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Orono Weekly Times, 29 May 1991, p. 13

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May 1943 The regular meeting of the Orono Womens Institute was held Friday last with the war work conimittee incharge. Mrs. Frank Hall was the convener and business was conducted by the new president, Mrs. W. W. Sherwin, after which a ten cent tea was served by the war worlc committee. Mrs. E. G. Gay and son, Toronto, are spending a few days with lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan. Frank Tamblyn, of the R.C.A.F. at Toronto, spent the weekend witli bis father, Mr. A. J. Tamblyn. He reports baving a grand Uie in that brandi of the armed forces. The Orono fish and Hunt Club is very grateful te Mr. A. W. Maguire of Calgary, an old Orono boy, the son of the late Mr. and Mis. Wm. Maguire who lived on the farmn now owned by M. Arthur Blewett, who sent along $ 10.00 as a donation to the club to help with the organization and of restocking Our streanis. The home of Mr. John Berry, Lot 31, concession 5, Clarke Townsbip, just north of Orono, was struck by lightning early Sunday morning, May 16, 1943 during the thunderstonm. On Saturday afternoon last the editor of the Times, while out fishing, saw a yellow fox, a young one, and was within fifty yards of it before the fox noticed him. It was tlhe 1 wr enid of Mr. M. rleiwins1'aî anid then scurried across tie old railroad tracks into Mvr. Thomas Cowan's farin. Miss Edra Best, Toronto, spent te weekend with her mother, Mrs. 1LJ. Best. Mi. W. C. Crossley bas accepted a position with tie Orono telephone Museumi (contlnued from page 12) Cultural industries are also the fourtli largest employer providing over 240,000 jobs. Canadian's commitment te cultural industries shows clearly at the door! Canadians buy more tickets te cultural institutions tham te al professional sporting events combined! Also more tha 1/3 of all tourists corne to Canada to partake of our cultural centres. Thie spin off to other related industries is immense. For every dollar earned by a cultural institution in Canada, another dollar is earned by restaurants, hotels manufacturers, and other cornmunity based retailers. Directly or indirectly, Canadian cultural facilities, including museums, contribute over $16 billion te Canadas economy every year. Se the next time you look at your community museum, look '--ond the size of Uie building, the ~Jetosand the programmes. Just as museums put events in their proper perspective, ,put YOUR museumi in its proper perspective. Yes, museums are vital for "YF'tage" what ever the final d&,__.ion may be for you! Mark 1. Jackman, Curator Company, lielping with the repair end of the business on dhe lines. Back Uic Attack Buy a Bond. Mi. C. T. Miller lias moved ic telephone offie across- Uic street in *his building, formnerly occupied by Cawker's Meat Market. *The regular mnonthly meeting of the Orono Horticultural Society will be lield in Uic Sunday school room of the Anglican churcli on Monday, May lth, at 8 o'clock. There will be slides on "A Perennial Garden". Everyone is welcomne. May 1953 With the final plans being completed in the coaching and managing of Bantani Basebaîl in Orono by the amateur Athletic association, boys can now ready their batting eye and throwing arm. Boys interested are asked te be presenit at Orono Park, 10:00 a.m. Saturday morning. Boys sliould be fifteen years and under, on or before Uic first day of May, 1953. The Orono Police Trustees have set thc Village rate of four mils for 1953 which is just haif of tbat of last years eight milîs. Don't forget thc Coronation Tea to be served this aftemnoon in St. Saviour's Parish Hall