r - ~# ~ ~ K~ 'k Hope Township has gravel pit licence suspended by Province The Ministry of Natural Resources bas suspended the license on the Township of Hope gravel pit in Canton. The action was taken after the township faled to meet a ministry request to submit updated plans for the site. The suspension means that al operations at the pit have been brought to a hait - delaying the townsbîp's summer schedule of road repairs and maintenance. "We suspended their license because they failed te submnit their updated site plans within the six- month period set out in the Aggregate Resources Act," says Bill Atkinson, an aggregate resources inspector with the rninistry. "We made the request for the site plan early on and then granted the township two extensions but they have not complied." Under the provinces Aggregate Resources Act, which came into effect last year, ail licensed pit and quarry operators must update their site plans to meet the tough new enviromnental standards of the act. "The changes have meant a grea tly increased workload for ministry staff, consultants and pit. and quarry license-holders," Atkinson points out. "If the, requirements of the act are to be met, it's essential that the schedule for updated site plans are strictly adbered to. "The site plans are one of the most important lements of the new act because they provide the ministry with details of how the operator plans to rebabilitate the site during and after excavation," Atkinson says. "Our aim is to ensure that al pits and quarries cal be put te other uses in the future, whetber its reforestation, recreation or somne form of development." 1Fran Aird, clerk-administrator for the township, says the delay was the resuit of an attempt to save money on the surveys required-to draw up the new site plans. "We had been tryingto negotiate a lease on anlother property across the road from thie pit and we were waiting s0 we could get two surveys done -At once. The negotiations were delayed and we simpl y ran, out of ime. " Hope Township Reeve Roger Wilson says he expects the new site plans to be ready within two or, three weeks. He hopes Ithen the ministry will lift the suspension. "It's extremely important to get the license back because we can't do, any road work without that pit," he says. Township plans cail for maintenance and repair on about 15 to 20 kilometres of paved road and 100 kilometres of gravel road this Upset over roll by Chambers in Sunday Shopping The president of the Port Hope and District Chamber of Commerce bas slammed the provincial government's decision to involve Chambers of Commerces in the process of decidirig wbiether or not stores can open in their jurisdîction on Sundays. Allan McCracken bas said that it would put those members who want Sunday opening exemption \,;nst those who do not. sumnmer. "I was surprised that the ministry took this action, but being in governiment, you have te treat everyone the sanie - you can't make exceptions," Wilson says. If you're going to suspend the license of a private operator you're going to have to do the same for a public body. I dont ike it, but 1 can understand it." Les Selby, land management supervi.sor with tbe ministry, says his staff try bard to be fair and equitable to ail licensed operators. "We're willing to be flexible and to negotiate extensions to a degree, but the legisiation is quite clear - new site plan demonstrating that commitment to progressive rebabil itation are required for every lioen sed site," he says. "There has to be some sort of enforceable deadline. And to date we stili don't have a first draft of the replacement site plan fromr the township, ev en after a number of extensions." 'Orono Weekly Tinies, Wednesday, June 1 19- Bsowm",%anvîlle Museum%%1% Fund RKun event Tbe Bowmanvitle Museumn has announced the bolding of their, Fourtb annual 10km Fund Run being lield on Sunday, Junle 23 commencmng at 9:00 a.m. <Anyone can enter, eitber running or walking, biking or even crawling. Tbere are a numnber of awards toý be presented for specific classes and entries and refreshments will be available following the event. The fund-raising entry fee is $8.00 ( $10.00 on theday of the mun) and the first thirty-entries will receive a free Fund Run T-Shirt. T- Shirts will be on sale for $8.00 each on the day of tie race. This has been a popular fund raising event for the Museum. Furtbier information by calling tbe Museum at 623-2734. ONTAÀRIO %GOVERNMENT NOTICE NOTICE 0F PUBLIC INFORMA T/ON CENTRES - HIGH WA Y407/TRANSIT TRANSPORTATION CORRIDOR ROUTE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT STUIDYFROM HIGHWA Y 48 TO HIGHWAY35/115 The Ministry of Transportation of Ontarioa s carrying out a study to, determine the location and right-of-way requirements for the proposed Highway 407/Transit f acility from Highway 48 in Markham easterly to Highway 35/115 in the Town of Newcastle (approximately 60 km). As proposed, Highway 407 wiIl be an ultimate.10-lane freeway from Highway 48 easterly to the vicinity of Durham Road 34 (Courice Road), in the Town of Newcastle. The remaining section to Highway 35/115 will be planned as an 8-lane freeway. The transit right-of-way wilI be planned from Highway 48 to approximately Durham Road 34. A TECHNICALLY PREFERRED ROUTE has been selected for presentation based on assessments of environmental and engineering data, discussions with ther governmrent agencies and local municipalties and information received from the public. TOWNWNSHP 0FOFADUVEAM IOTON 0FOFWCPICKERINUBLI M OVMARKH * 11I-1flfl 11I1II"' TI." ^,^AKMCITY 0FN-L OFCNEWOROUGH i II Inforatio CeteIhvNeeFrageOoprsnRterueAoteTulcIoOeNe n cmet The Publi InformaionCnrswl ehlJrm30 ..t :0pm ttefloiglctos 11usay1 ue181911 AKAMVLAG OMNIYCNTE-CrnrfHiNaT8RnEigwy7 Mrhm * husdyJne20 19 -TYON OMUNTYCNTE Trne Twno Nwcste * Tusday Jun 25,1991- LUHER IPON MEMRIALAREN - 6 WinhestrlRAd 11r1oil inTown ofOWhitbNS thefumturn e.nomesandienforratoreardng thisrostudyarhe pbeincoleead ommeithMisrynmeigrqueetsote TePbirneInoratiossessentrAct. Informatid o wi:00be mintained0 as at ub l data baseatindsi:b et n iefruedrigtesuya uesothewsereqJueste,1may1be includedILLtudy omntonwhChNTsE-mad eralal or public reandview. 7 arhm Fo uThrifratioJne 01contact:MMNT CNR -Trn on ,ecate MARKHAM/PICKERING/WHITBY SECTION Fenco Engineers Inc., Atria North - Phase Il 2235 Sheppard Ave. E., Willowdale, Ontario M2J 5A6 Mr. A. Minchev, or Mr. 1. Upjohn (416) 756-1333 OSHAWAINEWCASTLE SECTION Parker Consultants Ltd., 1400 Rymal Road East Hamilton, Ontario LOR 1 PO Mr. D. Coutts, or Mr. R. Smith (416) 385-3234 The Ministry of Transportation, Transportation Planning Section, Central Region, 3rd Floor Atrium Tower, 1201 Wilson Avenue, Downsview, Ontario M3M 1-J8 Mr. C.RLumley Project Director (416) 235-5481 Mr. P.J. Reynolds Project Manager (416) 235-5482 Ministry 0f Transportation Ms. K. Harding Environmental Co-ordinator (416) 235-5547 Ministère des Transports Ontario,