~9 3 Display of imported wares at local show Joanne and wendy Boothman of Hall Home Show on Saturday. alTiveCi Irom kEngland. the Kendal area had a fme display The stoneware is imported from An interesting additionto die local of imported stoneware and garden Portugal, while the Crushed event. appointments at the annual Town Limestone Garden appointmnents Iniia rpot n akfrntTrail, vo oli de i in mi wi wi passing through Newcastle With thousands of hours of well as another 200 GM employees volunteers showing up olunteer labour from young and including the President of GM, the week and 25 to 60<c Id, work is progressing in the George Peebles, hi s wife and family ends. ývelopment of the General Motors and other officers of the company. He said on the part 4cLaughlin Ray Wildlife Reserve Richards states that it was end when the scouti i the south-east corner of the City appropriate that Saturday was the attended the presic r Oshawa. beginning of Arbor Week and that president and executih In speakdng with Jim Richards the scouting group plaxted some not only cleaned-up t] f Orono and environm-entai land 10,000 trees while the GM also turned their skills anagement co-ordinator for the employees backed by their 1200 hot dogs and chl [cLaughlin Bay project he said on committee, Cleansweep, cleaned up volunteering. aturday, April 27th the 150 acre the area right to the lake piling up In looking at the ildlife reserve was alive with tonnes of debris and garbage that Richards expects the pl olunteers. The volunteers included had accumulated over the years. planting to be over in th 80 scouts, cubs and beavers along "It's a seven day a week job", to four year when then ih their leaders and parents as states Richards with at least some take over for the future. The present tree daily during on the week- ticular week- ting groups dent, vice- Ie members the area but lspreparing ips for those long-term planning and he next three nnature will eplanting Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, May 8, 1991-15 include-s some 7 secies but it is the intent to plant perhaps 300) pcil Apartments for over the next few years which wiII single inl Whitby also include shrubs. The emphasis of the plantings The provincial goverfiment is are flot only those for wildlife but funding 84 new apartments for also to provide color for the singles with special needs in différent seasons as well as smell. Whitby. Already over 2400 shrubs have been planted. Both trees and shrubs The, project is being promoted by are either purchased from a nursery the Durham Region Non-Profit or salvaged from areas where Housing Corporation. The project is construction is to be undertaken. "If to cost $9.4 million. 0f the 82 we can move them we wiîî move apartments 42 will bc rent geared to thema, said Richards. income with the remaining When asked about a seven-day apartment rents being set at market week Richard said, "I don't mmd rental rates. at aIl . . .it is an extension of my life'. M : w vasife ONTA RIO PRESLNTS WA LK-A-BLOCK COME JOIN US IN A WALI< FOR FUN AND FITNESS. THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE COUNCIL AND EMPLOYEES INVITE YOU TO THE WALK-A-BLOCK EVENT IN SUPPORT 0F CANADA'S FITNESS WEEK. DATE: TIME.- PLACE: THNNC OMMOUITOSRCESDPRMENTI SPIRIT WILL SHINE! ~-4 WEDNESDAY, MAY 29 11:30 AM. MUNICIPAL ADMINISTrRATION CENTRE (TOWN HALL> NOTICE 0F A ERIAL SPRAYI NG 1991 Gypsy Math Contrai Progra'm As part of the Ministry of Natural Resources' ongoing programn to regenerate and protect aur forests, Lindsay Area Office will be aerial spraying the biological insecticide, Bacillus thuringiensis, Bt (Dipel 132, Pest Contrai Product #17954) on selected areas in Victoria, Peterborough, and Northumberland counties to control gypsy moth, beginning an or about May 205 1991. Furt her details about the pragram, including specific locations, are available from the Ministry of Natural Resources at the address isted below. Ministry of Natural Resources Lindlsay Area Office 322 Kent Street Lindsay, Ontario K9V 4T7, Tel: (705) 324-6121 O M;nistry of Natural UV ~Resources Ontario