from 3:30 te 5:30. Also the W. A. are baving a display of old fashioned quilts, admission $.25. The basebaîl season openied in Orono on Tuesday evening on rather a sad note for Uic local squad who went down te defeat with Kendal taking awide edge in the il te 2 battle. Orono Public School concert and Operetta will be held in Orono Town Hall on Friday, May 9î *t at 8:15. Children accompahied by parents fréec, admission $.50, Mr. and Mrs. Junior West and son Steven of Peterborough spent dhe weekend with Mr. and Mrs..A. E. West. Tender Leaf tea bags =60 for $.75 - 15 free - at Arntstroflgs I.G.A. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ç-arman visited with friends in Catb9rm over the weekend. On Thursday evening May 7th, Orono High School attendled andý" the Peterborough Kiwanas Musical Festival. Orono High School placed third with 83 points for the main song, Linden Lea and 8 1 points for thle extra song. Paynes' Lunch Room is being closed to business this weekend and Mr. Payne basaccepted a position in the Ontario Training School for Boys, Bowmanville. Herb Duvali and Leroy Myles are taking a course in, television servicing in Toronto this week. Olav Kitchen entertained several littie-friends on Saturday aftemoon on the occasion of his third birthday. Mr. and MIrs. Egerton Hancock have retumed home after visiting their son Harold and family at Belleville and Glen and family at Warkworth. "Hair With Flair" for LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST - ITS EASY' ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. THINK SIG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. COMING EVENTS FRINGE on the tilie u flawa, une 1- 9. Thetre. music, dance. buskels. Vcît the Manotick Frînge Festival. Stay ut 1the OSawa estin. sf0 (613)692- 0548. 27, Arrnuai ANT(OUE SHOW & SALE dune 14, 15. 16. Frîdcy pnr lSpm Sat. & Sun. ISuin 5pn. Prne Edmard Curling Club iclon. Admission $2,25. Lunch Mu- isemun TELEGEND" fronNushville, Ten Lue ut Havelucl Country Musc Jamboree. Augut 16. 17. 18. 22 ho-,s uteitertuinment. Mre informtion. (75)785206 evgs. (705)'7783353 duys S Thaguuwnstee leeps uskrg about ynu. Colineons H1-i -eu eip you celebrulu the 17510 A oiesr Il -111ul14l-dl Luve.PErTH. l H,rELP WANTED positiOns un-lb (dneOcoer).Acomdain meuis onu train nro unalobie.Apply OEH LOOLGE RESORT. Huîîiburton. Onirrî 0M 100 (705)457' 2281. NEED EXTRA 00$C&M Gfs needoDemronstraturs ta seliloyýs and gcil aiutHome Fumes Nu nvelsmen orepeenerure.Eabsedumu. Culi today (59) 2ES 7r05. SALES HELP WANTED NEEDED EXFERIENCED flor ocuoring suIs prsun. stîongmngmetii ti- eornorther, Alberta decututing cenre. Reply. dîm AsEos. Modern Unted Cape. Peace Rve. AB. T85 1d3, 401(524-4286 *BE SUPER 9[CH« Ea- $250.000 PT. SS.000 PT ommison aret ourexuie 2 fl 1 musc bonIk Pruected Terrtotes anaiabl e. Fee 24 hour informaion ue. l.800-2E3-t900. CAREER TRAINING FR56E reergude Io hsme-study correspondance Dî "ocores Accoîutino. Arcusdîitionîvg, Eouvbepîng.Sujsîneýss. Csmetoiogy. Electlunîns LeguIMlfMedina ecearPsychology. ruvl. CGrastn (5A) 263 Adeluide West. ToutO. t-8009501972. LEARN AUCTIONEERING t tEe Sou lwstm Ontario Sebool of Auctineerîlg. Next clas d une 8- ur Au fietîo #5,. Wodstunv. Ontalîx NuS 7V9. (5t9) S37 2115 MORTGAGES MOOP1'AE MONY for any Purpose1 Pay oit yuur blî. red ru111"si Suaninle. Sorruw $1t.000. repuf $15irtnir!y.No quailyinq assels Cal itauîc FinaiaTuIF- 1-800-268-1429. DUT 0F TOWN PROPERTIES FROFERT1 iESTO BESSOLO for unpaid laves Clown, Lunrd avulabîlty Fnl information on solh wite. Frop- erties, DepI ON. Box 5380. S019 . FOttawu. F20 3dtl LIVESTDCK FOR SALE LLAMAS FOR SALE (LegeayOasfo Sale IV). 