JuIy 1968 Although there is a nation-wide postal strike, the Orono Post Office remains open as does other Post Offices in similar circumnstances. Vandalism at the Orono Fair Grounds is causing concern to the point where action is to be taken. Mr. George Carson, Fair Manager, reporîed a number of acts which are becoming mosi aggravating. Miss Edra Best of Toronto visited in Orono on Saturday. Mrs. Gordon Simpson of Orono graduated on June 2lst as a Registered Nursing Assistant from the Ross Memorial hospital in Lindsay. Mrs. Simpson attended the course in Lindsay during the 1967-1968 terni. The Chuckwagon Restaurant south of Orono on Highway 115 bas changed it service to the public to include drive in service. Opposition to the Orono $ 108,000 road project of stormn sewers, curbs and paving in the central portion of the Village, continues. With the hearing of the application again by the Ontario Municipal Board 10 be held on August isi, a group have organized to oppose application. The group states the project will cosi the average tax payer a yearly sum of $38.00 for a five year period. They intend 10 canvass the entire village. S350 children enroîl in Orono swimming classes. 1Mr. and Mrs. Jack Arnott attended the Ottawa Valley Beekeepers meeting over the holiday weekend. Mr and Mrs. S. B. Rutherford leave Friday for Scotland where they are to spend thlrec weeks. Congratulations to John Duval who passed grade VIII exaxu in piano and to Karen Lowery who passed grade VII piano with First Class Honours. July 1978 A heavy rock concert is scheduled to be held at Mospori noflh of Orono, on August 26th. The proposed event is a one day event commencing at 10 a.m. and continuing until 10 p.m. Miss Lynu Lowery, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lowery, Orono, bas succeeded in passing the Royal College of Dental Surgeons examinations and is now a qualified Dental Hygienist. A presentation this week of $ 1000.00 from the Great Pune Ridge Kinettes puts the Orono Arena fund that much dloser t0 their objective. W. Gordon Watson 67 of Orono, Ontario has been elected District Deputy Grand Master of Durham District No. 42 of the Independent Order of Oddfellows. Trinity Anglican Church, Streetsville, Ontario was the setting on June 3rd, 1978 of the marriage of Ralph Stuart Bamnett, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Barnett, R. R. 1, Orono and Sara Jane (Sally) Wallcer, daughter of Mr. R. H. Walker and the late Mrs. Walker of Streetsville. The Orono Arena Management Committee in meeting with the Social Services Committee of the Town of Newcastle on Monday night stated that they intended to operate the new arena complex and cornmunity centre in Orono on a paying basis. The committee said that they would be operating' the arena in conjunction with the Orono Amateur Athletic Association. t was cake for everyone lasi week at the Orono public school when the students paid tribute for Mrs. Mary Bunting whio retires from the staff at the school and the teaching profession. Four grade 13 students ai Clarke High School have been awarded Ontario Scholarships having passed the year wiih a percentage of 80 per cent or more. The following received the awards: Cathy Tufford, Newcastle; Darlene Ellioti, Newtonville; Jeff de longe, Orono; and Veronica Ruegger, Newcastle. Helen Marie Hooey, Orono, graduated from Centennial College, Scarborough, lune l6îh, 1978 with a diploma for beung a Community Services Mental Retardation Counsellor. Joycelyn Kemp and Sandra Williams were presented with School Letters ai a brief ceremony ai Orono Public Sehool last week. Bill ]Bramah's Ontario The old Creer-,iore jail. Its fno quaffed too mnany. The boy ordinary jail. i tlflng mîIeg and hitched a ride with the man. 1 chuckles. its stiuat. It's jlust 20 it was laie he stayed over È feet long and 15 feet wide. In the and was returned to his hous( old days, three guests was a full next day. The boy is 110w a house. Tourists