Vol. 55, No. 15 ORONO, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 1991 Town Hall Board present pendulum clock Lest wcck the Orono Town Hall without missing a beat over the It was a job well done. Board rccognized the volunteer past six months. The Board prcsented David, work thaï David Chatterton had The restoration of the dlock has fittingly, with a penduluni dock done for tie board in the restoratien brought delight to most Orono complete with Westminster chimes. of the Orono Town Hall dlock and residents who now can depend on A deserving presentation and one hour bell which bas been operating the tixne showig on the dlock face. that was well appreciated. E.nvironâ%jmen,-.-utal F-air planned for Sunday, May 26th, Bowmanville, On Monday a déclaration was made by Mayor Hubbard and members of enviroumental groups as to Environment Week end, in particuler, an Environment Fair which promises te inform and educate visitors in a fun and entertainting atmosphere. The Pair is to recognize that information is Uic key to a heathier enviroment. Sponsored by E-nvironment Caniada, the Town of Newcastle and community environment organizations, Uic Environnent Falr is both a National Environment Week project and a special week for Uic Town's Heritage Week. The Enviromnent Fair with more than fifty exhibitors is being held i the Bowmanville Recreation Complex at Waverley Road and Highway No. 2, Bowmanville, on Sunday May 26th. The day-long event fromn 10 a.m to 5 Pm. is an activity the entire family can enjoy. 0f course admission is free and day care will also be provided free. There is something for everyone from musical entertainment by wandering minstrels, puppeteers and a special performance at 2:30 p.m. by the "Raging Grannies" singing their hilarious song of disrespect for the way things are. The Raging Grannies, in outrageous attire do present a .(Continued page 2) May 29th Participaction Day in Town of Newcastle The Town of Newcastle has 1 organized a participaction day event 1 being call ed "WaIk A Block" and te be held on Wednesday, May 29th. SThe ',Walk A Block" event is i recognition of the National Participaction Challenge Day programt and the Town of Newcastle is in competition with other communities within the Region of Durham. "Walk A Block" is bemng held i the Town of Bowmanville with a walk around the block, taking some fifteen minutes, on the momning of Wednesday, May 219th commencmng at 11:30 a.m. Those wishing to take part. and Minist',-rpirc Laidlaw app] The Environinental Assessment Board for the Ministry of the Environmnent has informed the Townof Newcastle that they have received from Laidlaw Waste Systems (Durham ) Ltd. an aplication for an amendment of its Provisional Certficate of Approval for the Laidlaw site in east Newcastle, Newtonville area. The proposed amnendment would allow the use of the site for an additional two years while an Environmental Assessment is prepared for a longer term expansion. T'ho letter to the Town notes that the proposed amendment has not been designated under the Environmental Assessment Act and thus may proceed to a public hearing under the Environmental Protection Act. A technical review is now underway with an antic'ipated completion date of Jane 30, 199 1. It everyone is invited, will meet at the Municipal Administrative Centre on Temperance Street in Bowmanville and proceed down to Main Street, then to Silver, up Silver to Wellington and east on .Wellington to then return to the Administrative Centre on Temrperance Street. Refreshments are to be served at the Admiistrative Centre., The Community Services departnient is urging schools, local businesses and individuals to take part i the challenge thus ringing up points for the Town in their challenge to other communities in the Region. 'c"sin11g Ic,%ýation IYJ is expected that a formal; submission will then be made to the Board-in July of 199 1. The letter points out that it is understood that a request has been made under the Consolidated Hearings Act by Laidlaw. The Board suggcsts they would have nio objection to a hearing date being' scheduled at this time to commence as soon as possible after July. Mayor Hubbard statcd that she had aiready written te the Ministry of the Enviroaiment regarding the issue but has neot heard fromi the Minister. "I will be writing again," she said. TMe Tovn lbas been opposig any move by Laidlaw who bas been seeking the neccssary approvals to further use of the existing landfill through infilling and ultimately approvai for a ncw enlarged landfill in an adjacent area to the cxisting landfill Site. It was a John James night fer raising event for the Durham nonoureu guest itiUa 4 LutL4&t. Uic federal Durham liberals last Liberal Association offering a In speaking te the gathering Friday evening in the Newcastle delicious dinner and Eugene John James reminded bis Hall when 150 attcinded ic event Weyland as guest speaker. The audience of UIic words of John F. te pay tribute te John James for speaker was as witty as ever. Kennedy - "it is net what your cight years as a M.P. for Durham Above Deug Meffatt, ceuntry cas de for you but what at Ottawa. from 1949 te 1957. president of the Durham you can do for your country,' The evenipg was also a fund Association presentes the Hppen i ngs.. TOWN HALL EUCURE RESULTS The Orono Town Hall euchre resuits for Wednesday, May th with 13~ tables in play were: High scores Don Thompson with 85;, Vi Hayward with 84; Alf Piggot with 80; H1ilda Caswell with 78; and Art Compton with 76. Low score was Lena Graham. Draw winners were Jean Allen; Helen Couroux; Marg Todd; Norma Moffat; Jean Jillison and Dora MacDonald. Euchre is held every Wednesday night beginning at 8 pan. Ladies please bring lunch. ORONO SR. CEES CARD PARTY RESULTS The Orono Sr. Cees had 6-1/2 tables of cards on May 9th. Winners were Aice- Hooey and Bernice Pantner tied with 66 and Edith Gordon with 59. Low Hîlda Caswell. Bingo prize Bernice Partner. Our last card party of the season on June 13 will follow a pot lunch dinner in the hall at 12 noon. "ROT NEWS" Co-op Mý,ember Night winner of the Patio Set was Mr. William Medwid of Bowmanville. STUDENT EMPLOYMENT CENTRE NOW OPEN The Bowmanville Employment Centre for Students is now open to help students fmnd employmnent and to service employers and homeowners seeking help throughout the sumrner. The office is located at 36A King St. E., in Bowmanville and will be open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday te Friday, (416) 623-9221. NOW ACCEPTING SUMMER CAMP REGISTRATIONS The YWCA is now accepting Surnmer Camp registrations for children ages 3-12 years. Sunmer Camps are being held i the Bownanville area at Vincent Massey Public School and the Orono area at the Orono Park. Ail camps are held on the weekly basis from July 2 through to August 30th. For more information or to register you may drop in at the YWCA office at 133 Churchi Street, Bowanvirille or phone 623-9922. 1