Orono WeekIy Times, Wednesdav. May R. 1991.11 A Warm "Thanks" te Roy Town fa_èd wl rezonÏng application for Kristin Plummer, a Clarke Hfigb School student worked for the Orono Weekly Tirnes on the Co-operative Education Program from September to November of 1990. Being interested in journaiism, the experience she acquired from writing articles to developing pictures will help her in the future. Above, Krjstin on behaif of the Newcastle-Northumberland Board' of Education bave recognized Roy Forrester's commîttinent, to the, Co-Op Education Prograrn. Kristin presented Roy witb an engraved stone uxug ta heip him get througb the many late niglits spent at the Orono Weekiy Times,' when if pacing, the light can be seen shining till wee hours orf tbe morning. Gord's View by Gord Milis Welfare and ether cheats Last week, a mari wbo described hiniseif as "A frustrated landlord" from Prince Albert, Ontario, wrote a letter to the editor of the Port Perry Star. The Ietter centered around welfare cheats, and ended with the statement that 1 was "gutless and al I wanted was the welfare vote." Tt would bc rather unrealistic of me ta pretend that everything the goveruiment does, is in total agreement with everyone. Persouaily, 1 bave neyer pretended ta be perfect, for after al everyone is a mixture of good and bad, rigbt and wrong. It is our duty, l of us, ta make the best of the good lu us, and to.face up to and, we hope, change that which is bari. 1 don't tbink any of us like being bold what other peopie tbink of us, unless of course it's praise. Having said that, 1 do take exception ta anyone calling me "'gutless" because tbat is just not one of my qualities. That letter writer, bad he taken the lime te come and sec me, and ta get to know me, would of course known différent. Pierrre Berton, tbe well.known and respected Canadian autbor chronicled the human tragedies of the great depression of the 1930's in bis book, "The Great Depression." la the chapter dealing with the buman tragedy of Rose and Ted Bates, Mrù. Berton wrote - "Tt belies the attitude in those days bypically beld by men of Prime inister R.B. Bennett's caliber - and, indeed, is still hcid in some quarter s - that welfare would weaken human initiative and produce a generation of sloths feeding from the public trough. Today, we bave thousands of men aud wornen and 43,000 children ahl on welfare, wbo are there because of conditions over which they have no control. 0f course, we do bave somte people who cheat on welfar. These days, the welfare cheats are fine --'dder for "Letters to the Editor" V-ýîd nuinerous newspaper beadliles. 1 along with rnany others, do not appreciate people takiuig-advantage of a system designed te help those ineed. At the same lime, 1 do not appreciate ail the other cheats" cither. I do flot like those people who cheat on theiricorne tax - or the business man who 'collects" receipts in order to pay less icorne tax - or the p hony receipts that are passed in order to dodge paying the correct amount of sales tax< - or those that offer services that quote two prices, the officiai one with a receipt, or the tax dodge way of doing business - no receipts, just cash. Tis type of cbeating, aiso costs each of us more. The services we demand, like new schools and education, health-care, roads, trais, safety in our lives, ail cost each of us dearly. 1 think everyone shouid begin ta look around before they cast ail the stones at weifare cheaters. The World needs more mn ... w/w do flot have a price at which they can be bought. w/w do not borrowfrom integrity to pay for expediency. whose handshake is an ironclad contract. who are not afraid of risk. who have opinions instead of prejudices. w/w are as honesi in small matters as they are in large ones. w/wse ambitions are big enough Io include others. who know how to win withgrace and lose with dignily. _, w/w do not believe that shrewdness and cunning and ruthlessness are the three keys Io success. who stili have friends they made twenty years ago. w/w are not afraid to go against the grain o popular opinions and do flot believe'in "consensus." who are occasionally wrong and always willing to admit it. Cails for reinstatement of Qucen in police oath The Northumberland NDP Association is calling upon the Solicitor General to retract the new oath for police officers wbich no w requires a pledge of allegiance to Canada rather dha the Queen. The association suggest a new oath pledgmng aliegiance to Canada, the constitution and the Queen. Wild Day, a spokesman for the NDP association states it is an ideal solution. new resfiential A public meeting was