18-Orono WVeekly Times, Wednesday, June 26, 1991 Deadline for Service IirectoryI ~ T rv'rIIi II Friday Noon befl"E (V IkIt I R 'o' jO R Tel. 983-5301 I The Shop APPLE BLOSSOM .We Don T Just Specialize" We Make Every Order Specia' Main Street, Orono 983-9155 YVONNE MAITLAND We'[Deliver Newtonvif le, Pontypoof. Oshawa and Places ln-Between Fair For LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 Orono Electric Lii. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES COLOUR TVs - Hf-Fia Sales and Service Hotpoinf - RC.A. White Wesinghouse Frigidaire - Whilpool Wood's Freezers Magic Chef Hoover 983-5108 "The la test in fashions for al times and ail needs 983-9341 KENDAL CHIROPRACTIC Office and BResdence Dr. Ernest Schroeder B. Sc. Chiropractor R.R. 1 KENDAL, ONTARfIO LOA 1 EO (416) 983-5510 FOR-NIK Auto Body and Collision Quality Body Work and Refinishing INSURANCE CLAIMS FREE ESTIMATES R.R. 3 Newcastle, Ont. Phono 987-5071 FLOWERS PL US FLOWERS GIFTS and CRAFTS 29 King Street East Newcastle, Ontario Betty Lycett 983-5908 Wfda Mddleton 983-9819 -- GRUNDYS Country Upholstery Studio Quality Work ln Upholstery R.R. 2 Orono, Ont. 983-9874 Bryon Grundy - Jim Couch AUCTION Selling Most Anything Anywhere 987-1548 RON'S Collectable Collectable 39 King Étrets Newcastle Village Open Wed., Thur., Fil. 11:30 -5:30 Bat., Sun. 9 to 5 or by chance Barina tu Home Check -Vacation Home Checking -Let us make your home flook lived in WVedding Day Glt Sitting Reiable Raf erences BON DED Barb Shet er-ina Cox NEWTON VILLE (416) 786-2996 PARTNER'S PLUMBING 983-9447 Orono, Ont Gould Pumps & Water Systemns Septic Beds Pîumbing Installations General Repairs Free Estimatos Formerly Harvey Partner Ltd. REE PRESCRIPTION DELIVERY 50 Mill St. N. In thie Village of Newcastle 87-3435 (416) 623-8161 Jo-Elen Sportswear & Gifts Suppliera of Teams, SchoolS & Clubs Corporate Gift Packages 43 King St.W. B3owm-anville, Ontario LiC 1 R3 J. Wayne Aasen PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 5 George Street, Bowmanviîîe, Ontario 623-4473 *ARTICL(ES* INVENTORY BLOW OUT LIQUIDATION NO DOWNPAYMENT NO PAYMENTS TILL SEPT AT SHOWT ME TV & STEREO PANASONIC Fuit size VHS CAMCORD ER $888.00 or only $10.95 a week O.A.C. CLARION 5631CD AmIFM/CD Car Stereo with amp and 4 speakers A 170 Watt system $59995 0only $7.99 a week O.A.C. Ciarion Am/FM/Cassette with Clarion 50 Watt E.Q and 4 speakers only $399.95 or S4.95 a week O.LC. PULSAR CellularPhones mobile only $28800 TransportabNt only $38800 Portable only $48800 trom S3.50 a week O.A.C. AIR CONOITIONERS General Electric 8000 B.T.U. $588.00 only *7.50 a week O.A.C. TV ANTENNA and Tower system 35 foot installation ncluded onlY SB-99 a week OA.C. EVERY ITEM in bath stores REDUCEO in Cobourg cail 373-0265 in 1000 William Stret Port Hope cait 885-8652 26 Ontario st. ShowTime T.V. & Stereo ULRTC UES1R 5,000 BTU air conditioner $135; dehiumidifier $75; humidifiers $25; pint/qulart sealers $3.00/dozen; trampoline $30; Shell Touriig Case, phione 983-9608. Delivery included. 19,26 ap PINE RIDGE CORN STOVES VANSTONE MILL 116 King St. W. Bowmanvifle Showroom wiII be closed fromn June 26 - Aug. 26 For Appointment Cal 623-2313 (Leave Message) MacGREGOR Auction Service Estates, Consignments, Households Bankruptcies, Farms Sold at your location ot at ours Storage & Trucking Cai for a Free Confidentiat Consultation M. MacGregor 416-987-5402 Junior West 416-983-5556 ALL STEEL BUILDING Factory Clearance 21'x24', 30'x40', 40'x75', 50'xlOO', 60'xlOO', 75'i150' We can erect or deliver to site Supply 19 Limited Please Cal 983-5872 or Fax 983-8179 tfix Mark M. Stapleton Authorized Dealer for Freud, Excalibur, Powermax, M.S.K. Industries, also Target Woodworking Supplies and Machinery Phone (416) 983-6098 (416) 983-5244 Apr. 24-July 24 Fresh Frozen Meat Chickens Phone 983-9815 Day or Evening May 8 - Aug. 8 ac 1972 Apache traileýr, will sleep) 6, propane stove, ice box, sinik, $2,300, phione 983-9375. 19,26 ap Precast Patio Slabs 12"x12" - $1.10 16"x16*'- $1.80 20"x20" - $3.35 Plus other sizes Wei! Tile 30" inside diamneter $4000 36" inside diarneter $46.00 Also Firewood, Lumber and Plywood Pop typool Concrete Products Located 1 mile south Pontypool on H4wy. 35 Honest and Friendly Service OPEN 6 DAYS (705) 277-2442 Cedar tr:ees for heding, also cedar posts and poles for fencing and other purposes, pick up or delivered. Phone 1- 705-932-3223. 