- ,',rr~ *,4- ,,~ ~ ~ t'rtv~,, ~ Orono Weekly Tim esWednesday, April3,1991-3 -,First Birthday A happy anc year aid, Melissa and Diane Barrabail and John and Kyleen Greenfield, preciaus Loraine Greenfieid, great daughter of Paul and Donna (nee grandparents are Mr. Ray Colvin) Greenfield, grandparents Greenîrce, Mr. and Mrs. E.A. are Marvin and Betty Colvin, Don Coivin and Mrs. U.M. Builock. Have you ever wondered? Have you ever wondered ta wham ail the phone calis are made ta gain information for gallup poils, or just where al the questionaires are mailcd ta, ta gain information for a survey report? Neyer have I reccived any phone calîs nor any questionaire other than a couple from consultants preparmng reports far the Town of Newcastle and mhey kncw tUe answers before lhey startcd the job. I was beginning ta think that I wauld go through life neyer being asked my opinion especially on what I thaughl of Brian Mulroney or as a matter of fact George Bush. Nar was I going ta be askcd ta complete a questionaire on Sunday Shopping, the Persian Glulf War, or Conféderation. WUen-you stop and think of kt, wc do gel a daily menu of gallup polis with analysis and survey resulîs. Someone has ta be contacted but il has neyer been me nor have I found anyoiie tUat has answered the phane ta hear, '"we are phoning for Gallup asking ....... Well mhat has been tUe case until last wcek. It was flot a phone call but a mail out from the IMinistry of Naturai Resaurces -, four pages in Iength - usig tick marks - and, of ail things, on fishing in Ontario. Naw Bill Carman and Bill Buntig may get a kick out of that subject and especially tUaI il was Qdirected ta me. But the fact is I tUought I did go fishing on îwa occasions last year and with mhis information at hand il was off ta camplele the form. "Whcrc did you fish?", "how did you travel and cost?", "food cost?", ".etc etc?". Nothing ta this form 1 thought that was until the question arase ".what did you catch?" and mhe list was there, "Lake Trout?", "Pickerel?', "Bass?" and fortunately "Perch" and "Sunfish". No .. . I can't put down perch and sunfish. "Maybe slip in a couple of pickcrel?". No, mhat wouldn't be honest, and anyway I sure caught more than my two companies on bath occasions - 50 perch and sunfish it was. And then "Value of fishing equipment?" Here I thought 1 should slip i an estimated value of Bill Carman's equipment and iciude mhe two large tackle boxes full of lures. No - mhat wouidn't be right - $2 and that's stretching mhe point. One thing I did iearn from the survey - thesc events really wcrc flot fishing trips i the reai sense - but rather an outig with friends. Sometimes lightning strikes twice and it did once more. Yes - another survcy this ime from the Ontario Provicial Palice and it fallawcd the day aftcr the Miistry survcy. It neyer rains but it pours. It was straighl forward, what do you think of the OPP, driving in Ontario, it's good and bad points and with givig same opinions. Wondcrs neyer cease for the next day ithe mail a questionaire from the Canadian Wiidiife Federation. Now lis was a little marc difficuit asking, on a number of questians, the dcgrce of concerns anc way or another on such as Game Farming, fish derbies, rcstocking etc. I thought it was rather cute hawcvcr for aitUe very end "Would Easter Sunday dawned as a cool, breezy day, certainly not the kind of weather ta get out the spring clothing. There were stili some skiiers at the ski hill, There was a good attendance at church, with some visitors from Shiloh Church. We were pleased ta have theni worship with us. The flowers at the pulpit were placed there by Reg Elliott, in mermory of Mabel Elliot. The service opened with the Russian Alleluia, following the cal ta worship, the choir sang Alleluia, Christ Arase. The children's hymn was, "Walk Softly in Springtime." The children's story was told by a guest at our service, Bey Higgins, she had a puppet show illustrating a loveiy ouitdoor scene. She told of the Christ child sent from Heaven ta earth, at this time the world was dying, but the Christ child knew that the worid would not die, but would live anew. Me called the animaIs ta him and asked which one would be his messenger ta spread this message. They al wanted ta do this, Me toid themn that whichever one couid circie the world the fastest, that would be the messenger. The stag felt he couid do it the fastest, as he was strong and could ieap from place ta place but the stag was soan distracted and was ta slow. The salmon thought il could swim faster, but il 100 you care ta become a memnber?' Mfter three questionaires i three days my ego had arisen and naw a member of tme Federation arn I. How can one rate this deluge of opinion seeking, ail in one week. But 1 can now rest with mhe thought mhat someone did ask my vicws and that truly there are individuais behind the poils and survey reports. A few paragraphs on birds. I did sight some 14 or 15 different waterfowi at Presquile on Sunday morning. Aithough a Great Egret had been sighted Saturday, il did flot cross our