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Orono Weekly Times, 29 May 1991, p. 8

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8-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, May 29, 1991 Angela's Country Creations Angelika "Geli" Balentin of Orono, wiUi "friends".. "Holy Cow!" is what one miglit exclaim whcn they enter Geli Baientin's in-home arts and crafts shop any day of Uic week ... Tis lady has talent. I have discovered, since moving to the country six years ago, that there are a lot of folkcs around who are gifted la many different "arty' and creative ways. Somectimes, ideas and results are quite similar, and somne quality outshincs others. After visiting "Angela's Country Creations," there 'is now a permanenit sensor built in the back of my braini, sbould I want something for my own home, or a gift that is going to bc totally unique and of Uic utmost quality. This i s whecre 1 will likely end up. The shop is packe d with quite an assortment of handcrafted items; everything from country cows - her chosen pet logo, to crocheted doilies, pillows, stuffcd little pigs, geese and more; hanging clown dolîs on woodcn swings, to baby blankets, wrcaths and exquisitc folk art. Ail can be personally designed la any colour the customner wishces. Geli and ber busband Hans, camne to Canada sixteen years ago from Germany. They have two' children, Roif 24, and Claudia 20. Now, this is homre in everyway. Angela's Country Creations opened January 16, 1990 . . . a dream corne truc for tins lady, for sure. 1Geli is there cvcry day from 9:00 la Uie morning until about 8 in Uic evening, and is always happy to show ber guests around, answer questions or accept speciai orders. To visit Angela's Country Creations, just drive along Taunton to Leskard Road, not far wcst of Hwy. 115. Go north on Leskard about a mile, and watch for Gelis country cow on.Uic right liard side of Uic road (or cail 983-5315). "It certainly was my pleasure 10 visi t with you Geli . .. Thank you! " Peggy Mullan Membership in Junior Gardeners hit 31 Issues stili unresolved Contract talks involving 540 uniformed Durham Police Officers stilî have a long way to go, says Police Association president, Dale Allan. Allan hopes to be able to set-up a series of meetings to resolve Uic issues with the Durham Regional Police Services Board. The issues under consideration- are benefit issues with wage issues yet to corne to ic table. Negotiations are also underway f.or 120 civilian mnembersof the Durham Regional Police. Deficit will be good for business Allan Pilkey, Minister of Industry, Trade and Technology, told members of the Ontario Chamaber of Commerce at their annual meeting in Peterborough that the provincial spending plan and recent budget will be good for, business and reduce the period of Uic downturn in Ontario. Pilkey said the additional spending on roads, transit systems and schools will create 70,000 jobs eventuaily. Radioactive waste found in transfer station Low level radioactive waste was found in thc Cavan Transfer Station in late April coming from Shield Source which manufactures tritium- activated exit signs. It was a so found that under Uic termns of its licence from AECB the firmi is allowed to dispose of "scheduled quantities" of radioactive waste in municipal wastc systeMS. Shields source dlaims Uic waste was depositcd at the Transfer Station in error. Purchase of Igloos approved The Town of Newcastlc has given final approval to Uic purchase of Igloos to replace recycling bins at Bowmanvillc, Hampton and Orono Public works yards. Others will bc placed at Enniskillcn Fire Hall, Mitchell Corners, Kendal and Ncwtonville. Funds in Uic amount of somne $26,000 have been approved for Uic purchase. French exchange program offered The Peterborough Victoria, Northumberland and Newcastle Separate School Board of Education is operatîng a summer excbange program to give students aged 12 to 16 a chance to live in Quebec and learu French. 