4-Oroeio WeekIy Times, Wednesday, May 22,- 1991 Arme of Green Gables at the Pin The Pines Senior Public Above is part of the cast cast after the curtain calîs were- School drama club presented following their presentation to the ready to discuss the play with recently two showmng of Anme of student body at the school. The their fellow students at the school. Green Gables. By the appearance of the Orono United Churcli on May I 8th, Spring had definitely sprung, wilih the gorgeous display of Spring flowers and houseplants. Ail of the members are to be congratulated for the excellent entries with Il exhibitors and 90 entries. The meeting opened with singing O'Canada, accompanied by Doreen Lowery. Cory De Jong, Vice President chaired the meeting due to Donna Huttons absence. Cory read a poemn by Helen Steiner Rice, titled, "Fulfiliment." It was about an apple blossomn brandi, very appropriate for this time of year. Yvonne Trafford gave the secretary's report and Adele McGill gave the treasury report. Isabelle Challice introduced our very special guest, who we are very lucky to have living in our area, Mrs. Bertha Ramnes, winner of the North American award of lier gladiola arrangement. Bertha specializes in everything she grows, Afican Violets, Gladiolas and Mumns. Her topic this eveniung was African Violets. Bertha first became interested ini African Violets 50 years ago, when lier landlady had received one a it ___ Prom Bertha we leamned how to' take cuttings, keep the leaves dlean and dry with a brush, water from the tap til the water drips out the boitom, cul off the sucker plants and how to transplant African Violets and to fertilize them, once a month at half the recommended strength of a higli phosphorous (middle) number. Every 6 months it is recommended to flush out the salt buildup with water and to tum the plant 1/4 turn every few days, and to keep it out of direct sunlight. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed listening to Bertha. Members had the opportunity to purchase some of lier African Violet beauties. They were snapped up ini no time. Lonna Atkins thanked Bertha for coming out and sharing lier knowledge of Afican Violets with US. Lorna Atkins showed the members slides from the district meeting and the 70th Anniversary. We alI enjoyed them. Our judges for the show were Lynn and David Harrison of Newcastle. Lynn gave a report on the beautiful show. There was a plant table with plants and accessories for sale. A delicious lunch was served by Eleanor Terrill, Peggy Blasclike, Ruth Andrews, Isabelle Trim. Thank you to all who donated prizes for the show. Mr. and Mrs. Hamm, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Robinson, Mrs. iiez Harris, Stutt's Pharmacy, Orono Garden Centre and Armstrong's L.G.a. Congratulations to the exhibitors who received special prizes in the show. 1) Best Arrangement in Decorative Section - Shelley Etmanskie; 2) Judge's Choice - Best in Show other than decorative - Lonna Atkins; 3) Most points in decorative section - Isabelle Challice; 4) Most punts in Entire Show - Isabelle Challice; 5) Most points in Tulip Classes - Lorna Atkins; 6) Most points ini Houseplants - miie 2egers. Spring Flower Show Igesuits Class 1 - Tulips Darwini Red: 1) Yvonne Trafford; 2) Lorpa Atkins; 3) Minnie Zegers Class 2 - Tulips Darwin Yellow: 1) Inez Harris; 