Orono Weekiy Times, Wednesday, June 19, 1991-13 Bill Bramah's Ontario If you happen to visit Toronto's Centre Island this summer, youll see what appear to be brand new shiny animais going around on the carousel. theyÏrý not. They're the same old horses, lions and tigers that were made by craftsmen over 80 years ago. But for the past year they've been up in the Muskoka town of Huntsville being renovated and restored. They've been sîtting patiently i AI Cochranes workshop where one by one tliey have been given new heads, legs, ears or whatever tliey need and getting coats and coats of paint on their wooden bodies. The 52 of them make up whats the oniy Dentzei carousel of its kind. Dentzei was the first Canadian manufacturer of carouseis and the Dentzel craftsmen became famous the world. over. AI Cochirane is a full time maker and restorer of carousels - one of the few on the continent. Aithougli le is only in his late '30s, he's a craftsman of the old school. Everything is done by hand and you wont fmnd a mouid or a piece of plastic i the place. The niakig of classic carousels was i its heyday at the tum of the century, but the merry-go-round animais crafted riglit up to the early '20s are now valua.bie treasures to collectors. For exampie, the Centre Island carousel is now valued at a cool million and a haif dollars. >"There were about 40 people working at the Dentzel factory when this was bujît," said AI. 'It's considered one of tlie most reaiistic ever made. Strangely enougli, tliey didn't consider any of these a work of art. To them, it was just a product despite the meticulous detail." AI lias travelled ail over the worid to researdli the history of carousels. 'Uts a formn of art that lias a very higli quality of carving, and one of the few forms tliat people cant actualiy use," lie said. When lie finds the, time lie wiii- Township by-Iaws, may hinder retail postal outiet Stringent Hamnilton Township zonig by-iaws may put a damper on the opening of a retaîl Pos ,tal Outiet i the hamiet of Baltimore. The switch was to be undertaken in late May but the owner of the convenience store faces manv requirements i additional parkig, provide a new ioading dock and meet requirements of the liealtli unit as to the sewage systemt. Hayung-Soo Kim, owner, says lie may not set-up the postal outiet. Canada Post said tliey are not aware of any change but further stated tliat they have not corne across sudh restrictions as those placed by Hamilton Township. m~ar With fo LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono- 983-5333 be carving copies based on the Dentzel figures. But when we saw him he was trying to beat a deadline for the completion of the Centre Islndý job. When lie does finish, lie will begin another major commission - carving a c ompletely new carousel. A few of the pieces are already in the process. And you can be sure that ail wiil be done ini the tradition of the great craftsmen of yesteryear.' CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST - TS EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES Il ALL. THINK BIG- CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. VACATIONS.'RESORTS CABINS AVAIIABLE for 5 Night Riverboat cruses on scenic Trnt-Severn watefrway or Rideau Canai Oly $835.p.p- Db. accommodation & meals. CaliOtarie Waterway Cramses Collect (705)748-3666. Your Favourte Vacatons are made with us. Family Panr for Big Kds and Sai Cal! or write: HOSPITALITY INN, RR#t, Minden, Ontario. <OM 2K0. (705286- 2361. SOUTH CAROLINE- The Myrtie Beach Resort Oceanfroot Condos, Housekeeping lnluded Indoor/Outdoor Pools, Whirpoois, Saunas, Tennis Courts,,Pufting Greeo. Golf Packages AviabIe. Free Brochure: 1-800-448-5653 NORTH HURON CHARTERS WidernesýCrising aiong Lake Hurons North Shore 26- 30 oal boats $850 to $1600, 1266 Oseen Street East Sast Ste Marie, P6A 2E8. (705)253-9346. COMING EVENTS GRAN OPA- O.K., yoa can omoke pour smelly nid pipe in the living room. Corne on Home- help celebrate sur 175th Anniversary Julp 14 - 21t Love . Perth. GIDODAY COME HOME To the Renfrew Lumber Baron Summer Festinal .Iuip 24-28. 4 Daps flled with atîvtes. For more information cail Kein Schilling (613)432- 8224 HELP WANTED NEED EXTRA $$$$ C&M Gîta needo Demonstrators to sali tops and gîts et Home Parties. No nvestment or esperienca reqsîred Estabished comny.Cal! todap (59)258-7905. MULLEFR OPERATOR requred immedîately for large Eastern Ontaro prntîng compati Excellent benefts. profit shariog. Apply: Mike Phllîps. Performance Printittg, F0O Bon 158, Smiths Fals, Ontanio K7A 4Tt SALES HELP WANTED 6-IUEINCOME* International Musc and Video Company expandîng into Canada. Need hîghly motivated corrmmssîonied sales people and dstrîhalors Part-tîme or ful-tîma 1-800-263-1900 24 hr lice. 