Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, May 8, 1991-3 Happy 3O0th Tom Pot Pourrie This spring we had been patiently awaiting the breaking through the soil in the backyard flower garden our tulips, hyacintbs, daffodils and narcissus. It just neyer happened and as such we were deprived of the colour of spring they would have brought. We had thought that it just had to be a bad year for the spring bulbs to sprout and for some reason or other they had been donc-i,. But on our way to work others had not experienced the same probiem for those spring colours have been most evident. Late last week it frnally dawned on us that it was flot an act of nature in the over-winterîng of the bulbs but that in fact 1 had dug the buibs up eariy last summer with the ithrf of replanting them in the fal. Iwas a great assortment of bttlbs and bulblets numbering sormewhere between 700 and 800. It could have been a great show tiis year and more to corne from the bulblets i the future. It was ail in the storage for drying that nature did take over with the squirrels niaking off with ail but somne dozen bulbs and they were half eaten. .We wilbe inthe market thisfall for bulb purcbasing for that part of sprig was maissed this year. Bill Bunting and 1 departed from the birding hot spots over the past week-end and istead tripped off to the Ganaraska to revisit some of the trails and haunts of a number of years ago. Spring appears to have advanced somnewhat earlier in the forest area than along the lakefront but this is not surprising. In the wiidflower department blood roots with their white flowers had finished blooming witb trilliums just coming into bioomn along with the yeiiow fiowered trout liles putting on their spring show. We were treated to the full, drooping white flower cluster bloom of the Juneberry bushes and a tree in different locations in the forest. They surely stand out for the bloom does appear before the leaves corne out. The fruit of these trees being ripe in June are a delicacy for both humans and birds. The birds generally win out over hurnans in gettig to the fruit first. They make excellent jams and jellies. It seems that no trip is ever complete without coming in contact with some birds and again it was the case on Sunday. Brown Thrashers have been quite active of late travelling through the shrubbery along the, road side. We saw themn last week at Presquile and again in the Ganaraska this past Sunday. Being on foot we were able to take full advantage of the sighting and on one occasion a Thrasher flew up into a tree to give out with his multitude of cails, songs and whatever. 1 do not know of another bird tbhat can cone up with s0 many sounds, cals and songs as can the Brown Thrasher. It is an experience to catch themi in full swing with their vocals. A raspy song fromn a white birch resulted in a sighting of a Black Tbroated Green Warbler and we did catch a glimpse of a Blue Bird south of the forest. Next week iti hoped that we can report the return of the shorebirds wbich is an annuai event for a couple of week-ends at Presquile Provincial Park which is one of the best birdig areas in the district. The shorebirds should be accompanied by some of the warblers. Comradeship We would like to mention that the Orono Town Hall seerns to set an atmosphere that whenever a group gets together comradeship comes to the forefront. Last Saturday the Board heid a Springfest and Home Show wbich This weekend was a busy one for the area. On Saturday, the Newtonville Pastorate held their annual Manse Auction at Newtonville. There was a smaller crowd than expected but as usual the auction of baked goods brougbt forth lots of bidding. On Saturday aftemnoon the W.I. had their bake sale at the hall i Kendal and i the evening tbey held their Penny Sale. I believe they would cati it a success. Sunday was a bright day and there was a fair turnout at Church. Following the cati to worship in place of the choir singing the Anthemn, a trio, Chad Switzer, Ron Phillips and Rev. Ransom sang a beautful song, from the song book, Songs for a Gospel People. Afterthe announcements the children resplendent in black robes with wbite collars sang, "Tell Me the Story of Jesus," they al looked so serious and sounded beautiful. Rev. Ransom talked to them about Peter, from the Aposties of Acts. 0f how the Apostles went out to tell the story of Jesus. When Peter went to sleep on the roof, he unfortunately was not that well attended. However for those who were there a comradesbip appeared to be most evident which would reniind one of former Saturdays and' Saturday night i dontown Orono. It was a time to visit and to meet friends. It could well be termed a comfortabie outing. The Town Hall is nearing its centennial celebration within a few years and perhaps il does just have that atmosphere to take one back into the past. Thats it for this week. had a dream, a big white sheep came to bim, when it was opened it was filled with food. Peter refused to eat the food because pork was in with the other food, this made it unclean for Jews as they cannot eat pork. God became angry with Peter and said the food He sent was cleansed by God, ail was equal, like the children sent to the world by God, ail are equal. Pastoral Prayers were said for the people of Bangledesh and for those who are ill. The Psalm Reading was fromn Psalm 98. The readings were Acts 10: 44-48; lJohn 5: 1-6; and Jobn 15: 9-17. The Hymin "Now there is no Male or Female" was sung. The sermon was titled, 'Included at the Cost of Excluding", Rev. Ransom told of how he is going through all his files, sorting out some of the things to take with him wben he nioves and what hie must discard. As lie checked themn over there are so many memories that hie must leave bebind, there is a cost to tbis when some tbings are included and somne are excluded. It is said, if we keep the Coninandments, God wiil love us. Jesus laid down bis life for us, these things contradict, the first includes some excludes others, it is bard to believe that Cod meant this to happen. Rev. Ransom toid of how bis littile boy was swinging a bat around bis head, he was wamned that hie could hit hiniseif and be hurt, a few days later that is just what happened. When hie camne in crying and said what had happened, Dad said, what did 1 tell you? Instead he realized that he should bave comforted the cbild. Greater love bas no man, tda he should lay Hlamilton Township garbage rate up During recent budget discussion the Township of Hamilton bas increased its garbage collection fée to $ 124.00 up from the former charge of $70,00. There is consideration in Hamilton to establish an incentive package to encourage the reduction of garbage. down bis life for bis friend. Even though that friend may hurt-you, you should stili be willing to do this. Peter said, ahl people are accepted in Christ, but there is a cost an expensive one, no one must be excluded. We must believe in Christ. Does this inclulde you or exclude you? 1The Service ended witb the singing of "Rise Up, O Saints of God." All songs were fromn the book, "Songs for the Gospel People." Dont forget tbere will be a Toy and Book Sale at the Church, Saturday, May i lth, starting at 1 p.mn, books for young and old. Sunday, Mayl2th, Baptism and Receivinig of new memnbers. The Official Board meeting will be held at Kendal on Monday, May 13th, 7:30 pin. Two birthday were celebrated, Jodie Peddar and Tommy Lucas, Happy Birthday boys! Plans are afoot for the annuai Picnic and for the baîl game between the church and the members of Orange Lodge. More news about these events as I get it. Restoration comxittee wiIl be holding a Bake Sale, May 241h and 251h. More news next week. Capsules of Wisdom: 'With al this rnoney floating around, inflation would be a wonderful tbing if it just weren't for the bigh prices.", Durham~ -BUILDING SUPPLIES .rHOMECARE BUILD)ING CENTRE. Store nHours Monday - Saturday 8:.00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Friday - 8:.00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. 28 Gauge 28 Gauge Pre-Paînted -.Galvanized Steel Steel $65.00 $48.00 perl100sq. tt.z Sperl100sqft. Corne in and apply for our new Durham Building Supply "GOLD CARD" A FREE $25.00 Gift Certif icate on approval of your new account. Durham Building Su PpIles- "ForAil Your Building Nes 164 Baseline Road, Bowmanville 623-6341