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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Jun 1991, p. 7

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Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, June 12, 1991-7 Newtonville Alive1 Queen's .,Park report i ieT 1by PeggyMulJ Newtonville's Postrnaster, Joyce Carroll. This is the week we say goodbye to Joyce Carroll. . . and you can bet there will be alot of hugs and thank yous to go along with the fond farewells. There are a few soft spots in Joyce Carroll's heart ... two 1 can tell yon of for sure. One. is for ber native home, Moncton, New Brunswick, the other is for the warrn and wonderful People she bas corne te "know and love" iniNewtonville. Joyce moved frorn Moncton, N.B. in 1964, settlinin Ajax. Mter about three years, she started work at the Ajax Post Office in 1967. That was tie beginning... With a perpetual yeamn for the country, it would be a special rnove in 1972 when she came with ber famly te Kendal assuming duties at the Post Off ice there. Just a year or so later, when the position came Newtonville, Joyce applied. The rest is history, as they say. For eigliteen years Mrs. Carrol bas served as our Postmaster. Joyce's hlusband Llylle tackhed the rural routes and has maintainied both the Newtonville and Newcastle buildings and grouinds for a number of years. "Thougb I am looking forward to Mny retirement . . " adds Joyce, "I wisb tbings could have been different for the Newtonville Post Office; for that matter ahl the smal post offices across the country that have closed. It is so sad. It is like closing the book on so -much of Our beritage." Joyce and Llylle- will be spending more, much-anticipated time with their six grandchilcfren. The cou ple plans to spend part of the winter in. Florida, perhaps travelling as well,' throughout the year, from their home base in Newcastle Village. Joyce is looking forward to taking up golf again, indulging in some of ber favourite recipes, and really taking time to do the rnany special things in life she just basn't bad the time to do before. However . . . she, for the meantime will be assisting in the transition of the post office duties, particularly helping ber son Jason, wbo, keepmng itini the family, will be taking over the rural route delivery. There will be a farewelh social ini honour of Joyce, this corning Sunday, Jane 16 frorn 2:00 - 4:00 p.rn. in the Newtonville Sunday School. Everyone welcorne! It bas been rny certain pleasure to visit the post office daihy; to ask Joyce for advice or to pass tie time of day. 1 know 1 join everyone in saying, "We will miss you Joyce, and you can bet we wish you ail of life's bestl" Little SCOOPS.. - Water Day at Newtonville Public School brouglit a tidal wave of smiles for students in Mrs. Zahns grade 2/3 an d Mrs. Baxter's Special -Thursday, Jane 20 is the date set for the Track and Field Meet at Clarke Higli School. - The Newtonville Parent -Appreciation Tea is set for Wednesday afternoon, June 1 from 3:15 to 4:00 p.m. - Ahl invited to the year end award assembly'at scbool, Jane 25, 9:00 a 1 m. -June 25 is the last day of scbool, relebrating the grade 6 seniors, *aey move up to The Pines and Ed. classes. It was a cool remedy to the hot Jane temperatures of hast week, as kids were in their glory. Grade 7, there is a grade 6 barbeque planned, followed by a basebal game at 12-.45 featuring the teachers against the grade 6's. (everyone welcome to corne out and cheer on players!) - Jane 23 is a date to circle oni your caendar. A farewell is planned for Rev. Bryan Ransom and bis family. - "on the move. The Ontario Structural Movers Association had its convention in Peterboroughi the weekend of May 24, 25 and 26. frpmn Gord Mîlis Some important events took place in the LegislatPre last week, which you will be pîeased to hear about. On Monday, H01ùsing Minister Dave Cooke and Minister of Govemment Servic e§ Fred Wilson, released two consultation papers about housing pollicy. The first, "A Housing Framnework for Ontaflo" deals with an overaîl framnework for housing policy - while the second, "Government Land for Housing" examines the potefitial to utilize government-owned land for housing.% Copfies of these consultation papers <è@n be obtained by calling my office. On Tuesday, the Solicitor General announcett legisiative amendments on the Sunday shopping issue.' As the Parliamentary Asflstaflt to the minister it will be my task to "carry the legislation tlrough, the bouse." I look forward to this task and to touring the provintçe during the summer months with other members of the Justice Committee. 