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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Jun 1991, p. 5

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JIL I L JL1 ~. J L. I~l ~'lkli ~ L UiftIIjl~1~ i ~r' Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, June 26, 1991-5 Tun utar itiu1uto hN unÜan Declares Provincial interest in the Oak Ridges Moraine Miark Jackmnan, curator at tic Jackman proposed a MaskL c. DaIvid Petrie, aIu'sss Clarke Museumn, Yvonne Maitlnd Bal wiich would be sponsored Advisor for Durham Region, chairperson of Uic rono D.B.I.A. Jointly by tic Miuscumn, the outlined many avenues which and David Petrie, prepare for a D.B.I.A. and Uic Orono Hall Bail. could bc followcd to strcngthcn meeting of interest people from ic The proposai was greced in favour business enterprises. community held last Tuesday wiUi a date late 1990 or Fcbruary A good attention was recorded cvening in ic Orono Town Hall. Of 199 1, for Uic meceting. New nvirnmntiissues uAndertaken at Clarke -Mus eum & Ar chives The Museum is pleased to announce the installation of 2 composters on site, donated by the Port GranibylNewcastle Environment Committee. Thec composters will be a valuable addition to the Museum and its ongoing recycling program. As guardians of the past for the future, the Clarke Museum is doing its part to ensure that there is a future. In addition to the highly successful recycling paper making programn, the Clarke Museum will bc designing a special school program based on the effeet people have on their environment, The Letter to the Editor: Dear Roy: The Orono Times is becoming a "MUST READ" especially with a columrn written by a "BUSH- BASHER' suchi as Gord Milis. Several weeks ago he likened the heroic, pre-emptive m-ilitary, action taiçen in the Gulf to that of Adolph Hitler! Now, hin the June 5th issue he commnents "BIG BUSINESS in the U.S. stands upon greed,, cheap golods and low taxes. R onald Reagan and now George Bush love it that way." Obviously Gord knows littie about efficicncy. 1 worked as an Industrial Engincer in the U.S. for 19 ycars and ycs, 1I had to face "BIG BUSINESS" and its hire and fire tactics, but I wouldnt trade il for the world. CANADAs problem, right now, is that its productivity is NOT improving to the samie dcgrec as in the U.S. with anti-business views exprcsscd such as Gords, it would appear that Ontarjo will be saddlcd with Provincial Legislation which will further retard improved cfficiency and cause furiher job l<ssCs in Ontario. FREE TRADE is excellent so long as we have Govcrnmcnts which co-operate with business and industry as they try to improve their productivity and become more competitive on the World's market. Furthermorc, who, in their right mnd wants expensive goods and H IGH TAXES? Sincecly Glenn Taniblyn program will allow children to compare life in an 1990's environment. The Museum is also very pleased to announce the new Clarke Museum Enviro-Bag. These sturdy canvas bags with re- inforced stitching are manufactured in Ontario by Mardi of Dimes. They are printed on one side with a soft illustration of the Museum by Maureen Reinigton with the Museum narne printed boldly below. Perfect for grocery shopping, books, trips to the videco store and just about aniytinig else you can think of. These bags are on sale at the Museumi. Priced at onfly $8.95 xax (PST) includcd. No GST! So pick up a bag today and help out the environmnent and proudly Reduce waste study underway (Continued from page 1) per Container Rate and a Rebate Systcm. It was pointcd out to the meeting that the consultants were interested in obtaining views and information from ic egenceral public. Susan- Elstoni, said, "Yet another studly." She said this hias beeni talked about for ages. She pointed out that here thc goverrnment was paying $ 100,000 to dic conisulting firmi to conduct a study that hiad been beeni completcd by volunteers a numnber of times. She said there was good support for dic blue box prograni but on thc oUlier hand Utic majority of residents are not supporting comiposting. Helen MacDonald said Uic time frame of thc study was far too long. "We get disappointcd because study aftcr study gel-s watcrcd down. John Vcldhuis said he sharcd Uic views of Elston and MacDonald and it sccmcd to him as foot dragging. Thc vicws of Uiose present wcre askcd for their vicws and the consultants did point out Uiat thc final decision to action on their report would bc up to council. 'Mc meeting was attcnded by Kathy Kellenger of the Waste Reduction Office and by Dave Patterson of the Town of Ncwcastle Public Works dcpartment. It is understood that other public mecetings will be helid. show your support for thc Museum. The Museum is open Tucsday to Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday il a.m. to 5 p.m. Closcd on Mondays. Thc Province of Ontario released implementation guidelines on Monday at a news conference in Toronto to proteet significant features and control development of Uic Oak Ridges Moraine within Uic Greater Toronto Area. This would include thc Oak Ridges Moraine as it is located in the north of the Reg ion of Durham including the Town of Newcastle to its eastemn boundary. It was announced Uiat a two-year planning study that will lead to Uic developmient of a long-term strategy and that this was now undcrway. It was pointed out Uiat Uic guidelines were finterim and will protect significant fe-atures of Uic Oak Ridges Moraine and control devclopmcent while tic long-term stratcgy is dJcvel'oped. The guidelines arc contained in a 42 page document. In speaking with N'ýiva Rowan of thc Save The Rouge Again Committee she said thcy wcre dclighted with thc announcement pointing out that the Ministry of Natural Resources is spearheading Uic study with assistance from Uic Mfinistries of Municipal Mffairs and of Uic Environment. Thc provmnce is prcpared to spend from $500,000 to $600,000 on Uic study. SAGA has repcatedly called for such a study as has Uic Region and Uic Town. Niva Rowan stated that al devclopment Uiat hasn't reccived final draft approval is expected to now meet conditions of the guidelines. She notcd that rural sub- divisions will bc required to operate a communal scwer system. Thc new principles prohibit devclopmcnt in significant natural arcas: restrict scattcred dcvclopment; encourage maintaining or cnhancing ecological integrity; encourage landform conservation as well as conditions for woodlots, and impacts on groundwater resources. Niva Rowan who attended the pre ss conference said that two committees arc to be set-up, one working on Uic tcchnicai aspect of thc stud y with a furthcr comimittcc being a citizens' comrnittec. RoUi committees arc to be set-up immediatcly to develop Uic long- term strategy. îlc Oak Ridges Moraine from Peel to Newcastle ranges in widUi from 4 kmn to 24 kmn. "once mislaid my government pension cheque and did that ever shake me u. "Now, with Direct Deposit, my pension goesright into my account every month. Automatically." Convenience, security and reliability. That's what Direct Deposit will mean ta people who receive pensions or al lowances from Health and Welfare Canada and Veterans Affairs Canada. Direct Deposit makes a lot of sense. With Direct Deposit, your government payment is deposited automatically, right into your account. Direct1 Deposit means an end to, irritations like delays or misplaced or stolen paper cheques. *IGovernment Iof Canada Gouvernement du Canada The choice is yours. ,Direct Deposit is voluntary. Information and application forms are available at muosr financial institutions or at your near- est Veterans Affairs Canada office or Health and Welfare Canada pension office. Find out more. Then sign up and en oy_ the benefirs. k~jrect1 depositYou benefit directly. Canadla ýwý# - -wie

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