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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Jun 1991, p. 1

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Vol. 55, No. 19 ORONO, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12,1991 Opens înteresting store in OronoLoacmmtepsivenrmrk *over work at Orono Woods Walk Park The local committee of the Orono Woods Walk Park met last Friday with representatives of the Community Services Departmnent of the Town and Pro-Garden contractor to review progress of work i the park. The park is located west of the Orono business section in the Orono Creek valley with entrance just south of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. From all reports from members of the local committee all are pleased with the progress and the work being undertaken. 1A trail from Main Street to the enîrance of the Senior Citizens' complex is nearing completion. Included i the work to date is a temporary crossing of the Orono creek which is to be remnoved late, tbis fal and replaced with a permanent structure in 1992. To date some $15,000 bas been spent and the remainder of the budget for 1990 is 10 be spent in producing more trails and some stream rehtabilitation on the west side of the streain. The completed trail so far bas been stoned giving a pleasant appearance for the tranquil setting. It bas been stated that a number of residents have already visited the view the work uniderway and have even offered assistance. The use, of the naine of Orono Arboratum Park bas corne under somecriticism and as such the naine is to continue to be Orono Woods Walk Park. Orono to be designated Small Urban Centre ton neu' Regional Officiai Plan Cairol and Barry Lamont bave, mioved their Old Tyme Feeling enterprise into tbie Orono downtown, and already the store and ils contents are receivhiig rave reviews for those wbio bave already visited to viecw the itresting and unusual articles. (Continued page 2) The Village o f Orono tbrougb die passig of an amendment to the proposed new Durbam Regional Official Plan last Wednesday at Regional council designates Orýono a smnall urban area. The plan as submitted 10 the council meeting on Wednesday had designated Orono a Special Policy Area. The Small Urban area designation elimninates tbe need, accordig te Counc. Hainre, in a number of studies wbich wouald have been required before Orono could have been considiered a Smiail Urban area. The Smial Urban Area designation was presented to Regional1 council through a motion by councillors Diane Hanire and Ken Hlooper. In speaking 10 Counc. Hamre followig fthe Regional meeting sbe said the designation passed quiet, bandily and wimh good support. She noted mhat Orono bad been a Police Village wimh its own government and it seemed a shame to regard the Village as a hamlet. It is expected mhat the Small Urban ares designation will cut off some four years in studies that would bave been required to note Orono as a Small Urban ares wîmh the possibility of municipal water and sewers. Hamre did state however mhere are still studies 10 be uindentaken prior to water and sewers beig available and it could well be another five years before consideration could be given to sucb services. Counc. Harrire did feel mhat mhe designation would interest developers in this particular area now designated as urban. It will require developrnent funds being available 10 undertake the installation of water and sewers. Counc. Hamre said the designated Small Urban area will include the present boundaries of Orono along with tbe sector of lands soumh of Taunton Road west to OCbonski Road and soumf to the Orono Tree Nursery. Th'e proposed Regilonal Ofriciai Plan did outline the Reî,d/Reynaert 14 lot Estate. Residenitial development and noted mhe Kirby Ski Club area as a Regional Node allowing compatible Uses incorporating quality designs and visual standards. The Port Graniby waste management area also received special. attention with the view tbat the dump area is 10 be decomniissioned. Great event at the Orono parkfor al On Tuesday, June 4th Sparks, along witii 2 leaders andi 17 girls 8 p.m. at Orono Public Scbool. Brownies, Guides and Pathfmders will spend two weeks tourig i Above Pain AlUin kneels beside were gathered at Orono park. A England. After the presentationi a the gaylly decorated trellis along beautiful LTellis covered with roses cake was presenteti te her and with members of the Sparks, was mbe centre of activity. After enjoyed by ail along wimh punch Brownies, Guides andi Patfmiders. the groups adivancedt 1 their next and other goodies. The choice of Pamn Allin te level in Guiding a special We ail wish Pain a safe andi represent Ontario Ibis summer in presentation to District tenific trip. Englanti was a most fitting choice Commissioner Pain Allin. Pan' bas Registration for the Guiding as Pam bas been a bard worker for been chose to represent Ontario organization will be helti the guiding movement in Orono this summer in England. Pamn September 14, 1991 from 7 p.m. Lo andi District. Hapenng.. ORONO TOWN HALL EUCHRE RESULTS Tbe euchre resuits for June 5, 1991 witb 12-1/2 tables in play were as follows: 114h scores Olive Little with 87;, Harvey Parner with 83; Marie Couroux wïi 80; Myrtie Wood with 79 and Joyce Tennant with, 73. Low scores Grace Coatharn and Marg Linton. Draw winners Cliarlie Stapleton, Carl Todd, Reg Elliott, Bonnie Rabmn, Marg Linton and Marion Staples. Euchre every We-dnesday nigbt at 8 -p.m. Ladies please bring lunch. ODDFELLOWS PANCAKE BREAKFAST Give mnom a break on Saturday, corne on out to the Pancake Breakfast at the Oddfellows Hall, Churcb Street, Orono front 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Aduits $3.50 and children under 12 $1.50. KINETTES SPONSOR TEEN DANCE The Great Pine Ridge Kinettes are having a "Teen Dance" at the Orono Town Hall on Friday, June 21 from 7 p.m. - 10 p.m. for grades six, seven and ight. Admission $3.00. A dance contest for singles and couples will be held. Dance contest entry fee is 500. Over 25 door prizes, including Upper Deck 1991 Baseball card packs and girls bair adomments. D. j. Randy Cowan. NEWS FROM THE D.ýB..A. Please join the Orono D.B .I.A. at mhe Orono Town Hall, Tuesday, June l8th at 7:30 p.n. if you are interested in the upcoming events in Orono, including the Strawberry Social, Good Neighbours, Summer Promo - Sidewalk Sale and the Fair. Ouest speakers will include Mark Jackman, Curator of Clarke Museunm and David Petine, Business Advisor in the Durbami Region. Corne out and join us for coffee and donuts. DURHAM FIELD NATURALISTS HOLD JUNE MEETING The Durhamn Region Field Naturalists will be holding its June meeting Monday, June 17 at 6:30 p.m. at the Heber Down Conservation Area (Taunton Road, West of # 12, drive north on Country Uane to the park). Corne and join i for the final meeting of the season. There will be Pot-Luck Picnic Supper, followed by a Nature Walk i the park. Those with surnames A-M, please bring first courses; and the reniainder bring desserts. Corne, brig the kids!

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