2) Lorna Atkins; 3) Flora Sharpc Class 3 - Tulips Darwin Pink: 1) Inez Harris; 2) Elearnor Terrill Class 4 - Tnlips Darwin White; 1) iiez Harris Class 5 - Tulips Darwin Bi- colour:- 1) Lorna Atkins; 2) Isabelle Challice; 3) Flora Sharpe Class 6 - Tulips Parrot - One Colour or Bi-colour: 1) Flora Sharpe; 2) Iiez Harris; 3) Lomna Atkuns Class 7 - Tulips Double - One Colour or Bi-colour: 1),Lonna Atkuns Class 8 - Tulips - 3 ixed, One of Each Colour: 1) Loma Atkins; 2) Iiez Harris; 3) Eleanor Terrill Class 9 - Narcissus Daffodil Long Trumnpet: 1) Eleanor Terril Class 10 - Narcissus Short Cup: 1) Eleanor Terril Class 1l - Class 12 - Narcissus - Any other variety: 1) Shelley Etmanskie; 2) Munnie Zegers; 3) Eleanor Terrili Class 13 - Lily-of-the-Valley: 1) Eleanor Terrill; 2) Adele McGill; 3) Lorna Atkins; 4) DOreen Lowery ÇI15514'- nMa i foc gr-- ifrom bilb- 1) LoeaxxAtkhs' 2) Doreen Lowery; 3) Iiez Harris Class 14 - Any other flower grown from bulb: 1) Lorna Atkins; 2) Doreen Lowery; 3) Inez Harris Class 15 - Any other Spring Garden Flower: 1) Minnie Zegers; 2) IsabelleChallice; 3) Doreen Lowery Class 16 - One branch of flowering shrub or tree: 1) Donna Hutton; 2) Yvonne Trafford; 3) Lorna Atkins Class 17 - Lilacs: 1)Doreen Lowery; 2) Eleanor Teritl; 3) Isabelle Challice Section B - Houseplan ts Class 18 - Cactus: 1) Inez Harris; 2) Minnie Zegers; 3) Isabelle Challice Class 19 - Hanging Basket: 1) Minnie Zegers; 2) Isabelle Challice; 3) Doreen Lowery Class 20 - H-ouseplant FLowering: 1) Eleanor Ternili; 2) Shelley Etmanskie; 3) Minnie Zegers Class 21 - Pot-et-fleur: 1) Lonna Atkins; 2) Munnie Zegers; 3)5S«iElk BnsCk Class 22 - M',iniature Planit- 1) Munnie Zegers; 2) Isabelle Challice Section C - Decorative Class 23 - "Happy Bitthday to Us": 1) Shelley Etmanskie; 2) Isabelle Challice Class 24 - "Petite Performance": 1 ) Yvonne Trafford; 2) Isabelle Challice; 3) Lorna Atkins Class 25 - Anniversary Waltz: 1) Yvonne Trafford; 2) Isabelle Challice; 3) Lorna Atkins Class 26 - "Just For You": 1) Lomna Atkins; 2) Isabelle Challice; 3) Minnie Zegers Class 27 - A Toast to the Orono Horticultural Society: 1) Isabelle Chale; 2) Yvonne Trafford We're looking forward to the upcomning tour of Windatt's Nursery on June 27th. We meet at the churcli at 6:45. On July 27th we may tour Doug Lycett's day lillies. Our next show is August 8th. Hope to see you ail there. Shelley Etmansie Hooper's Jewellers 39 King Street West, Bowmanvlllo, Ont. 1 <416) 623-5747 DANNY HOOPER (CERTIFIED WATCHMAKER) Antique Pocket Watches & Modem Watch Repairing Ail work done by Swiss-Trained Watchmaker (W.O.S.T.E.P.) (Neuchatel, switzerland) Member of Canadian & American Watchmakers & Jewellers Assoc. Ail work guaranteed. Free Estimates. AGENTS FOR: Rolex SCardinal Seiko ý9Tudor Caravelle PIa Ç) Omega *;iusa %P euer LÂBulova 0 Ctzn Swatch XHoward Mille, Grandfather Ciocks 'êý6 Eagie Star Pocket Watches Largest Solection of Watches Anywhere D onbrget to attend ourW >le 'faCve CLOCK DISPLAY -:,SAÀTURDAYI MAY 25 9 a.m - 5 p.mh. featwfing, WHTYS EARL PASOE What's New Roy's Window Sales VUDEO RENTAL DOWNTOWN ORONO e ýT e Minu e f For Your Convenhence we now have MILK,BREAD, POP, CHIPS, FROZEN NOVELTIES, COLLECTOR CARDS KIDS: Get a FREE Popsicle or Freezie with any. Nintendo or Children's Movie Rentai May15 to June 2 Orono Horticulture Spring Flower show