1 will look forward jo hearing your views, both for and against. On Wednesday, the Minister of Natural Resources/Native Affairs, Bud Wildman fleased the "Algonquin provincial park Management Plan" Containing 117 recommendations on the park's future management. Cali my office if you would likea copy of the report. On Thursday, Housing Minister Dave Cooke introdtiçed permanent rent control legislation. Under the new systemthere will be an absolute limit on î'ent increases charged by landlofds in a given year. Again, my office will supply you with full information on request. June has been doclared "Senior Citizen's Month" ini Ontario. This declaration lias been made to recognize the wonderful contributions made by seniors that enrich all of our lives flot only in the month of June, but throughout the whole year. During the past week, 1 was happy to present commnemorative scrolls to Robert and Mary Gill of Newcastle and to Bruce and, Audrey Johinson of Courtice, on behalf of the Premier and the Government of Ontario. Both couples celebrated their 5th Wedding Anniversary. Congratulations to four wonderful people. Since my constituency office opened last October, my staff lias worked with many women who had suffered the trauma of divorce and Vice-President Ernie Knapp attended and enjoyed this weekend, accompanied by bis wife Marion. - Happy Wedding Anniversary, June l4th to Fred and Bernice Henderson of Newtonville. Many Happy Retums! - Happy Anniversary as well to Paul and Angie (nee Lambert) Woodbeck, coming up June l7th. - Remember Father's Day, this coming Sunday, June l6th! - For Tickets to the Annual Canada Day Beef Barbeque, caîl Wally Bouglien at 786-2239. - Remember "Farewell to Joyce" Sunday,. 200 -4:00 p.m. "Have a Wonderful Week!' prescnting the keyr the honour of note speech at the separation. My staff provided the expertise required regarding Support and Custody application. Today, my office, ahong with the input and assistance of some constituents, is working to form a Women's Support and Information Group. The support portion of the programt is being provided by women going tbrough very similar bardships, who are, sharing their experiences witb others. Any women who would like to be a part of this programn as eitber a support or information provider, please call Kelly at my office, at 623-6663 or if out of town cail 1-800-661-2433. On Saturday, I represented the Solicitor General at the Peel Multicultural Counicil Conference held at the Holiday Inn on "Police and Community: Strengtbening the Linkages.' Almost three hundred delegates were on hand for twelve worksbops conducted tbroughout the day. The Orono Town Hall Board and the Orono Downtown B.I.A. would like to know if you have a "GoodN7¶[4hbour" If so drop them a line with your "Good Neighbour's name, your address and phone number so that a presentation could be made to your "Good Neighour" at the Town Hall Strawberry Festival Saturdlay, June 22nd Gooci Neighbour-s Address your note or letter to: Ann Dreslinski PO. Box 561 Orono Town Hall Board 0 0 Orono, Ontario, LOB 1iMO WASTE DIVERSION INCENTIVES WORKSHOP A WORKSHOP is being held in the Town of Newcastle to discuss various monetary approaches for encouraging solid waste reduction and the diversion of wastes from Iandfill. Examples of approaches include; tax rebates for people who produce Iess waste or charging for waste disposai on a per bag basis. Ail residents are invited to participate in this important workshop to discuss the issues and to express any concerns they may have. Tuesday,,June 18, 1991 7:30 p. m. Bowmanvllle Firehail # 1 and Courthouse Courtroom # 1 152 Church Street Bowmanvilîle Further information can be obtained by contacting the following: MacViro Consultants Inc. 7270 Woodbinq Avenue, 3rd Floor Markham, Ontario L3R 4B9 Telephonfe: (416) 475-7270 Attention: Mr. D. Merriman Ms. Karen Miles around police - community relations, and thc bcncfits of closo police linkages in the comimunity. Many years ago, ini England, Sir Robert Peel, founder of the London Police Force, coined a phrase that still stands good for today's society. He said, "the police are the public and the public are the police." How true that is. Till next week - be kind to 'one another. It was only pine pollen Residents in the Oshawa harbour area last week were complaining of yellow dust that was covering the area and the unloading of cernent was thouglit to be the culprit. As it ended up it was pine pollen ta had been blown from the pine trees in the area.

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