i i m ,wlIl V va i1 Orono harness races, were well attended witb aone thousand paid admissions and one could easily add another five bundred spectators in the children and horsemen. Mr. jack Reid of Orono had three entries in the race. The greatest thrill came when Mr. Reid's horse, Worthy Fingo, came from behind the field of seven horses ta break tbe lead for the last quarter of a mile. However, true ta borse racing, Worthy Fingo broke within a hundred feet of the finish - she placed second. The engagement is announced of Betty Blanche, daugbter of the late Mvr. and Mrs. P. J. Chapinan to Orville Inwood, only son of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Chatterton of Orono. Decoration Service will be beld i the Orono Cemnetery on Sunday, June 28th at 2:00 pin. Dedication of the Lang Memorial Chapel will take place du ring the service. On Sunday, June tbe 7th, Orono Uited Cburcb Sunday School, observed its Anniversary Services. A unique feature of the days programt was the parade of the entire Sunday School througb the centre of the village, headed by the Orono B~and. Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rîckaby and Norman were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings, Miss Audrey Billings, Mr. and Mrs. Heber Souch, Mrs. Dorotby Bailey and Mary Lynn. Tbursday evening, June 11, the piano pupils of Mrs. W. E. C. Worksnan held their annual recital in the Sunday Scbool Auditorium of the Orono United Cburch. One feature of the evening was the presentation of Kelly Kirby Kindergarten Certificates ta Mary Lynn Bailey, Faye Nicholson, Ian McKenzie, Gamey Lycett, Janice Wilson, Johanne Parkhill, Ronald Richards and Dennis Tbompson. Miss Edna Goode entertained a group of girls at ber home last Saturday evening in bonour of Miss Eleanor Robinson and Miss Barbara Reid, wbo bave secured positions in Toronto, Eleanor with Toronto Hydro and Barbara with Bell Tlephone Co. It is expected that thîs week will produce tbe first signs of a new facility building witbin the limits of the village. This new factory is being built to boaise the Orono Wood Products which in March was practically left bomeless after a fire which com pletely destroyed the building which it occupied. Orono Public School Seniior roomn (Grades 6, 7, and 8) with their teacher, Miss Foster, Mrs. Rutherford as nurse and a number of mothers enjoyed a trip ta Niagara by-Garton Coach last Friday. On Wednesday of last week Orono Basebaîl team hit Kendal and left after nine iingiis the winners with a 12 ta 4 score. Comnish held the mound for Orono during the gamne and gave up onlly six hits and received seven strike auts. Orono's bitting for tie game was much improved with home runs going to R. West and Armstrong, also D. West came up with a double and a triple. me 1943 The June meeting of the Orono the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn on Monday evening, June 2lst, with over forty being present. Mr. Glen Tamblyn entertained with some very fine piano selections and Mr. Staples showed slides entitled, "Home in Canada from Coast ta Coast." Mr. Staples invîted the Society to their home for the July meeting. Mrs. J. E. Grady, Hamilton, spent- the weekend with ber mother, Mrs. C. G. Armstrong, returning home accompanied by Nancy Jamieson of Tixnmins, wbo also spent a few days in town. Jim Major while out fisbing one day recently caugbt a lamprey eel in the stream near H. Swancotts' farm. It is claimed that these eels will clean out the trout streams if they become plentiful. Always something ta diminish the trout supply. Col. J.C. Gamey bas completed bis special course at Guelph, and is now at home on a two week furlougb, before reportinig ta bis unit at Prince Rupert, B.C. On Saturday, June l9th, 1943, tbe Orono Boy Scouts will be around for the collection of salvage. The