Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday,. May S,,1991-13 Clarke High School Orono artists exhibit at Visual Arts Centre "Tihe Future Starts Here" From the Principal This week is an excellent time for the community to see another aspect of education at Clarke Higli School. Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 8:00 p.m. the Clarke High School Draina Club is presenting "The Enchanted" directed by John Amesbury. This fantasy-comedy is concerned with the conflict between fantasy and reality. Come and find out what makes life really worth living and at the sane ie re support our local students. SThis past weekend six students froni Clarke High School were the guests of the Rotary sponsored Camp Enterprise. This experience includes, a weekend at Trent University and involves the students i workshops and seminars focusing on entrepreneurship and business. This weekend combines pleasure with business. Students and workshop leaders take part in leisure and social activities. The feedback received from students indicates that this was a very worthwhile experience. Thanks and thanks again to the Rotary Club for this wonderful opportunity. Clarke Co-opers Say Thank You! May Day was marked this year at Clarke High School with a celebration of ail the fine work accomplished by its Co-operative Education employers and the students which they employ. Approximnately one hundred and forty employers, students, dignitaries and teachers enjoyed a continental breakfast together between 7:30 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. with lots of coffee, conversation, and laughter. The purpose behind the hosting of the breakfast is to thank all those employers who have contributed so much to the education of our young people. Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education officiaIs are also given opportunity to express their appreciation. Mr. Dick Malowney, the Director of Education for the board, andi Mrs. Delibie Nowlan, one of our area trustees, spoke on behaîf of the board, and Mr. Hugh Hublis, Principal of Clarke High School brought greetings to the assemableti CT owd on behaif of the school. The attendance of oui local MP, Mr. Ross, Stevenson, was appreciated. Master of Ceremonies, co-operative education student Craig French did an excellent job in keeping the programme running smroothly. Presentations in the form of plaques, date stickers, pens andi Co-operative Education mugs were made to the employers by Mrs. Gail MacKenzie and Mrs. Jennifler Keamns. Student Services '*Skills O.K." is the naine given to the programme promoting college course and careers in Trades andi Technology.- In the morning on May 15, members of the Technology departinent of Durhamu College will bcli at Clarke High School. There will lie an introduction by the Dean, a short film and displays on different courses and careers. Parents are welcome to attend. Please call Cathy Zeldbin in S-tudent Services for fuither information. coming avoLs May 9, 10, il School Play - "The Enchanted" Monday, May 20th Victoria Day Holiday Wednesday, Mfay 29th Bandi Banquet Wednesday, lune Sth Athletic Banquet FrldY, lune l4th Last Day of Classes Monday, june l7th Exarus Begin Friday, lune 28th Final Report Card Pick-Up Maralynn Cherry and Tony Cooper: Interface with Nature, will be exhibiting their works of art at the Visual Arts Centre, Sunday, May 12 - Saturday, lune 1. Opening Sunday, May 12, hours are 2 - 4 p.m. This exhibition is part of the Focus on Landscape series a joint promotion by the Robert McLaughlin Gallery and the Visual Arts Centre. Cherrys work involves the viewer in an active reading of nature. Through the use of mixed media she Ideals with subjects relating to the wilderness, botanical illustration, garden imagery and scientific exploration. As a native of Oshawa, she graduated from Central Collegiate and the Ontario College of Art. Since graduating, Cherry has been a practicing artist living in British Columbia and Toronto. She has studied East Asian Philosophy at U of T as well as Chinese brush painting and Japanese Block Printing. Tony Cooper is a multi-media artist who combines disparate elements into grids and arrays in order to set up comparisons and stimulate thought about the interconnection of things. Cooper's work combines two dimensional pieces with relief constructions in cernent metal, glass, wood and stone. The subject matter ranges from pure abstraction to body images, the wilderness and the urban core. Tony cooper is a graduate of the Ontario College of Art exhibiting in solo shows in Toronto and Montreal. He recently completed an artist in residence and solo exhibit as part of the xerox project at Visual Arts Ontario. Roth artists will lie in attendance at the opening. 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