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ATTENTION TV Sport fans Dt TSN anywhere. Aiso MUCH MUSIC, 4 US. satmorks and many more. O i.Y. Systam. $1485 plus subscrîptîsn, Cal! Station Earth> Fergus. (5t9)843-3474 1-800-461 -0122. SýHAREWARE for IBM PC & Compatibes. Fra Floppy Disk Ctalogua. GO Software. 1330 Home Ave. Thunder gay, Ont P7E 367 phone (807(475.9466. FAX 807475-8274.( 24 Hro/T7Days) .STEEL BUILDINGS BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Straitwaîl Type - sot quonst - 32x48 $5665: 40064 $8188, 50086 $14,671 nopi-expandable and(s). other szas analahie - limtad stoee - aragon - 24 Hous 1 -800-263-8499 STEEL BUILDINGS Sammar *Sellehration» on Buildings from Future Steel. No gîmmîcks. juat solid naue for pour money. Cail 1-800 668-8653. A-Z FR6 6NG. BUILDINGS INO New types. steeitwood, quonset. cfaddîng. For true value. action & unswars- Waiiy (416)626-t794 aller 6 pm. weekands. Free brochure Cip-sana. BUILDINGS -Sraight-Ill- Sanîngs 24x 36x10$3.692; 32x36ntl2 $4 667, 40x48xl2 $5.814. Includles Sheating. Trîm, & Stan! Main ramnu. Duonsef buildings as uvalabie, Ail ornes anaîlable. Cali 1-800-668-4338. FLEA MARKETS SUNDAY FLEA MARKET, Smiths Plls, 65 Cornielia Street, Ext. peur round. (613) 283-8448. 150 insîde staî s. Deniers wecoma Lowest prces, hast selention in the vlley. CALABOGIE PLEA MARKET Open Saturdapo and Sundayu. Aniques, Collectîbles, Indoor and Outdoor Vendîng Space avaîluble. Cal Calahogîn. (613)752- 2468. PERSONAL. Young, professionaf, mel-atabished couple wsfes to ADOPT a baby brotherîsîstar for 2-yr-old adopted daughter. Homre study compfafed. Collet cals mlcoma unyfime (416(895-4926. WOULD YOU LIKE ta correspond w-th unattuched Chrstian people, ages 18-80, the abject bhemng compunionship or marriage. Write ASHGROVE, F0. Box 205, Chase, B C, VOE 1 MO. NOTICES Do pou have PSORIASIS CuIl!807(937 ITCH Zooria- Med cures pour symptomu D0 Day Montey-Back Guaraniteeli LOTS FOR SALE AUCTION- SOLO ta Hghest Bidders. 34 conage lots. north of Bellenîlla. openng bîd $19.900. Preveaw Saturday, Sunday dune 15, 16. Aucton une lth. 1 800- EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EXPERIENCE larm life is Europe Contact tha Intrnanional Agrînultural Exchange Associaion t t501 - 17 Ae. .W. Calgary AB, T2T 062 t0 fnd sut how. LYour ad could appear in community newspapers in Ontario. or rght across Canada, or any individuai province. Space is Limted, so Cail This NewspaperToday! QUOTATION SEALED QUOTATIONS, from suppliers interested in the contracts specified below, addressed to the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, Purchasing Office, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, LiC 3A6, wiII be received on the forms and in the envelope provided until the specified closing time and date. Quotation Documents may be obtained from the Purchasing Office at the above address. Quotation Q9 1 -9- Quotation09 1 -10 - Quotation Q9I-l i - Closing Time & Daté: e ti ' s Date of Publication: Wednesday. June 19, 1991 Publie Address System - Newcastle Fitness Centre Rubberized Flooring Darlington Sports Centre Supply and Installation of Tempered Glass Darîington Sports Centre 4:00 p.m. (Local Tîme) Thursday,*June 27, 1991 t:;Iyaccepted. Mm. Lou Ann Bîrkett Purchasing and Supply Agent Telephone: (416) 623-3379 ext. 268 P.O. 4621 Mangar'"s Auto Centre COMPLETE REPAIRS TO AIL MAKES & MODELS 0F FOREIGN & DOMESTIC *CARS* VANS * BUSES * TRUCKS ased CaQm So Sales RadMffrShop -3 Safety Inspections TOW Service 983-53 Propane & Natural Gai Brakes o Tune Ups 983547 Bodly & Paint Work 17M t rn Automotive Pr1tsf S.Orn Proprieter: Mike Mangar LIc, CI.A.B.H.NGSpS6a.S6b. lisp. MORRS FUNERAL CHAPEIL LM.~ Established in 1881 623-5480 4 Division St. Bowmanvilie PRE-ARRANGED AND PREPAID FUNERAL SERVICES AVAILABLE 34tSI/ MERVYN B. KELLY B3arrister and Solicitor LAW OFFICE PROFESSIONAIL SERVICE - REASONABtÊ R-'ATES Free Initial Consultation 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. - 6234444 Evening and Week-end Appointments Availablq Corner Church and Temperance Sts., Bowmanville The CATERING CONNECTION ON THE SPOT CATERING Weddings - Anniversaries - Al-Banquets CHEESE TRAYS - MEAT'PLATTERS - SALADS Fred& PatriCia Stersbergen - Orono 983-9679 Cal! me to buy or sel! . Orono and area's real estate rep. KRYSTYNA JONES Tel: 983-9782 RE/MAX APPLE Tel:, 576-3111 JUST LISTED Fabullous country bungalow. Bright and Spotiess! $1 44,000