I - I~'~' UNT PTiY! ~!tF'i~i' ~1!!I ~'N~T r~11NrU~IUUiTNIM ¶1h~5I&~ u..~.. ____I Rein g short-changed It would appear that the residents of Ontario who flot only finance the Ontario educational system but also dcpend on it to provide a docent education for their children are flot to have the opportunity to know just how the Ontario system stacks-up with other provinces in Canada. The Ontario Ministry of Education bas turned thumbs down on a standardizcd Canada-wide school testing plan for students 13 and 16 years of age, H-igh school age. The tests have been proposed by the Çouncil of Ministers of Education as a first attempt towards'collecting information on how the schools perform in relation to national standards. It appears that Ontario did agree to the national mathematics, reading and writing tests but bas turned that aside now, and decidcd not to take part. The Minister of Education for Ontario states there aie no, such thing as straight-up mathemnatics and that there are cultural implications in most standardized tests. It is intcrcsting that the contents of the tests bave not as yet been developed so Boyd, the Ontario inister, really bas nothing on which te passjudgement. Surely most provinces wouîd have cultural implications and British Columbia may have more concern than Ontario if these implications wcre of any magnitude. Thei Ontario Public School Boards Association bas neither*given or opposed the tests as thcy feel it is premature to do so. Somc in Ontario are calling Boyd's decision a smoke screen te covcr up the quality of education in Ontario. It is important that thc residents of Ontario know the quality of education for Ontario students and if, in fact, the cost is justificd. There is no reason Ontario cannot take part but there is no doubt that if tic Ontario Teachers' Federation, one of thc strongest unions in the country, bas opposcd thc tests the NDP will, in ail likelihood abide. The Federation waged a strong battlë for thc clection of thc NDP in thc last election as one would note through reading their publication prior te the election. The publication outlincd what action and work was expected from the membership. Let us not bc short-changed - let thc facts roll out. Not a hard decision The Town of Newcastle is faced wiUi the decision of a rezoning application te permit Uic building of a permanent resident on Uic beach at Uic lakefront in Port Darlington. The application cornes as thc resuit of a fire that bas destroyed a cottage which was being used as a permanent residence. It is interesting te note Uiat Uic area is designated in Uic Regional Officiai plan as Open Space suitabie for recreation.' Further it bas been Uic intent of the Town te continue with this designation and te purchase property in Uic area that does become available. On Monday thc General Purpose committee furtbcred their discussion of Uic application in an incarnera session, thc outcome yet te be made public. What choice does council have? If coundil is to hold to their plan of gaining property in thc area this may be Uic first opportunity to do so and by doing so commit Uicmselves te Uic plan of public recreationai devclopment atthe lakefront. If Uicy back-off and allow Uic rczoning and Uic construction of Uic residentiai home al will be lost for many years to corne. A straight forward dcci sion - noUing more. A delight to read and hear Wc took some dclight in hcaring and reading thc resuits of a recent poli conccrning Uic CBC, our national institution of Uic airway boUi radio and television. To read Uiat 77 percent of Canadiansa polied&answered YES to Uic question "Do you believe Uic CBC TV nctwork is a necessary institution in Canada, or not?", was to say Uic lcast, heartening. The CBC is ail too often Uic target of criticism and at times one wondcrs if it is appreciated Uroughout Uic country. We do take a pride in its offerings especialiy Uiat of its quality. Interesting Uiat in the regionai brcakdown those polled in Quebec answercd YES by ,84 percent, Uic highest mark in ail of Canada. There is hope for Uic CBC if Mulroney wouid just kccp bis hands off. Letter to the Editor Re: "Frorn Around Home" - May 1, 1991 Dear Roy: There are tinies when most of us feel that working for change is akin to "pullmng teeth". However, as you discovcred during a recent visit to the dentist, limes are a-changin'! We are beginning to learn that, like your rcplaced tooth, wc are dependent upon each other and we can support each other - from al sectors of society: business, governrnent, industry and individuals. It is flot enougb to place "blarne" for any of our Letter to the Editor Mr. Forrester: There 18 50 much a boy needs Thank you for the coverage of that Nis mom just can't handie and my son