Qîun Wchly îmr, W~nesayJun@ 12, 1991-19 SERVICE DIRECTORY Tel. 983-5301 Ii - I --i Fresh Strawberries Available Fresh, Crisp and Juicy a la I I Have you sometimes wlshed you could spend a holiday sober? cal Alcoholics Anonymous Lakeshore Districts (416) 728-1020 27,nc Women in Abuse Relationships For Help Cail "The Denise House"l For Women and Children TOil Free 1-800-263-3725 or 728-7311 Confidenfially Assured Il. Decp ------ --- - BRIO ---- ---- BARIS 987-1445 986-4277 ROOFING- SHEET METAL - SKVLIGHTS FLAT ROOFS- SHINGLES - PRE-PAINTED STEEL SIDING - SOFFIT - TROUGH - SUNROOMS - SOLARIUMS COLLECT CALIS ACCEPTED 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE Mac's, Empire, Delicious (from Controlledl Atmesphere Storage> $3.50 / 6 IbS.' C.A.Russets $3.9516 Ibs,. Naturally Unwaxed Farm Fresh Eggos - Cider Fre^ds Fruit Market Highway 115 South of Orono 983-5628 7M., N "0 T 1 Èi WANTE. Coins, Paper Money etc. Silver - 1/2's & Dollars, World Coins & Gold, *Payjng Top Prices* Contact Mister Murray Box 340, Orono LOB IMO (26 yrs- Appraisals) Mar. 6- luneIl CLEANING LADY Available Bonded and Insured Experienced with references Reasonable Rate Callanytime 983-6122 fui C.W. LEMON SmalI Engines Poulan Chain Saws Sales and Services Phone 987-5200 3rd Line cast of Hwy. 115 Newcastle 12, 19,263, ap (Continue& WINDVIEW FEEDSIn FeatuM119 a Speciaized Lino o MiafinsCaoepiete Extnjded Horse Rabons and Supplents Sweet Feed rd Pet Pood Yomrft*FeeMUsDeakr inahwn Re9ew 5 M. East of OruiM4wy. 115 On Conc .5 786-2578 Allinbrook Farm Supplies Discount Pet Food (Retail - Wholesale> Balanced Farm Feed Blatchford Rabbit Food Martins Extruded Horse Feed Cor. of Hwy. 1 15 & Clark th U1 Lne (416) 983-5791 PROOUCTS BALANCED FEEDS FARM SUPPLIES Durhami Farmers' County TAUNTON RD. / HWY. 115 BOX 178, ORONO, ONT. LOB 1iMO (416) 983-9134 (416) 983-9135 1135 Years of Service"I Nelda Dawson 416-623-4835 m4,ý; +.. i Î.Î. i., , i . ; ý ý ý ý 1 . 1 1 .'lýl.,,..l., .. : ............. ............. .. ........... ............ mýà9 1 :1 NEWCASTLE HYDRO-ELECTRIC COMMISSION invites applications for the followmng positions: MANAGER/SECRETARY TREASURER The successful applicant wil report to the Commission and be responsible for management and leadership in this growing Hydro-only utility widh a current comaplement of twenty-two employees. This senior officiai wil implemtent policies established by the Commission, make policy recommuendations, and othierwise keep the Commission informed on plans, resuits, and industry developments. A University degree in Electrical Engineering or Finance and Administration, or the equivalent in experience and knowledge would be desirable. SUPERINTENDIENT The Superintendent is responsible for implementation of ele-ctric systemn construction, operation, and maintenance, through the Foreman, a Technician, nine Lineman, plus a Meter Techn-icîan and Serviceman. Thiýs workforce is qualified and well equipped te perfornu ail of these funictions. The successful applicant wîll also participate with the, management team in fmnancial and administrative functions of the utility. Estimating and budgeting are major activities. The Superintendent reports ta the ManagerlSecretary Treasurer. Certification as a Power Lineman in Ontario, supervisory or management training, advanced education in electrical theory and practice or the equivalent of these in experience and knowledge would be desirable. Salary ranges wil bc commensurate with Qualifications and Experience. Newcastle Hydro serves over 7,700 customners and has established a 38 MW systemn peak demand. Very substantial growth is expected, both from development in the existing service area and from expansion, eventually te the boundaries of the Town of Newcastle, which is the largest area municipality in the Region of Durham. The Town covers an aiea of 232 square miles. lnterested persons should forward applications and resumes, not 1 ater th an lune 21, 1991 ta: Mr. Harvey Partner, Chairmnan Newcastle Hlydro-Electric Commission Box 130 Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 31C9 Only applicantLs selected for an interview wilI be contacted. ROLFE BEV 1 INSURANCE i~WAKEFIELD0 983 -9438 83 King Street West, P.O. Box 488 Newcastie, Ontario LOA 1 HO Telephone 416) 987-3200 JXtMatthews C;Associates Pauline Mate, Aile Branch Manager I OFFICE 983-51,15 HOME 983-5767 HAMITONSINSURANCE SERVICE A,4IN STREET, BOX 309 ORONO, ONTARIO LOBS-1MW Susan Sawyer 416-983-5787