70 Ltamas beîng $0i8 by auctin. une 891, Wetemsn ExYposiion Fargrou,ds. Re0 Deer, Alberta. Caîl 403)2483-3148 for detaî,l. FOR SALE Atenion:FO'RD SUýFERCAR Ovnels 'F' Senes. Lit kit uaîfolbe ta aine leur seut. No drîf lng secessury. Annlube rt ganîviputîng Ford Dealers or cuif Caîmar t 8P0),1-786,7. YOUR D00 WONT STAY HOME! We S-ave ttle cure. Amauîng Electronîn devîce. ts Sumunre. tIlo-Irs. FREE delils! CAN.U K, RR#t, Bancroft, Onru, 1<OL 1CO. Fux )13)33ý2-t375. STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BILDINGS SE-RING CLEAROUJT - Dien troml the fc orf uonset 28030 $3216. Stinl-dIl 30,40 $rrt38. Or szes avuifuble- IONEER ECý ONOOFPAN 1 8L , -9 5422. (241-ours). BEET EULDNO RICES -Steel tuilmull Type -u gounse 32x48 SOSOSý; 40x84 $8188, 50x9E $14.8371 nron expanduble ena(s), olher sîes unalble - lîmîte steef Furugon-24 Hours t 800 263-94g99 STEEL BUILDINGS: A cheap Building ofte- o lfeui>iity, muy even c-1t mremney TEeaunsmer. Future Steef. Thousands ut people cent 5e wîong. CulI -800-C68 -,"3. PERSONAL WE DON T Wunt you ru move ugaîn. racebridge Villa R9etremepnt Luoge ofers a fort continuum of cre ax a-nque settng. Cantact Lndu SîhelI t 800 461- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES UNLIMITED INCOM F OTENTIAL. Manutucturrom seelîng Ontario dealers for dJUICEWORKS' , 1he angin new rs, (ice enxling machine. Cal Aion Asembilies t 800 485-5006 tom information panSage. EXTRA iNCOMEf 010w batwsîms in your basement or garage. Odorless oxeration. L0w însestment. Markset uranteed! Free information. EarfyIrd Eçofoci. R.R 81. Saife Ontario. LOR 2A0. (4t5)843-42B2. THE B3AT tat fis in t6e tinnisout uer car. Propeller reSpoalbout Dît btors seeoed in your area. lCM roup. 88775. 8130C 82 Ave.. Edmonton. AS. TSC 4d5 FLEA MARKETS SU-NDAýY FLEA MARKET, Smtbs Fufls. 65 Cornelia Sýtreet, Snt. eur founrra S3)283-8448. 150 isîde stil. vaers melcome. Lowest pries. Set selectio In 166 vulle,1y. CAL GE FLEA MARKET Open Saturdaps axa S3urdafas. Antiques. Cllectibies. Indoor and Ouldcor Verong Spuoce avalule. Caîf Calusugie (613)752- COTTAGES ODWNERS CODTTAGýE ONERegîsý,ter tuoay w tt uages UlmtxrentýI servce - lsting commercial ana priiateiy owried cottages fr seasonaf. munthili, wveeKlv rentaI. Free uwnemxspcasae FAX/Fnone (Et )284-000. HEALTH & BEAUTY LOSE EiH - Up, to 30 fas. in 3a Oxys - Lose Cellulite - No hungen.1Ilosi 24 lbs. v and 19, in 10 weelIs. Bum $$$ fr resuts. (41)760-3857, 271-6200. Orono Weekly Times. Wednesday. Ma4y 29.,1991-13 CH RIS(Div. of M.C. Equipmentý Carpet Cleaning ServicesI 34.91, Pr ofessionall St.aIèlan Ijvingroom iningroom -Scotchguard and Car Interior Steam Cleaning available -Stairs $1 .00 per step -Upholstering Cleaning For A Free Estimate Cali Osaw 76-à'-328 We Accept VISA COMPLETE CAR & TRUCK REPAIRS DIESEL ENGINES - CUMMINS, DETROIT & CAT RADIO DISPATCHED.TOW TRUCKS MOBILE MECHAN ICAL 'SERVICE TRUCK R.R. 1 ORONO.'ONTARIO 4 MILES NORTH OF 401 LOB 1MO ON HWY. 115 35 PH ONE (416) 983-9151 L ~MERVYN -B. KELLY LAW OFFICE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE - REASONABLt RATES MFree Initial Consultation 9 arn. - 5 p.m. 623.4444 Evening and Week-end Appointments Available Corner Church and Temperance Sts., Bowmanviîîe Tle CATERING, CONNECTION ON THE SPOT CATERING« Weddings - Anniversaries - AIl Banquets CH EESE TRAYS - MEAT PLATTERS - SALADS Fred & Patricia Storsbergen Orono 983-9679 Cali me to buy or sed _ Orono and area's real estate rep. KRYSTYNA JONES Tel: 983-9782, RE/MAX APPLE Tel: 576-31 1 1 JUST LISTED! Main St., Orono $1 34,900 -1 e-. e e Vour ad could appear in community newspapers in Ontario, or right across Canada,1 or any individual province. Space is Limited, so Cali This Newspaper Tody

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