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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Jun 1991, p. 2

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Comment Always a mega project There is no doubt mhat Highway 407 running across the top of Metro and into Newcastle to join wimh Highways 115/35 is but another mega project underway. 0f course it provides employment and designed to wet mhe taste of the rnotoring public wh o over mhe years have shown mheir pleasure in being independent in mheir mobiity from point to point But bas mhe time not corne to look at omher options and to commence a change of attitude as to the mode of transportation whîch today is not only costly but wasteful of non-renewable energy and as weil a-leaving darnage to mhe environmient. Rail wouid seem to bea logical option creating less pollution, savings on our non-renewable energy resources and more reasonable mhan mhe one-person per car trip tmt is so i vogue to-day. With ail roads now being funneled into Metro and Metro not having any opportunity to build further interior roads mhe dity is even now a hazard for the motorist. t can only get worse as more arteries are iined into the city and like a funnel you can pour more in the top end than does corne out freeiyi the spout end. t is flot likely mhat omher options will corne from mhe provincial Ministry of Transportation for mega projects are what maintains and feeds the bureaucracy. Surely 407 taken over mhe decades before its completion wil see many retire from mhe network wim mteir handsome pensions. Who is going to kiiî the goose mhat lays mhe golden egg. We have no doubt in our mind that Ontario Hydro would have been weil into mhe completions of plans for another mega hydro plant if it had not been for people concerned over the environment and the mega projects mhat mhe hierarchy are so pleased to handle. One can flot blame mhose at the helm in steering their own course and the province no doubt sees mhe benefit in circuiating money initme economy but mee Urne has corne that alternatives are to be considered and somne action taken to this end. Rail should be an option. Is ai any wonder Recent poils are showing that a majonity of Canadians, even in Quebec are favouring some forrn of a constituent assembly to i some form assist with a design of a constitution for Canada. t is ail showing up that Canadians are feedup wimh politicians and have no faith in such politicians legislating in fairness for a new constitution or aniendrnents to mhe present system.m As a resuit tmey want a say in what is to take place. Oue cannot blanie thern after the fiasco of the Meech Lake hassle and. you dont have to be a Quebecer to feel cheated by those that had no apparent desire to mhink of a constitution for Canada. Even at mhe present Urne Don Getty, Premier of Alberta, is away out i left field and possibly even more so than, Bourassa in the Meech Lake debacle. Unfortunately is has been mhe politicians who have been rnaking mhe decisions and at Meech Lake with no public input., So it doesn't happen again let us have our say. Great Pine Ri"dge Kinettes don Sneakers for bene-f't by Sandra Haggett Eight kiiometres is a long way to waik for someone like me who neyer walks anywhere but to my car. But the burden of responsibility makes an eight kilornetre walk more difficult. Yes, when I donned rny sneakers for the annual Zellers Moonwalk I felt the mantde of responsibility settle heavy upon rny shoulders. The road was longer than eight ilornetres. In my mid it stretched for generations - a seemningiy endless round of mournful wails. One in every twenty Canadians carnies die gene for cystic fibrosis. After many years of painstaking research, scientists have isolated the gene responsible for cystic fibrosis. Finding a cure for this disease is a reaflity. A cure, however, is a long way off without the continued financiai support of groups like 'Kînsmen and Kinettes who have made cystie fibrosis their national fundraiser priority. While I moved forward with my fellow Kinettes from the Great Pine Ridge Kinettes, childi-en were dying froni cystic fibrosis in hospitais. I was moving forward; we were moving forward . . . towards a common goal - to make Canadians more aware of the need to keep cystic fibrosis research constantly moving forward. Fellowship and warmth radîated, ail aroand me. Smiies, laughter and commitment carried the walkers forward. Ramn, chili and muscle aches were denied acknowledgement. As 1 passed the fi-st few kiiometres I felt the burden of responsibility lessen. So rnany people were pitching in and sharing the load. We were joined together by a conunon goal - to transforrn hope into a cure. By the end of the eight kiiometre jaant I reaiized that the burden of responsibility had taken on new dimensions. It was now a mande of honour emblazoned with pride. The road, in my mmnd, was lined with cheering future generations. I have neyer been more proud of anyth ing thani being a Great Pine Ridge Kinette, with a purpose in life and 'serving the communities greatest needs.' We are confident a cure will be found for cystic fibrosis! Good for ~ *the body and soul. Good for the mmnd. I this World where we cari so readily fifid something to complain about, ail of us know how easy it-is to overlook the good things in life. Reflecting on~ the positives every s0 often is Very therapeutic. That strangely warrn and wonderful feeling Ébat stirs inside is pretty nice... Maybe I arn a littie comny, and somewhat of a roifiaftic from trne to Urne, and perhLips it is because of this tirne of year when every thing is bursting with life, but seeing thiflgs greefP again, hearing (just listen sorne rime) the birds early in the moriling, or taking time to count soflie Of the many blessings we really do have, makes for a rerninder a§ to what truly matters in this life of ours. We rnustn't gec caught up and overwheirned out of conti-ol wimh ail of the #pine-tingling, nauseating tliings that bug us - al of the Urne, ayway ..