4-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, May 8 1991 First in competition Neil and Shelley Allin have have completed teir-Gold tests. the tests. Above Tanya Clemens donated a plaque which now Stephanie Hood and Andrea 'and Briar Ransberry, who have hangs in the Orono Arena Burnham, former Orono skaters, completd their tests display the recognizing those skaters who are încluded having completed plaque with Shelley Allin. Most tpopdskaters Dr. Marlene Spruyt wishes to announce that DR. DEBRA L. JEFFERSON M.D. CCPP. wiII be joining her practice at 87 Mill St. N. Newcastle, Ontario Li B 1 H8 By appointment only - 987-1896 C£9SE TIfGJSC-iýOOL 4~CLUI,' PRST(S THEE CANED -ùrA-'ý(K HIiGH-SCJfOOL AUIEOPRjIUM rCfKETES: $ 5.00 - PH-(OE: 98 7-4 771 Each year the Orono Figure Skating Club recognizes skaters that have improved most over the year i each level. The above skaters received awards following the annual skatinýg club carnival. Adam Colville, Senior; Michelle Moffat, Intermediate; Kari Francis, Canskate and ErYn McGlynn, Canskate. congratulations. Complet e Golcl Tests Adam and Kaiti Colville of the Orono Skating Club placed lst at a recent Scarboroughà skating competition in ipreliminarY Pairs. Congratulations to theý two skaters Thank you from the Orono Peewee Hockey Team The Orono Peewee Hockey team would like to tlank Mrs. Hammond and the Orono Times for all the great write ups over the past hockey season. The boys enjoyed a very successful season with a record of 60 wins, 1 loss, O0tdes. Three Peewee "A" Tournament Chamnpionships were captured, along withi the U.C.H.L. Peewee "A" Crown. The teamn, consisting- of goalie Jeff Goodmurphy; Jonathan Burnham; Frank Van O)verloop; Scott Ransberry; Grey Hammond; Allan Lacey; Mark Foster, Derek Arnold and Andrew Hansen are to be congratulated'for a very fine effort over the past year. Hopefully the boys have learned that when they work together the end resuit can be very rewarding. Once again, thank you Oronio Times, and wishing everyone a safe and happy sumimer. Orono Peewee Hockey Coaching Staff Check-mup.Tilme! Get your Lawn-Boy in top shape with Factory Authorized Lawn-Boy service. Here's what we do:1