love it. Histoians year old who's alive and well love it. It stands proudly. It now living ini Creemore. should. Itsthie smallest jail on the By the late '30s, the jail continent. been abandoned and graduall) The litile jail blends right in into disrepair. A few years with the village itself. Located the Donnellys who had ai' where The Mad and The Noisy been conscious of it histoi Rivers meet (their real names), value, decided it shoulÉ people saunter along the block preserved. They approache long main street, browse around in Lions Club and the Councili The Gaggle of Geese and other ________ shops and boutiques, or perhaps FE SIAE jaywalk over to the venerable FRMETIMIE ATES Sovereign Hotel.CMETTERTS Arists are drawn to the village. One of thema is Harold Donnelly. r d' Harold and his wife Grace live across from the jail which hasnt COMPLETE done any real business in years.an Event in ils heyday it was usually limiîed to an occasional lone SPECIAL inebriate collecîed for an ovemighî AND F stay by the lone constable., The lasi lime it was used officially, il housed an eight year Telephone 623-6353 old boy, and a man who had y had Since night, se the ani 80 Il and Ihad [y feil ;ago, ýrays rical Il be ed the about the situation and it was agreed the jail should be restored. Today, it's quite a tourist attraction. The three small celis are fùrnished the way they were in the old days. Jusi simple amenities. The Donnellys are volunteer caretakers and had a couple of caps made up to say Ilwarden" on them. Visitors get quite a kick out of it. The jail is no Bastille, Milîhaven or Alcatraz. But t hbas distinction. hi bas style of it own. After all, it's the smallest litile siammer on the continent. SALLY STAPLES ASSOCIATE BROKER Re/Max Cornerstone Realty Ltd. t Ilsthe 'r"perierce 623.-6000 This immaculate backsplit features Walk-outs from both the Eat-in Kitchen and spacious family room, tour ê'bedrooms, 4 po. and 3 po. baths and double attached garage- $1 72,900 Spaclous Elegance This over 2300 sq.ft. Geranium -~home in Foster Creek Newcastle la situated on a prem;um lot .~ . Zbac king onto $205,o00 parkland. Country Cream %> tm - If. $1 84,900 This beautlfuiiy maintalned brick bun galow with fully tlnished Iower level on ai1 00'x220' treed lot ls Iocated just east of Newtonvllie, backlng onto woodland. DwinaRoom JUST LISTED! Three spaclous bedrooms, living Lovely three bedroom bungalow room fireplace, attached garage on over two acres wlth stream on 1.7 acre lot - an easy and woods ln the Village of commute! 0Orono. Great 3-bedroom semni on a deep lot ln central Bowmanville. $105,000 SUNDAY, M 'AY 12 2p. m. Il t p.m. 29 Tamblyn Road Take Hwy. 115 Exit at Tamblyn Rd. Watch for sign $294,900 Get Away From It Al ibis raised bungalow with brlght attractive rec room has a double paved drive and a 1I OOxi 50' lot .$1 39,900 A Jewel With A Pool Solii brick bungalow wmîn completely finished lowar level and lovely pool On a huge country lot. $1 69,000 Immnaculate 3 bedroom Ilink home close to schools ln west end of Bowmanville wlth finished lower level. Just $1 34,900 INSURANCE CLAIMS rzutobodg ltd. ECOLLISION REPAIRS JREFINISHING .IZING IN UNIBODY :RAME REPAIRS 163 Baseline Rd. E. Bowmanvilte WlIV TEACH YOU HOW TO THINK WHEN YOU DON'T HAVE TIME TO THINK. Young Dr-ivers teaches you thie most advanced emergency manieuvers of' any, drivin- course You'IIll lmlife- f savýing Ytechniques ________like brake-and-avoid anld threshold hraking", even hlow to avoid a rear-enld or ~$;~ - j ~ head-on collision. y ,.~> We prepare you Sfor the worst. Thaýt's what makes YOunIg Giteticae available. Drivers the best. ~yNext Class: Sat., May 18 < 4 weeks: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 pa.. Y.u ng9DriAvers of Caonada I 40etecilhYu onait/in haista pa aà 'utdivi iV'tt. 1 l each jiivou ta drive and siive>. Fnonar,/tin, 98 King St. W., Bowmnanville ca/lu at.623-7017 Illi MIN q1illiiiiiii ý"Il i! i î ýi il! il ii i>