- Life is too shiort and very precious. We could ail use a larger dose of those corny-but-happy feelings inside. So smile, eh! 101i help... Peggy Mullan Kendal Hall Ne ws ýy Phyllis Lowery On Saturday evening June lst, mhe Hall was filled to capacity for mhe annuai saiad supper, put on by mhe Kendal L.O.. 405. Foliowing the meal, mhe ad table guests were introduced by R.W. Bro. Wayne Lowery. R.W. Bro. Roy Best, Gr. Dept. Master of the Gr. Lodge of Ontario East, Richard Lowery, Chad Switzer, Brad Switzer, April Switzer, Diane Lowery, Paul Stacey, Mark Drinkie and Walter Stacey. The first seven of these young people were ail Charter members of the Junior Orange Lodge of Kendal and ail received mieir 10 year membership pins, mhey are now members of the Senior Lodges. Eight of them are Past Presidents of die J.O.A. and Walter Stacey is President now. R.W. Sis. Catherine Switzer presented the pins to mhe two girls, and R.W. Sis. Brenda Lowery presented the boys with their pins. R. W. Sisters Switzer and Lowery were the Guardians of mhe Lodge when it was started. R. W. Bro. Lowery then asked R. W. Bro. Best to present 60 year pins to Bro. Torn Wilson, Bro. Laverne Patterson and Bro. Reg Elliott. Bro. Richard Lowery presented a 25 year pin to Bro. David Thrower. Bro. Laverne Patterson was given the Honour of presenting Bro. Ken Bail and his wife Loreen, with a certificate honouring their 5th Wedding Anniversary- After a short intermission to allow the cleaning of the tables everyone was treated to an hour and a haîf of excellent singing by the Mt. Zion Gospel Singers from Gilmour. t is so nice to hear these old Gospel songs. Everyone joined in at times, one doesn't hear thîs kind of music very often these days. Ail in ail it was an evening of good food, good music and good fellowship, Lêttêr tô the Rdior Polly Belfour, President The Lung Association Air pollution has become unhealthy and expensive. The direct and indirect health costs of outdoor air pollution alone could probably pay off the national debt! Lung disease, including lung cancer, is the third-leading cause of deamh in this country. Its clearly time for every Canadian and resident of Durham Region to take personal responsibility for our air quality. Changing old habits, such as drivipig our cars everywhere we go, is one of mhe first steps we can take toward cleaner air. During Better, Breathing Month in June, The Lung Association is askinig every rnotorist i Durhamn Region to hang up their car keys for one day and use aiternate means of transportation, including walking, bicycling, using mass transit, or at least car pooling. Studies show that 34 per cent of air pollution in Ontario is attributable 'to transportation. Motor vehicle emissions alone account for 66 percent of the total On Sunday, June 2nd, the Kendal Fife and Dni Band went to Lindsay to take part ini a church parade. We were sorry to hear that Chad Switzer was in a car accident at mhe traffic lights at die south end of Lindsay. Considerable damage to his car but'thankfully not to hirn, but he did flot make it to the parade. Also we are glad to report that although Cathy Switzer was injured in an accident at work, she is recovermng fine. The Lodge Church Parade will take place Sunday, June 16th. The Jr. Lodge meets June 6th. The Men's Lodge meets June 5th, and the Ladies Lodge will be meeting on Jane 13th. Corne out and support your Lodges. Dont be a member in namne only, it is with the support of its members and the generosity of people in the community, like Barnoski Farms who 50 generously donated the potatoes for our supper, that Lodges are able to i-aise money for their Benevoient work. carbon monoxide. The federal govemnmentts standard for ground- level ozone is 82 parts per billion, but mhis is being exceeded almost every hot summer day in our large cihies. By not driving for just one day, each of us can contribute significantly to improved air quality and heaithier environrnent. The Lung Association hopes that Durham Region residents will support Better Rreathing- Month and dlean air quality by using alternate means of transportation for one day. t only takes a smail effort by each of us to make a big difference. St. Saviour's Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. Douglas Hall 987-4745 SUNDAY SERVICE and SIJNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE *Rev. Fred Mfines * , 983-5208 Marlene . ~ RIsebrough, Secretary Sunday, June 9, 1991 Kirby United Church Sunday Schooi Anniversary 9:30 a.m. Orono United Church Sunday Schooi Anniversary 11:00 a.m. UPCOMING SERVICES, Sunday, June 16 Fathers Day Masonic Lodge attending at Orono Service ORONQO NTARIO 983-5009 Father'vs Day June16, Names ta remember KODAK TILLEY SCHAEFFER OLD SPIÇE REBEL CARDS by CARLTON dmr-%,Ok

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