Shawn aftd hNs former Big Frank H-ooper was always there for Brother, Frank Hooper. Shawn when one of those times Nancy Scott gave me the photos arose. of Shawn and Fraffk.1 We need more Big Brothers and It was the best inove 1 ever made through the media as yourself, putting my boys ip the Big Brother coveriflg Big Brother events Association of Nëwcast1c. It is flot certainly lias helped the association. easy be 1ing a siligle parent and Again thank you for the photos. raising boys is nôo"1cic,! Haviipga Smcerely maie influence iii both my boys Ms. Barb Williams lives has helped se much. Letter to the Editorà Letter to Mayor and Council - Dated May 1, 1991. Your Worship ýnd Counciliors: 1 arn writing to bring to your attention a receplt incident that occurred at thc Clprke Museumn. On Sunday, April 21st, several members of thc. Kirby-United Church donated 25 spruce scedling trees for pianting on the museum grounds as part of Earth Day 1991. These trees were 8il approximatciy 6" - 8" tail and piianted in the north part of Uic museumn grounds aiong the ridgc Icading up to- ýand surrounding the museuni bill board sign. They were clearly visible even frorn a distance. On Tuesday, April 30th, the parks crew camne and mowed Uic grass in Uic north field and, 1 trust, accidentally destroyed ail 25 trees. As this was a special community project I arn requesting that the town replace the 15 spruce seedlings as soon as possible. Yours sincerely, Mark I. Jackman, Curator Letter to the Editor Distress Centre Durham receives on average 2-3 requests per week fromn people interested in volunteering on our lines. This bas neyer been sufficient to cover our phones adequatcly 24 hours a day. With the additional demnands that being Uic 911 non-emnergency backup will place on our service wc were really worried about bumning out our volunteers. The press coverage you provided concerning our problems on one sector alonte. Working together is far more useful and effective. You will sec a wonderful example of tbis kind of co- operative effort at the upcorning ENVIRONMENT FAIR bcing held at the Bowmanville Recreation Complex on Sunday, May 26 (10 a.m. to 5 p.m.). Co-sponsored by Environrnent Canada, Uic Town of Newcastle and local environment organizations (Comiittec of Clarke Constituents, No Ganaraska Dump Commitîce, Port Granby-Newcastle Enviroximent Committee and, SAGA - Save the Ganaraska Again), this Heritage Week/National Environment Week Event promises to be educational, cntertaining and fun for cveryone! Admission to THE ENVIRONMENT FAIR is free, there are door prizes and some unique entertainmnent. A wide range of intercsting exhibitors and workshops will provide visitors with products and -information whicb will help each of us take action to "BE AN EARTH HELPER." Roy, you have generated an interesting thouglit process - instead of trying to "pull teeth" let's work together with our "neighibours" to support a common objective - a sustainable future. We have begun Uis process in our efforts to "take a bite" out of Uic huge quantities of garbage we generate, but a forum sucn as THE ENVIRONMENT FAIR wiil give us more ideas - and we can bave a good tirne, too! predicament touched the hearts and minds of over eighty terrific people who will soon be saying, "Distress Centre; Cati I help you?" at al hours of Uic day and night. On behalf of Uic thousands of distressed people who need us thank you. By publishing your article you have truly helpedtUic conumunity and, possibly, saved a Mie. Sincerely, Nancy Mutch Executive Director Roy, many of us know that you have donc more than your bit in rnany ways, and I encourage you to continue. Learning new things neyer ends., Thanks for your kind Uioughts li "From Around Home". I was most flattered that a visit to Uic dentist reminded you of me! Sincerely, (Mrs.) Helen MacDonald "!Fair Wth Flair" for LAIES $and G<ENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 St. Saviour 's Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. Douglas Hall 987-4745 SL]NDAY SERVICE andi SUNDAY SCHOO0L 9:30 a. m. ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE Rev. Fred . Milnes ! 983-5208 ? Marlene Rlsebrough. Secretaiy Sunday, May 12, 1991 Family Sunday Mother's Day - Baptism- Kirby United Church Morning Worship at 9:30 a.rn. Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. Orono United Church Morning Worship at il a.m. Sunday School at il a.m. Thnrsday, May 9th Kirby Congregational Board Orono Congregational Board Meet at 7:30 p. Orono United Church Orono/Kirby Pastoral 1Charge Officiai Board Meets 8:30 p.m. Orono Uited Church 12 -Gifts - Cards by Carlton f&çmember th'e moments with Film and Photo Supplies by Kodak and Polaroid ORONO, ONTARIO 983-5009