beld Monday in accordance to the planning act concerning an application for rezoning of lands on the lakefront to aliow the construction of a single-family dwelling. The applicant John Wallace of Bowmanviile had been a permanent resident of the area until bis home bad been darnaged by fire in early 1991. Wallace said rather than renovate the bouse it was more practical to build a new home on the lakefront lot and thus sought the rezoning of the property. It was noted in the planning report that the lands are designated as Open Space in the Regional Officiai Plan. It was also pointed out that the officiai plan calis for a waterfront deveiopment plan prior to any deveiopment can be carried out. Such a plan bas yet to be undertaken and the report states Paint and chemical collection in June Northumberland County bas finalized plans for its first collection of old paints and chemicals that bave been coilecting around the home. 'Me collection is to take place of June lst. It is a one- day event for bazardous waste collection. Paul Quantrili hot on the mound Paul Quantrili pitcbing for the New Britain Red'Sox of the AA Eastern baseball league lias pitcbed 22 innings in the tbree ganes this year giving up oniy one mun. Quantrill's fatber and grandfatber pitcbed for teaxns out of Kendal in the past. Specialty Paper exporting to the U.S. 1Specialty Paper Products Liniited, formerly of Bowrnanviile, now of Ajax has met success in exporting their product hune to the United States. Since January the company exports to four states their, product of specialized envelopes and foiders for the medicai market. 623-0351 building at Bowmanville bcach the designation is one for recreation. In comments the planning departmnent states that the subject iands are proposed to be designated Open Space i the Port Darlington Secondary plan and that it was the itent of the Town to acquire lands in th area for parkland purposes. "The erection of new permanent dwellings wouid be contrary to the goals of the Port Dariington Secondary plan", stated the report. It was aiso stated that the lands are subject to flooding. 'It may be inappropriate to entrencli residential uses along the West Beacb Road," stated tbe report. Council members did ask questions of the applicant, Wallace, referring to erosion, flooding, road aliowance and property bounds. Counc. Stapleton iu bis questioning asked Wallace if be would entertain an offer for tbe lands to which he received an affirmative answer., Council passed a resolution taking furtber debate of the application to an incarera session followiug the regular meeting. THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD 0F EDUCATION ADDITION and RENOVATIONS BALTIMORE PUBLIC SOHOOL CHAPEL STREET VILLAGE 0F BALTIMORE, ONTARIO Sealed Tenders on a Stipulated Sum basis, enclosed in an opaque envelope plainly marked as ta contents, Tender for Addition and Renovations, Baltimore Public School, Chapel Street, Village of Baltimore, Ontario, project #89-38, and addressed to Mr. John Stecyk, Controller of Plant, wilI be received until 2:00 p.m. local time: MONDAY. JUNE 10. 1991 at the office of the Northumberland/Newcastle Board of Education, 834 D'Arcy St., Cobourg, Ontario, K9A 4L2. Separate sealed tenders for Mechanical and Electrical sub- contractors wilI be received by the D urham Bld Depository until 2:00 local time, THURSDAY, JUNE 6,1991. Tender documents may be obtained <by General Oontractors only) from the office of David A. G. Milîs Associates Ltd. Architects, 57 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa, Ontario Li H 4G4 (416) 579-6911, on or after May 15, 1991, upon deposit of a certif led cheque in the amount of $200.00 per set, made payable to the Architect. Tender documents will belon display at the Peterborough, Durham, Toronto and Quinte Construction Associations. General contractor tenders must be submitted on the Tender Form included in the Tender Documents and must be accompanied by a Bld Bond in the amount of 10% and by Agreement ta Bond for a 50% Performance Bond and a 50% Labour & Material Payment Bond. Lowest or any tender flot necessarily accepted. R. Spooner Chairperson of the Board Announce Our R.T. Malowney Director of Education .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... (The Stable - at The Vanstone Mill) 623-0409 A Wide Array of Craft Supplies BOWMANVILLE ...W..V.% .%... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fFrs t 4îniversary Sate MAY 15 to 18 wt! 9any Speciafs including 50% OFF Selected Wedding Gowns 'W4e 'kouû( Love T% See 9'ou' The VANSTONE MILL SCUGOG and KING ST. Y ----J p .ýýA-AJL )w