1The exehange will take place July 2 to 27 with Frenchi spcaking children fromn Loretteville, Quebec. Info 742-3342. Cost of exchange $235.00. Shows interest in Taxpayers' Coalition Hope Township resident Charlie Weaver after hearing a presentationi by thc Ontario Taxpayers' Coalition is now attcnding more Hope- Township council meetings. Two members of thc Coalition rccently addrcsscd the Hope Township Ratepayers' Association stating Uicy want to sec more fiscal responsibility and accounitability. Membersbip is growing in the Coalition making it more respected throughout Uic province. Police officer demnoted A Durham Regional Police Sargeant who stole 170 Eric Lindros hockey cards from other officers and Uien sold some of Uiemn lias been reduced la rank to a First Class Constable for eight years. The Regional Deputy Chief said' ic actions of Sgt. Joe Catoul, a 22 year member of the force had embarrassed the force, fellow officers and Uic service clubs thjat supported Uic PLAY (Police, Law and Youth) card programn. Catoul, 50, pleaded guilty to, discreditable conduct under the Police Services Act on March 27 at an internai disciplinary bearing. Hamilton amalgamation killed The plan to amalgamate Cobourg and Hamilton Township is dead. in a surprise move recently, Hamilton Reeve Jack Avery presented a motion to bis council to end the amalgamation process inimediately. For the 30 or so members of the Hamilton Township Ratepayers' Association who were at the council session, the decision was welcomcd news. A provincial government official, though, who has worked on the Cobourg-Hamilton amalgamation was phlosophical when she learned that the plan had come to nothing. Meredith Beresford, chief of the municipal boundaries branch of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs noted they that led to the amalgamation talks in the first place still exist and something will still have to be donc about all the applications for subdivisions in thc southem part of the township. In an interview recently, Reeve Jack Avery said the main amalgamation issue Was thc need to supply water to the Crcighton Heigbrs area of Uic township, where wells have been contarminatcd by road sait. Amnalgamation would have resulted in the extension of Cobourg town services to the arca. Next step is annexation If amnalgamnation is not possible, Cobourg will appeal to the provinciai govemnment to reinstate its application to annex Hamhilton Township lands, town Dcputy Reeve Joan Chalovicli said recernly. On the heels of Hamilton council's decision to cancel thc amalgamnation process, Chalovich said Cobourg council will meet shortly to look at alternatives and plot a new course of action. Cobourg could ask the Ministry of Municipal Affairs to resurrect the town's application to annex parts of Uic township, she said. That annexation bid, filed prior to the start of the amalgamation process, involved thc area soutb of Dale Road. Hi! I's us again! The Orono Jr. Gardeners. Our group seems to bc constantiy growing! This month we had 31 children, isnr t dt exciting! We ccrtainly tbink so. Our 3 new members names wcre Robbie,, Hailie and Katherine. Wclcome! This ncw kind of roll cal was to be answered by a kind of veggic tbat Uiey would like to grow in their garden. Mrs. Zegers prcsentcd Uic fact that sorne pesticides harmn things in childrcn's life. We urge you to look into natural resources before calling up Uic pest killer for ani appoinument. Remember that wc should not kilt mraturesanid bugs! Weil here are a few that you cati kilI, cut worms are quile dangerous wo your hcal.ihy plants, if a cutworm gets to them, your sturdy plants will be a laid down mess! The cutworm geis under your plant and gnaws away at the base. killing and knocking it over. Then the little rascal pulls one stalk down in Uic ground and eau lut. How do you fmnd it? Well, you dig inx circles aroumd your fallen plant, and look for it. Whcn you do fmnd it, (you probably will) kill it, as fast as you can! If you do not kil it, it will certainly fmnd is way back to your Iovely flowers and vegetables. There is a shiny orange, a shiny brown and a grey kind of cutworm. For those who do not understand how to plant their popcorn, place the row at the back of the garden and tie seeds one foot aparr. Please get your garden ini soon. For June 8th ai il1:00 a.m. we are gomng t the Country Market. We are going to take our own lunch, and have a tour. AUl ibis "Ii take place weather providing. Till next trne, wbich is the l8tb, don't forget to bring wild flowers, grasses anid a 14 oz. cati or jar. This is Orono Jr. Gardeners, sayng goodbye! Orono Fire The following fire call was received by Uic Town of Newcastle Fire Department, Station 3, Orono on Saturday, May 25 at 8:05 p.m. till 8:23 p.m. when pumper 3 and tanker 3 respondcd ro a burning complaint at, Lot 23, Concession 7. THE FORUM RESTAURANT Steak and Seafood NOW OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK and for BREAKFAST DAILY I4e Just Love to Serve 9'ou 987-4226I Hwy. 115 Across from Clarke High SchoolI

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