articles needed are: rags, metal, rubber tires, and tubes (no rubber boots), papers and magazines tied in bundies. No loase scrap paper will be collected, as it cannot be baled. Place salvage along die roadway wbere it could be easily picked up. The ladies of the North Group of Kirby W.A. and., kliss Mary Harris and friend, of (),n at the home of Mrs. Chas. Harris on Friday, June 11, and quilted a quilt. After completing the quilt, the hostess took th~e opportunity of welcoming the new bride, Mrs. Kennetb Henderson into their raidse by presenting her witb a bath and tea towel sbower. Mr, Calvin Hamm, who has been attending Western University at London, was successful in securing his B.A., Grade A. Congratulations. The Orono Times this week is unavoidably late, owing ta the power being off Tuesday.evenmng and Wednesday morning. Type cannot be set witbout power. Plans are now nearing completion for the sports day that will be beld in Orono on Monday, July 5th. Seven teams of softball are expected ta compete, four men's and three girls' teamns. The teams will be present from Orono, Newcastle, Bowmanville, Ajax, and other places. This Saturday, June 5tb will bc Navy League Tag Day in Canada. Taggers will be out ail day long in Orono and the residents of this district are asked ta give generously ta the Navy Leagùe. George Mercer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mercer, Kendal, suffered painful abrasions ta the, Ieft side of bis face on Sunday, May 30, wben bicycling through the Forestry Station at Orono.. On Tbursday evening of last week Mr. Harry Bailey, wbo had not been feeling well all day, consulted with his physician and few hours later was operated on for appendicitis at Bowmanville bospital. He is progressing nicely and expected to be home on Sunday. CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE IT'S FAST - IT'S EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. THiNKI BIG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. VACATIONS/RESORTS CABE t4SAVAILABLE for F6 Nght Riverboat crises on I soenstoTretEnerswaemsyor Rideau Canai GoL $635 p p Dbiacomdtn & meals. Caîl Otaria Watermay CroisesCilet (705)748-3666 SOUTH CAROLINE- The Mrte Beach Resort OceafrmntCCnda, HoosekeeOig Incioded lndoorOtdoor Pools, Whrlpools , Sunýas, Tennis3 Corts. Psfîg me Gl acaesRull.Free E Brochrm 1 800 448 563 COMING EVENTS Mac îsma'THE LEOýEND rom ahilTo 1-e t Haeloo Coatry IMoSiO JamnbornOAcgost 16, 17, 18 22 ho - t -entrtInment Mre inýfrmation. ID2BRO(THER Voeur room s filtîl e samp Come on Hjome aCnd h21 Se s eebaeunr !7-mhAnnivisary JulY E 14-21 Lo..- PERTH. ANTIGUEýS & CLECTIBLES Show&Saeprsenred bp 1e N peanMueu.dune 79, Nepeas Sportpleo. 1701 Worfe nneAdmsso ,Seirs$ Inomtin(13(723 79365 Miss r, HELP\WANTED NEEXR05$C& M Gfîs n,,ds Demoosî-r trst enporîeso rr, ý,red Bs-tablîshed comipanp Caîltoday SALES HELP WPANTEO 'BESUPR RCH ars52,000 PO T gso000 OPT commssio maretin ou excunîu 2101 msfc boue Frotcîa erît-is valuleFre24 hboum otormation CAREER TRAINING 1R U Coo gîe cb hi7uestudy correspondence Dîploa corsesAccoting, Arcnndtîoiing Boocheepns Bu me s ometologp, Elvtrc"s, Lega edîcl Seretay, Pycnuogy, Travel. Grantou (51263 deiiCo.e est Tronta, 1-800-9501972. LEARN AU)CTIONEEINOt the SouthwestornOnaî school of Autîooerng ent class lune 81 Inoraton [cntototowetrn Ontario 'chu I 0 Auîoe rîng, RR45 Woo dstock, Ontaro, N45 7V9 (519) 537 11$. APARTMENL:TCODOMIC,4NIUJM ManageIment lobs ManF lobs ueo Ibe. Lve-înîLue out. Al arean Fýre rocnure wrie RMT, 1801 -t1yonge S. Toronto Ontr MSE 1W7, 1-800-665-8339. MORTGAGES MORTOAGE MONBY for anp Purposel Puy off YOur hIls redît cardot Enumple: Borrow $10,000, repaF $195 monthly No quuifing hassels. Cit IntransicosnFnan 1TI Fen 1-800-268-1429. OUT 0F TOWN PROPERTIES PROPERTE TO BE SOLD for nrpaid taxes Crows Land