Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, June 26, 1991-9 Gourd's View by Gord Milîs MPP for Durham East The Governing Class! Last week, Conrad Black challengeti the democratic right of ail Ontarians with the utterance of his statement, "Ontario will pay dearly for its nindless submission to the NT)P." He then went on to say that capital and talenteti people will fiee Ontario until a more favorable climate returns. it is true that in Ontario the welt -establ ished governments have been swept away and replaced in the main, by complete amateurs. But take a look at Czechoslovakia and Poland. 'Me President of one is an ex-playwright while the other President is an ex-electrician. What's so special about Conrad Black and the so called 1"govemnment class?" The virtues of doing business in the U.S. has also been played up 0 0 e 0 a a a a e lately. By last count somne of our neiglibours are flot doing so well either. I Buffalo, the transit has been shut down through lack of funds. Last week, New York decided to switch off every fourth street light because they didnt have enough money to leave them ail on. Mr. Black would also have you believe that our $9.7 billion deficit is the resuit of a wild irresponsible spending spree. What do you think? Should we have kept the, deficit down by off loadinig costs to the municipalities? 1 suppose we could have stuck it to them, and to the school boards and the hospitals. Without additional fuinds being given to nunicipalities and to school boards would have caused property taxes to rise an extra 4.2 per cent over 1990 levels. Hospitals would have had to close 5,000 beds. Sununer theatre workshops corne to Durhamnin stages This summer, young people interested in theatre and the creative experience do not have to leave Durham Region to find classes. STAGES is a new Durham- based organization dedicated to fostering creativity through the use of theatrical techniques. Three program levels, including junior (ages 7-9), intermediate ( 10-12, and senior (ages 13-16), are available in Bowntanville, Newcastle, Oshawa, Port Perry and Whitby at various tirris from July 2 to August 30. Workshop sessions are limited in enrohinent i order to allow each student to participate at his or her level of understanding and ability in a stimulating, but non- competitive env ironment. Fees have been kept as low as possible ranging from $42 for a 12-hour junior session to $128 for a 30- hour senior session. Instructors Brad Carson and Susan Lowery, active theatre practitioners from the Durham Region, bring years of diverse theatre expertise, both amateur and professional, to STAGES workshops. Each has extensive teaching and directing young people and they look forward to the STAGES summer program. So does STAGES. Registration forms are available at libraries, information centres, recreation departments or by phoning 728-7087 in Oshawa or 623-8657 in Bowmanville. Join STAGES for a fun and challenging suxnmer. When 1 hear people like Mr. Black tell me that the deficit is too, high, I wait to hear just what we should have done. Should we have discontinued home care praram for seniors and thbe disabled? Should we have liminated the winter maintenance programa for provincial highw ayS? Should we have slashed welfaf e spending by 10 ýper cent? Shduld we have dropped the drug bÇnefit for both seniors and thoâe on social assistance? -Should We-have passed the buck onto the bgcks of people strugglîng to pay ffieir mortgages by way of higher mugnicipal taxes? Should we have ý.........? Despite the sounding off by Mr. Black we still live in one of the most attractive placed in the world. In a recent ÊtudY Ontario is number two in the world as a quality-of-life place to live. 'm very glad 10 be here in Ontario - are you? ERIIIGRNNTLCND SDENTALOMECA C COGUD MUIT A RGRME WITHGREAEGRASSNO P RROTEC1ROTCTINN WIHRATESAVNGS ftý%_526j POBOX .77 M Milligan, Robinson Jr.. and Warbutton bag The evening was cool and clear, but the on-track action was hot and furious as the stock cars thundered around Mosport International Speedway as they do every Saturday. It was also evident that the teams and drivers are getting their cards dialled and getting comfortable with the track, as they often passed and re-passed three abreast in the corners, giving the fans a spectacular show. In the OSCAAR Late Model feature, points leader Tom Mulligan from Newmarket held off second and fourth heat winner Wayne Williams of Unionville and first- heat winner AI Thomson of Ujxbridge for the win. Williams and Thomison fmnished second and third. The competition in the Late Model Sportsman class was outstanding as the season approaches mid season and everyone scrambles for points. After finishing second in heat 1, second in heat 3 and sixth in the fourth heat, Stuart Robinson Jr. of Holland Landing led the charge to the checkered flag ahead of John Dummitt of Lakefield and Bill Northama of Oshawa. Ini the Street Stock Division the action was no Iess intense, witli Oshawa native and points leader Andy Warbutton edging out Rod Mosport wins Marshall of Cavan and Fred Shepstone of Port Perry. The pedal-to-the metal action continues next Saturday evening, Jupe 29, and includes a Canada Day fireworks display and a Street Stock Ladies Race. On the weekend of July 13, 14, Mosport International Speedway will host a spectacular two-day event, the Bud 250, featuring flot only the regular Saturday night show but also a round in the ACT/GM Motorsport Nationals Stock Car Charnpionships, a round i the CASCAR Super Series and a visit from the 1I TSMA Super Modifieds. For more information, caîl (705) 743- 3850 or (416) 513-0550. The Shop APPLE BLOSSOM W*MaWv Ovn JaSpar Main Street, Orono 98à-9155 YVNNE MAITLAND W.. Delive Nuvll.. PoitypoclOshma Flaces i-Be~ue Agaînst Our Wil is Agaînst Thne Law, if you're like Most people',you'II look at this and think rape. WeII, think again. Because sexual assault isn't only rape. t's any unwanted act of a sexual nature imposed by one person on another. And if you think it's always a dark alley and a violent stranger, you 're wrongagain. More than half of ail sexual assaults of women are committed by men they know. It can occur on a date. Between friends. Even between husband and wife. So most people don't think of it as a crime. And often it goes unreported.> But attitudes must change. Because against our wiII is against the Iaw. If your life has been affected by sexual assault, flnd out what can be done. Contact a sexual assault service. Or talk to someone you trust. Men must under- stand that sexual assault is a crime. Maybe then they'II think twice about it. Ontario Women's Directorate S exual Assault is A' Crime. fi - THE REGIONAL DURAM MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM HolidayClosure of Sanitary Landfill Site The CARTWRIGHT & SCUGOG TRANSFER STATIONS wiII be closed on Monday, JuIy 1, 1991, for CanadaDay. Normal operations witl resume on Tuesday, JuIy 2, 1991. V.A. Silgailis, P. Eng. Commissioner of Works