26,3,ap Woods deep freezer 16 eu. ft. oc 12 cu. ft., $50-00 or best offer. Phone 983-5757, in good shape. 26,3 cpn Apartment suze washer and dryer - stackable - $300-00; 2- 1'x4' speaker columrns and head $50.00; phone 983-5835. 26,3, cpn FREEZER BEEF Natural Fed Cedar Valley Farm Walter Stapleton 983-5974 i 3 bedroom, new oil forced air wîth hleat pump, new windows, new roof, new broadloom, well located in Oronio, phone 983-5518. Orono stores for lease, sizes, 5414 Main Strq Zone, call Lyle or Ma at 983-9341 - Res.- 983 Puppies - Free to Good Lab/Pointer/Boxer1 ready to go, phone 41 5478. Free Persian kittens, with black markings,o tigers. Caîl 983-8149 an, Norman and Ruth Allun with their family invite their family and neighbours to join them in the celebration of their 5Ilth Wedding Aniniversary at an Open House at their home 85 Chutrch St. S., Orono JuIy 6, 1991 2:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.mi. Best Wishies Only 26, 3, ap T'one - Tan cat J'Me Fashions * New Lower FPrice * 10/$60.00 * 20,/$l1-500 F or appoiflhlilefl!i uit 983-9341 A special thank youl to Laurence md l enda Sherwin, who hiosted a fiftieth Birthday Party on Junec 22nd. Thanks again for a great timie. Your frienids 26,ac - TWILIGHIT AUCTION ci Thursday Evening * June 27th - 6:00 p.m. d Selling the hou sehold contents, antiques, and tools M for Annie and the late Leslie - Taylor, 3140 B *Yers Road, R.R.2, Blackstock (south). Property located south of *Blackstock on Region,-al Road 57 to Cartwright Cone. 1 and 2 miles west (watch for signs), Morris (Listowel) upright fn piano, piano stool, 4 pc. antique bedroom suite (with vanity), antique platform rocker, tredle sewing machine, crocks, trunk, oil lamps, Sessions mantle clock, glassware, dishes, chi.«na, spool bed, oxen yoke, old 4 drawer chest, collector sealers, child's chairs, pressback chairs, graniteware, pictures, framres, numerous antique itemns, varlous b>ooks, 5 pc. chromne set, chest reet, Cl1 freezer, fridge, Heritage Lr West airtight wood stove (with -59621 blower), gas barbequei, tf dehumîdifier, skill 10" mitre saw, SKF table saw and motor, DeVilbis spray gun, 2 Mgas lawn mnowers. 2 wheel barrels, 30 ft. aluminum îadder, Wei/dry Shop Vac, tool Hm. chest, floor jack, saws, garden 1 Hone. tools, hand tools, and Cross, numerous other itemls. Check 16-725- the day and time. TERMS 19,26,cîrn Cash or Cheque With I.d. AUCTIONEER white Frank Stapleton, Newtonvitte or gray 1-416-786-2244 nytime. 19,24, ac 26,ac CLOSE-OUT PUBLIC AUCTION Canada Day Monday, July Ist - 9:30 a.m. Selling ail machinery, vehicles, equipmnent and shop contents for H.C. Diamond Construction Ltd., Fenelon Falls, Ont. (Mr. Harry Diamond, Owner, Proprietor is retiring after 32 years in the Construction Excavation Business). Business site located north enîd of Fenelon Falls on Hwy. 35A, 2 miles east of Hwy. 35 or 1 mile west of stop lights at Hwy. 121 on Hwy. 35A (Just east of Byrnell Golf course): Ditch Witch 7510 Diesel Cable Plow and Reel Carrier (4 wd., 3 yrs. old); Case 580 Super E back-hoe (Extenda Hoe);- two Case 580C loader backhioes; MF 200B Crawler Dozer; Case TF300 Trencher; 15 trucks and trailers (pick- ups, dumps, truck tractors, Loadstar Boom utility trucks, 36 ft. Pitmnan Hotstick acrial unit, 9 ton tri axle 18 ft. float, 21 ft. float, pole trailer; trenchier trailer); two portable diesel compressors; 5 Allied hole hogs; Richmond earth boring machine; 3 compactors; Cobra gas rock drills; hydraulic pacebreakers; hand air rock drills; bit sharpener; etc.; welder generator; MIG weldler; torches; water pumnps; power washer; sandblaster; cut off saw; mnetal lathie; transit; jacks; shop equipanent etc.; large selection of misc. equipment and related items. TERMS Cash, Approved Cheque with I.D., Bank Letter of Credit on Major Purchases. Full seutlement Day of Auction PROPRIETOR Harry C. Dtamond Fenelon Falls, 705887-2730 AUCTIONEER Frank Stapteton, Newtonvilte 416-786-2244 or- 416-786-2953 Note: Owners and/or Auctioneers Not Reaponsible for any accident or injury iii connection wiîh this auction. 19,26 ac WANT ADS WORK Ag o&ueaab DECORATIVE ART STUDIO 416) 983-5312 Compte Line of Folk Art Supplie and Classes