avaîîability. Pr informaion on ýbts write Prop- ertîns, Dept CN, Boa 5380, S . Gtta K2C 33. FOR SALE IF YOUR ý-D WONT STAY HOME. Wy- have the aswer!irIs Amazing. lits Electronic, It wcrk "RÉE Datais: CAN.U.K. RR 1, Banicroft, Ont. <EL 1C' a (6121332-1375, HORSES FOR SALE MINIATURE HORSE SPRINO SALE. May 16 t,, J-n 30 AMHA/AMHR Registered YearIings Largo Discoants. Foundabon Farros, RR1 Hoiste,ntanoý NOG 2A0 Phone or Fax (519)334-3121. Resîdenc STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINSS Factory Dýilre - Prcs"" Inee be Iower 25' ,o-30 $ 1.599 sth enowalls 0we se uvailable PIONEER ECOýýNOSPAN 1 800 668 5422- (24 Hoars) BEST BUILDING PRIC'ES -Steel StratmaîLiType flot qaoset- 32x48 $5665 40x64 $8188;5, 50961.7 non-eopandaole endis). other sizes availabie -Iite steel- Paragon- 24 Hoars 1 6G0263-6499ý STEEL BUILDINGS: Sommer heiîobration" on Buildings fromt Futare Steel. Na gîmmi ks, lust soîrd value for poar money. Cal] 1-800-668-8653. BUILDINGS -Etrightwail -Savings 24o36xO1962 32x36xl2 $4,667; )40n452 $5.814, ncludes Sn3eetirg, Trim, & Steel Main Frames. Guonset builciirigs 0150 avaîlable. AIl -zoo available. CatI 1-800-668-4;36 (416)842 2100 RESORT FOR SALE LODGESwmin RESTAURANT. umaîllmotel, 9 cottages,, South ut Temagami, Excellent patential, $375K. For rnte a00 other Lodges cuit (416)854-0355. FA. KNECH Real Estate Ltd.,Bt ker PERSONAL ADOPTION -PREGNANT? rouv, marnid professional couple mishes tu provîde mooSerful homoe for infant. Wurking wîth gouerrn rlîcee agency. Cali colleci alter 4:OOpm 1416)771-0697, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Start Four own 10K JEWBLLERY BUSINESS for a 10te as $50. Fabulous designs, superS qualiy, exceîllent profits The Gold Discovery, 14335- 47 Aue.. Edmonton, T6H 0B9. (403)434-2550. UNLIMITED INCOME FOTENTIAL, Manufacturer rom ueeking Ontario dealors for 'JUICEWORKS" ,1te amazing oew freshjlace vending machine. Cati Acton Assemblies 1-800-465-5006 for information package. FLEA MAR~KETS SUNDAY FLEA MARKET, Smiths FaIts, 65 Conea Street, East, year ronoid (613) 263-8448 150 n dJe stalîs. Dealers moîcome Lowest Frices. best selecoon in the uailey. CALABOGIE FLEA MARKET Open Saturdays and SundaFs. Antiques, Collootîbles, Indoor and Dutdnor Vendîng Space avaîlable, Cuit Calabogie. (613)752- 2468. COTTAGES OWNERS COTTAGE OWNERS -Regîstor todap milS Cottages Untîmîted rentai servcea listing commercial ,id prîvately-owned cottages for seasoa.monithly, wnnklp rentais. Free owner's package. FaolPnone (613128,4 0400. Your ad could appear in community newspapers n Ontario, or right across Canada, or l any individual province. Space is Limited, so Calil This Newspaper Today! Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, luneS5, 1991-13. CH RIS <Div. of M.G. Equipment) Carpet Cleaning ServicesI 34.95 IProfessionall UiVingroomn Diningroom -Sootchguard and Car Interior Steam Cîeaning available -Stairs $1 .00 per step -Upholstering Gleaning For A Free Estimate Cail Oshawa 576-3328 We Accept VISA COMPLETE CAR & TRUCK REPAIRS DIESEL ENGINES - CUMMINS, DETROIT & CAT RADIO DISPATCHED TOW TRUCKS MOBILE MECHiANiCAL SERVICE TRUCK R.R. 1 ORONO. ONTARIO LOB 1MO 4 MILES NORTH OF 401 ON HWY. 115 &35 P HON E (4'l6) 983-9151 MERVYN B. KELLY Barrister and Solicitor LAW OFFICE e- 1 PROFESSIONAIL SERVICE - REASONABLE RATES Free Initial Consultation 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. 623.4444 Evening and Week-end Appointments Available Corner Church and Temperànce Sts., Bdwmanviîîe The CATERING CONNECTION ON THE SPOT CATERING Weddings - Anniversaries - Ail Banquets CHEESE TRAYS - MEAT PLATTERS - SALADS Fred & Patricia Storsbergen Orono 983-9679 Cal! me ta buy or sefl . Orono and area's real estate rep. KRYSTYNA JONES Tel: 983-9782 RE/MAX APPLE Tel: 576-3111 POWER 0F SALE 66' x 165' lot in Orono Village Asking $11 7,900