"To be or flot ta be?" This is the question ta be answered corne June 17 at Council regarding the proposed "Newcastle Fanuly Resource Centre." The proposed centre would be located at the 17,000 sq. ft. indoor space in the building previously known as the Newcastle Multi-Care Centre, at Mill Street and 401. The Business Plan proposes that the praperty "will be designed ta hause a large child care facility offering extended hours, a health and wellness centre, a doctor's office, seniors' facility, a youth graup, family services and counselling services as well as community services. It is wheelchair accessible and it houses an elevator allawing easy access by' senior and disabled." In addition, the building has sufficient space ta make it a complete community resource centre and can include somne of the following . . . computer resource centre, gyxnnastics group, music program, drama program, educational tutoring, evening interest programs, crafts, hobbies, arts, faniily health resources and conununity care progranis. The building has indeed been sold. Plans, surveys and neighbourhood descriptions have been compiled inta an informative detailed booklet, no doubt ta be taken ta Council June 17 for discussion andi review by the Town with purchaser of the bùilding Kinrow Investinents. Persans also involved areý Debbie Nowlan of Newtonville, Praject Co-Ordinator;, Derek and Laurie Baird of Courtice, Lease Ca- Ordinators; and Madelaine Currelly of Port Hope, Daycare Ca- Ordinator. Something like this sounds terrific for the Village of Newcastle. With the growth in the Village and more yet ta corne, a centre for the people is sure ta generate excitement and community spirit. If you have any questions, contact Debbie Nowlan at 786- 2963. Little Scoops . (1-r) Chamber of Commerce President, Rod McAnthur, V.?. Roti - At a Newcastle Village & District Chamber of Commerce meeting helti at the Town Hall last Monday evening, matters of concern were addressed by Superintendent Dean Westbrook andi Sargeant Forget; the ultirnate goal ta maintain peace in the village andi ensure it remains a great place ta live. - Today, May 22, is the big day for Newcastle Public School students as they will be presenting their Spring Concert at the Town Hall. Seats wll go quickly, show starts at 7:00 p.m. - L ots of activities happening in the Village mhis weekend in honour of Heritage Week. Remember B.I.A. flea market happening Saturday from 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. on mhe Hamre with Durham Regional Westbrook and Staff Sargeant Ed Police Superintendent Dean1 Forget. groundiscf' the Town Hall. There will be a barbeque sponsoreti by the Lions Club on Sunday, caîl 987- 4822. Should be a super tiine - even the weathennan is suppose t t co- operatet - Remember the Enviromnent Fair coming up this Sunday, May 26, at the Bowmanville Recreation Complex. - Circle on our calendar - June Ist., There will be a Teddy Bear repair clinic at the Town Hall in, Newcastle from 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.mn. - Newcastle P.S. will be holding a kIndergarten information evening at the Lockhart Campus, Tuesday, June 4, at7:00 p.m. 1It's a short week after aur flrst official long weekend of the holiday season. We've got a whole wonderful sunimer abead of us. Hope you will caîl with your special happenings for this aur community colunin. The Shop APPLE BLOSSOM W&UMak.Ev.q'Ordef *CIr Main StrSetOrono 983-9155 YVONNE MAITLAND NOTICE The Durham Central Agricultural Society Is undertaking a building program which Includes new washroom facilities and a proposed new "Old MacDonalds Farm' building. Partial funding for the washroom has been provided by the Town of Newcastle. As a means of raising funds for the projeots, the D.C.A.S. wII be soliciting donations from the publie. Ail contributions wiIl be gratefully accepted and substantial donations will be recognized by the society. If you wlsh to contribute and are flot contacted by the D.C.AS. please contact one of the directors listed below. Don Rickard 623-7233 Tom Moffat 983-9843 Mark Stapleton 983-60981983-5244 ATTENTION: Business Owners, Sales Persons, Reai Estate and Insurance Agents Have you ever thought to yourself "Wouldn't lit be handy to have an office Just to complete this deal, Just for a couple of hours, or Just for a couple of days". Weil now it Is possible. Rent by the hour/dayany period. Office andi reception area, complote witi, Fax, Copier, Phone andi Furnishings. Cali or Fax for Details ROY'S WINDOIW S AL ES 5341 Main St., Orono LOB IMO Phone 416-983-9162 Fax 416-983-5607 MW RATID #11 For overail quality among hydmostafic lawn tractors, Lawn-Boy's LT12H has been rated #1 by a leading consumer testing publication. Powered by a 12-HP commercial-grade engine, the LT12H features an axle-mounted mower for a superior cut. Your Lawn-Boy dealer is ready to show you everything else that's helped the LT12H earn highest marks. j ZjghestarIs._ $2799 RO P HARDWARE--