binoculars during the visit nor did the 25 Tundra Swans reported in mhe iake also mhe day before. But best of ail tramping through the bush with our granddaughter Mandy later an Sunday we did flush up an Anierican Woodcock, a bird that I have not seen too often, perhaps three initme years Ive been birdig. The Woodcock is easy ta identify with it's long bill, stubby bady, brownish in colour and a whistling sound when il flics. It had ail mhese attributes. To my point of view a gaad sighting made even better as wc came up on its tracks where it had been waikig ini the snow. If the body is short the legs are short toc, and for mhe size of the bird its tocs wouid seem ta be of a good icngth. In waiking through the snow when takhig a step the back toc foilows in a straight uine with the front toc of the iast step and actually join the last imprint. As a result it makes a straight saiid lihe of imaprint with the twa side toes showig tmeir prits diaganally out fram the straight Une step after stcp. If that makes any sense ta any reader VII1 bc happy. It was different and itcresting. With mhat mhought I'm lcavig for mhis week. becaine interested in other things, the hawk felU it could fly faster, but it 50011 sighted a mouse and it slowed down. The hare plodded aiong, letting nothing distract it and so the hare was chosen. But the hare feit he was flot brave enough to be the messenger. The Christ chiid called to the raven to brinig one of its bright eggs and this was given ta the bare as a symbol of the life of the Christ child on earth, so to this day the hare stili delivers eggs ta the people of the world. Pastoral prayers were said for Irene Dunbar, who is 'in hospitai. Birthday wishes were extended to Lloyd Moore. The Psa-Im reading was 118: 14- 24. Rev. Ransom read from Acts 10: 34-43; 1 Corinthians 5: 12-14; 16-19; 51-58; and Mark 16:1-28. Rev. Ransom titled his sermon, "What Difference Does it Make.-" What difference does it make whether we believe in the Resurrection or niot? We go on polluting oui world, destroying all around us. What difference does it make if we believe in Christ? Rev. Ransomn says, often when he looks around, he wonders, what difference does it niake, does that make hlmn a heretic, at timnes he like ail others, may ask himnseif that question. In the Bible it tells us that Mary Magdalene came ta the tomb expecting Jesus death ta have made no difference, but when the mnessenger told themn that Jesus had risen and left the tomb and had tlid the messenger ta have her tell the others, he would meet themn as promised, she was afraid. Jesus chose Mary, who was a prostitute, he chose thie ten lepers ta spread his teachings. With Faith that Jesus is stili alive, one can laok on the worid and stili feel Hope, be able ta forgive, ta continue ta feel that problems can be solved no matter haw many more may arise. Without the belief that there is a living Christ we would not have the strength, the courage ta face the worid. The difference is, we are able ta sec, life, beauty, hope, and ta have strength. The service ciosed with the Serving of Communion. Sunday, April 7th, there will be a Pancake Breakfast held in the Sunday School, starting at 9 a.m. Aduits $3.50, chiidren $2.00, under 6 years Region considering environmen ta! committee It appears tUaI the Region of Durhami planning department, is giving some consiCzration toaa public environmental commitice which wouid discuss planning issues relating ta the environnient. Mofeed Michacis, director of planning has stated that his department is looking mbt organizing such a commiîtee. Me said they are trying to investigate just how it wouid worl- benefits and the drawbaciçS. Michaeis understands that Halton Region already has such a private enviromnental committee and it couid be a raie modei they wouid investigate. "We are in the early stages, " he said. The idea is flot new , at least flot ta Helen MacDonald, an area enviromnentalist, who has proposcd such a commnittee in the flot too distant past through a letter ta the Town of Newcastle. SUe has admitted tUatiti means more meetings but miat tUe country is far too advanced flot ta have such a cammitîce. She has also said thaI such a commitce should have representation from tUegeneral public and flot be fiiled -with experts. free. Proceeds go ta the Sunday Schoal. The Service wili bc a Dedication and Appreciation, Service, with lunch and a lime ta visit failowing. Make note of Sunday, April 28th, Kendal U.C.W. Anniversary, guest speaker will be Mr. Allan Baker, who was aur student Minister last summer. Came out and renew aur fricndship for him. May 12th wiIi be Baptismn, if you are itercsted contact Rev. Ransom. Until next wcek, I hope you had a Happy Easter. Philosofacts ... A smile is a passporl tUaI will take yau anywhere you want ta go. For loCal Mior Sports Coaches% Assistants, Sponsors Etc. Sports Include: Figue Skatin& Hockey, Girls Softball, Basebail and Soccer JJGý & pot à&04Àn( 19 9 0/91) Date: Saturday, April 27th Place: Orono Arena Time: 8:00 p.m. Spot Dctnces Door Prime Cash Bar