, , V Ll *,M~*L&*.t *LuI - Demnonstrates care of Affrican Violets Bertha Barries outlines many held in the basement of the Orono fips in Ioving care for African Unbited Church. Violets at the recent Orono The feature of the night was a HorticulturalSociety meeting spring flower show. IMORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. Established in 1881. Used Sales Safet Prop Mangar's Auto Centre COMPLETE REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES & MODELS 0F FOREIGN & DOMESTIC *CARS * VANS * BUSES * TRUCKS d CarOnStpho Rad Shop Original Muffier Shop ty Inspections Tow Service 983-513( pane & Natural Gas Brakes or Tune Ups 983-54W8 Bodyv & Paint Work Automotive parts 117 MIII St. Or<i Proprietor: M ike Mangar Lie, CL.A.B.Hl.NG.Sp.S6a.S6b. Insp. >no INSURANCE CLAIMS FREE E STIMATES COMPETITIVE RATES frred'ls autobodg Itd. COMPLETE COLLISION REPAIRS and REFINISHING SPECIALIZING IN UNIBODY AND FRAME REPAIRS 163 Baseline Rdl. E. ýone 623-6353 Bowmanville Telephi Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, May 22, 1991 Newtonville Alive (Continued from page 7) programme, b y Constable Bramma, Grade 5 teachers Gord Kribs and Grade 6 teachers, Anme Somers. A robust applause topped off the evening. Parents and V.I.P. students feit pride in resuits of the Programme. Congratulations to ail! Little Scoops... - Happy Anniversary, May 27 to Jimn and Susan Armstrong, as they are sure to receive lots of bugs from children, Jeremy, Shannon, Sarah and, Ryan. Congratulations! - Parents of Jr. Kindergarten children are invited to an Information Night at the school from 7 -8 pan. May 30. - Congratulations to Grade 7 Pines Students, Ryan Farrow and Chris Green of Newtonville for receiving fine honourable mentions in their science project "detergents" during the Science Fair. - Everyone is invited to the Newtonville United Church Anniversary Service this Sunday, May 26. Social time following. - Thank you to ail who contributed to Food Bank Sunday. May 19. - Results from the May 17th euchre party were: winners on the draw Marie Couroux (twice); Eric Hellyer; Betty Walsh and Rene Wright. Top scorers Jean Jillisen with 92; Dorothy Stubings with 80; Carl Todd with 79; Bill Graham with 78; Muriel Burtch with 77 and Charlie Finnie with 74. Ail welcome to the next Party, May 3 lst, Newtonvile Hall. - A lovely Baptismal Service was held at Newtonville U.C., May 1 21h. Those beig Baptized were from Newtonville: Brian Gregory Tabb,' son of David and Janice; Cassandra Joan Hollingsworth, daughter of Terryand Wendy; Wendy JohnAnn Hollingsworth received the sacrament of B3aptism and was Confmed., And from, Kendal: Tanner Steven Poster, son of Glen and Hope; Kayla Lynri Langstaff, daughter of Robert and Judy; Ryan Wesley Wood, son of Don and Tracey; Bradley Andrew Zealand, son of Gamet and Monique. Hope you had a wonderful long Victoria Day weekend! Lets keep in touch. Have a great week. 3rd Annual Public Forum Sponsored by Bowrnanville Concern For Life Wl TEACH YOU HOW TO THINK WHIN YOU DON'T HAVE TIME TO THINK. Young Drivers teaches you the most advanced emergency maneuvers of any driving course. Youl learn life- sving techniques i ie brake-and-avoid and threshold baking, even how to ~ e-- -avoid arear-end or head-on colision. We prepare you ~ ~ for the worst. That's ~ what makes Young Gîft certifieates availa b/e Drivers the best. INliht Glass~ telgTedy Ey2 S Tuesday andTrd aNlht or.4 Weeëks 'dQ-Imý Young Drivers of Canada OWe leach you more than how topaSs your driver's test. U0, Weteach you Io drive and survive. For more information 98 King St. W., Bowmanvile call us ai: 623-7017 PRE-ARANED AND PREPAID FUNERAL SERVICES AVAILABLEj 3-tfSN> DR. DEBRA ZENI Speaks on Dr. Zeni is President of Medical Staff at Georgetown and District Memorial Hospital. She has a general practice and is a member of CanadianPhysicians For Life. 7:30 p.m., Thursday, May 23rd 1991 Court Room #1 132 Church Street BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Above the Fire Hall Ail are welcome Speclal Music -- Refroshments Free Wili Offerlng to b. used for educational materl Af fordable Dream Vacations! " Free Vacation Planning Services* " Discount Cruises 0 Charter Vacations " Airline Tickets oHe i ymoofl Packages o Motel and Car Reseirati*ns PERSONAL& COAPORATE TRAVEIL SERVICES Travl AgntsInternational W'.e.with Fou ail the way 68 KING ST. E., BOWMANVILLE Over 3W0 Agencies in North America 623-6600