Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, Junme 26, 1991-3, Happy l6th Melissa Love Dad, Shirley and Cindy Th is is wh a tfrie nds are fo r! As we look back over thc past seven days we once again realize that Monday cames anld all too quickly Sunday passes. The tempo of those seven days steps Up: week aftcr wcek after week. But there is anc hope that Uiat brief period of life does provide a chucle or two and perhaps some knawledgc is picked up along Uic way. For tUic cluckles .. At thc present our two grandsons from Prince Edward Caunty are visiting us and on Saturday niglit it was suggcsted we walk down ta Bcckers for an ice creaxn cane. The walking was somcwhat of a switcli from driving but the weathcr was Billy who has just finishied kindergarten has a great ima~gination and does entertain himself with case. It possibly resuits from thc fact that for two years living in the country lie has had to play by hirnself while his brother, Jamie, was in scliool. Ccrtainly he lias nIastered thc art. On the way down Mill Street I picked up same maple kcys off the ground and likewisc sa did Billy. My intcrest was the possible seeds they contained. Billy on thc other liands licld a maple key infront of his face and began ta babble on with some form of conversation. "What arc you taking about BilIy?" "I'm talking ta my helicopter" Forthcoming Marriage ZYCH - MASTROIANNI Mrs. Laura Zych of Orono and Mr. and Mrs. G. Mastroianni of Whitby are pleased ta announce the forthcoming marriage of their chidren, Kathryn ta Paul. The wedding will take place at Church of St. Gregory the Great, Simcoe St., Oshawa on July 6, 199 1, at 1:00 p.m. came the rcply. 'Why would you talk toaa helicopter when it can't talk back?' "I taflc back for it", said Billy. At this point Jamie chipped in "tyau should hear him talk ta bis tractors and then the tractors talk back ta hlm". 1 thouglit this should baffle the educators but there could bc the possibility he mright make a good politician. Our second bit of delighit came when Aif Johnison and 1 travelled ta the Darlington Hydro plant Open Hanse Sunday aftemnoon. Both of us were impressed with the massiveness of the complex and there must have been hunclreds and hundreds who dîd take advantage in making the trip ta the plant. Yes there were free hot dogs and pop but Aif and 1 missed out by two people in front of us. The purpose however was flot tae, at, s0 we were flot out much ini this loss. We did view one of the reactors which from aur calculation must cast close toaa haîf million dollars ta load with those uranium bundles. Then we loaked down into a great cavîty housing the four generators and four banks of three turbines. It appeared as one unit was yet ta be completcd, while another had a portion of thc hansing laid off ta the side. It struck ns that nothing was in operation as far as generating electricity. But what was that droning sonnd tliat we were continually hearing. Upon cnquiring we found that it was the air-conditioning system. Bath Aif and I were thankful that we did get something for the $ 13.5 billion. Now for a little knowledge On paying a visit ta friends Sunday evening with Donna and the two boys the question was asked . "Conld I get you a tax-buster?" "What's a tax-buster?" The answer came .. a home brewcd beer. "I thouglit yon had quite (Continued page 4)