandir M. van Boxtel. include: Gord Mill§, MPP'Durham East; Dennis Drainville, MPP Victoria Haliburton; Larry O'Connor, MPP Durham York; Drunmnond White, MPP -Durham Centre;, Jim Wiseman, MPP Durham West; and Alan Pilkey, MPP Oshawa - and Minister of lndustry, Trade and Technology. Mike Breaugli, MP - Oshawa wiù also be on hand, serving as the evening's Master of Ceremnonies. Tickets for the evening are $60.00 for general admission and $ 100.00 for host. Tax receipts are available. To avoid disappointment cali (416) 723-5917 and reserve your tickets now. nother Mrs. ~CiiooIiBoard may start summer school screw-ups at Milwaukee Airport. For being able to describe ail of this adequately, I owe Saddani Hussein for adding this mother of ail expressions to our vocabulary. Now that 1 arn back to work 1 arn looking at the mother of all pile of letters, ail of wich need an immediate answer. l'm not quite sure what my mother would bave thougit about it. Or anybody else'mother for that matter. Orono Fire Cails The following fire caîl was received by tire Town of Newcastle Fire Departmnent , Station #3, Orono on Monday, Mard igltl. Puniper 3 and tanker 3 responded to a call of smoke at Lycett's Apartments between 2:26 p.m. and 7:08 p.m. There is a pos§ibility that the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of EducatiôP wiil operate a summer school tffis summer for elementary school êildren. The Board lia§ not operated a summer scbool Èpr the last two years. The schodi was ruled out when the provinée discontinued grântingfunds for enrichment courses. At the. time of the Ministry announcement ggummer school enrolment for the local board was made up of 50 percent taking remedial courses apd 50 percent for enricliment course§- Enrichment courses include music, draina and @Omputer classes. Students attending remedial courses must be recomffiended by their teacher where subj@cts iliclude math and english. 1A survey mhis year Of Parents i eight area elemefltary schools sliowed an intef est in summer school and some parents said they would pay up t0 $75.00 for, enrolment in enlrichlmeit courses. The survey wai sent out to 2000 parents of which 528 were returned. The education committee of the board recommended furtlier investigation of a possible sumimer school prograni. As a result the operation and finance committee are now to decide if summer scliool is fmancially feasible and following their findings will report to the board. Summer scliool, if it is beld, would likely take one school in Bowmanville, one'in Cobourg and one in Brighton. Outside students, like other years, would be transported bo the school. It is expected1 that the course would mun for a monmh. Condos going up for seniors Local developers are building a $90-million, 700 unit condominiumn project for seniors on Courtice Road north of Hfigliway 2. Construction of Birclidale Village will begin this summer, with the 190-unit first phase scheduled to be completed by early 1993. Kendal Column (Continued from page 4) Kendal United, Communion will be served. Communion will also be served on Easter Sunday. I arn sonry to report that we bave received officiai from Rev. Ransom that lie wîlI ho leaving our Pastoral Charge as of July ist. We have known for some Urne that mhis could bappen, but lilce ail good things that we wish would rot happen itlihas. Bryan, as most of us have been privileged to call bu bas not only been an excellent Pastor to us but a friend as well. His Miistry in Kendal lias been excellent, lie lias a sincere feeling for mhe young people in our community and 1 feel has been equally liked by the older members. 1 fmd it difficuit to write of bis leaving. For many years I did not attend churcli, but since going 10 Kendal and enjoying bis Ministry so niuch, I fmnd that I hate to miss a Service. The churcli needs Ministers like Bryan, someone that can reacli the younger generation and yet satisfy the older members. iu the days of the settling of this country, it-was not just the elders wlio wanted churclies built. Preacliers to be part of the community, to teacli their children. If we were able to check, we would probably fnd these "Elders" were not that old. Without a Minister that can liold the interest of die younger generation and keep thera coming to the churcli and giving il their support, mhe older people, and 1 arn among that group, will soon find tbat mhey bave no cliurch 10 attend. I only hope that we will be fortunate enough tw gel another Minister lilce Rev. Bryan Ransoni. Rev. Ransom bas accepted a cail to Zion Cliurcb, at Mitcliell's Corners. Our loss is their gain and our respect, affection and best wishes go with bim. Philosofacts . .. Even when opportunity knocks, a man stilI bas to get up off bis seat and open the door. What to look for when buying a new I home. As a W~ilder, people always ask mue, "Flow do 1 know my new ~Inme wil be bufit to the highest standards?" ît's a good question. Because whille ail homes are bufit to buil-11flg code standards, there is only one type of .~home that's been given a special designation because it exceeds the building code to make it more energy effi- cient. In fact, it's so energy efficient that Ontario flydro higiily recommends it. lt's caled the R2000 home. Seen from the street it looks like any -other home. So what makes it so specia? Ites the way itfs bufit. For exasuple, R2000 homes are constricted with a greater attention to detail. This, createt a more comfortable, even temperature in your homne that also eliminates drafts and cold spots. And becauîe of extra insulation and good quality doors and windows, R2000 homes reduce noise frotu neighbours and outside traffic. Is dlean, fresh air important to you and your family? The R2000 home lets you control the ventilation in your home. For example, you don't have to open the window for fresh air, the ventilation systetu wiff ensure a conti n_~ uous supply at ail times by ~ exhausting the stale indoor air and replacing it wîth fresh outdoor air. But there is one thing you must know. Builders must receive special training to build R2000 homes. And to ensure your home is bufit to officiai R2000 standards, it is individually inspected and given its own certificate. So look for the R2000 symbol, its your way of knowing that the home you boy is a better built home. For more information about R2000 homes, cail the certified R2000 bulder isted below. CalBikHayward Rossert-Taunus Kassinger Strahi Carl) 87-481 Construction Construction Construction Ltd. Construction (46 97488 (416) 649-3597 (416) 623-1256 (416) 728-7583 (416) 579-0243