Happy Five 0 Keeping In Tune Even with thc bcst of intentions and best of plans anc neyer realy knows what to-marraw is about ta bring. A caIl on Friday evening re- arranged Saturday evcning with a trip ta Harwaod with Carman White and his Meltanes for a qenor's dance. It had been my aiýtentian ta catch Bermie Martin in action at Uic Town Hall but aftcr ail I do owc Carn a number of favours as Uicy relate ta music and Saturday was anc of those payoffs. Sanie daubts crossed my mind as ta being able ta bang in with Uic trumpet for a ful night of dancing.. After ail it had been some trne since that bas bappcncd or even a few notes at home periadically. There was Uic lip ta consider and silver plating on Uihans b ad turned black on quite a portion of Uic harn. The latter was easy ta overcame as aur granddaughter, Kelly, walkcd into Uic bouse and she owes me, a favour or two and ino doubt more. Anyways Uic boni was just a-sparkling cammng out of thc case in Harwoad. But Uerc was alsa Uic chare of frccing Uic slides and espccially Uic tuning lide whicb had become scized through thc months of neyer bcing used. Fortunately Uic problcmts wcre not insurmoumiable and wiUi a few limbcring-up exercises the lip seemcd ta be as rcady as it ever was gaing ta be. We fée]. wc did survive the night an d did a reasonable job on Uic boni. Somne of Uic credit must go ta what is new technology as far as I --9uId be conccrned. James ý,wery bas camne into p ossession of an elcctronic tuning gauge and through iis use reading Uic gauge of thc piano pitch and Uicn tuning each individual instrument ta Uic same reading anc gets truc pitches front ail instruments. It's arnazing how easy it is to play when everyone is itine and how much more enjoyable, ta hear the barmony parts comning through ail with the right pitch. Without such an instrument you will find many different opinions as ta whcther you are fiat or sharp. Weil the seniors did dance nigh anta one a.m. being a most appreciative crowd, another plus for the evening. On arriving at Harwood a plaque at the front of tic hall gave some history of the conimunity which was surveycd in 1844 and witb a rail lune from Cobourg ta Peterborough passing througli thc community in 1845. Apparently for a nuniber of years it prospered as a shipping point for iran are from Marmora, lumber and other smaller industries. But anather rail line fram Poart Hope ta Peterborough entercd Uic p icturc and was stiff competition for Uic Cobourg-Peterborough lune whicli then had problcms with a paorly cnginccred trussle bridge across Rice Lake that finally had toL be abandoned. With a drap in the lurnbcr business Uic shortened Cobourg-Harwaod rail line was closed in thc 1860s. It was apparent by bulletins and flycrs on Uic bulletin board that residents in the area want ta kccp Harwood a tourist centre only, bemng locatcd on the shores of Rice Lake. What about birds this week? One cas add a new splash of colour and sang with Uic return of Uic Northemn Orioles and Uic Rose- Brcasted Grosbeaks. They bath make their presence known by their sangs, cails and Uicy are bath colourful birds. 1Bill and 1 had haped ta catch some sighting of shorebirds at Presquile on Sunclay but it was not ta be. Uic case. Not anc shore bird Poem ,e 1 Loved You Enough ... For our teenagers ... Some day when my children are aid enough ta understand ic logic that motivates a parent, 1 will tell themn: I loved you enough ta ask where you were going, with whom, and what time you would be home. 1 loved you enough ta insist that you save your money and buy a bike for yaurself even Uiough we could afford ta buy one for you. I loved yau enough ta be sulent and let you discover that yaur new best friend was a crep. . 1 loved you enough ta make you take a Milky Way back ta the drugstore (with a bite out of it) and tell the clerk, "I stale this yesterday and want ta pay for it." I loved you enaugh ta stand over yau for two haurs whi le you cleaned yaur room, a job that would have taken me 15 minutes. I loved you enougb ta let yau sec anger, disappointuient and tears in my eyes. Children must learniUiat their parents arent perfect. I loved you enough ta let you assume Uic responsibility for your actions even whcn penalties wcrc ,s0 harsh they almost broke miy beart. But most of ail, I lavcd you enougb ta say NO whcn I knew you would bate me for it. Those wcrc Uic most difficuit battles of al. I' glad 1 won Uicm, because in Uic end you waon, too. (Authar unknown) Rcprinted - Defiancc Plant Ncwsletter was seen on Uic long stretcb of beach. The smallest of Uic sharebirds, knawn as pecps, must soan came through because Uiey spend but a_ few wceks in Uic far norUi ta raise their broad for the year and gcnerally, as we recali, are on their way south in August when once again they can be seen at Presquile. T'hat's it for naw. Orono Wee kly Times, Wednesday, May 15,1991-3 Ilappy,16th Carnec Love Tereza and Lisa What's New Roy's Window Sales VIDEO, RENTAL' DOWNTOWN ORONO For Your Convenience w-e now have MILK,BREAXD, POP9 CHIPS, FROZEN NOVELTIES, COLLECTOR CARDS K I Get a FREE Popsicle or Freezie with any Ds Nintendo or Childrens Movie Rentai May 15 to June 2