Servlng.T OrnNeSie, Newtonville, Kendal, Starkville ............................................... ..... wr:nr:.qAv-I[ILV 10, 1991 Vol. 55, No. 23 VI-¶ON', UNTA Iii'., J*- Scholars at Clarke High School e e e * * e J. WALTERS C. TAMBLYN B. NffREWIÊATER K. VER WOERT A. RORABECK Two from Or ono area running for Regional councilllor for Ward Three In the past week two Orono former merchant in, downtown to be at the table aftèr the electi<i residents have declared their intent Orono, made lier declaration stating adding tbat tbe new, counicil wr to seek tbe regional council seat in that sbe bas a strong interest in tbe need experience and that sbe hb Ward Tbree in tbe November affairs of tbe community and in bier served as regionai ciufcil for t] municipal election. The seat is municipaiity. past eleven years. currently held by Diane Hamire. Sbe states tbat tbe representatives In speakîng witb Fran' Last week Roîf Balenitin, of of this municipaiity wilI be facing Stapleton recently bie §aid bie will b Orono declared is decision to seek major cballenges in tbe next few making an announcefient sbortly t election in Ward Tbree stating that years, while baving the dual wbetber bie will be a candidatee lie doesnt tink local politicians responsibility of serving the best not in tbe coming eleetion. care about what the average person interests of the Municipal Rcnl pai~wt av tbinks. He said one of his major Corporation and being aware of, Partner it is bis inteîpL to again nu issues will be tbe blue box and responsive to tbe needs of tbe for office witb tbe NeWcastle Hydr recycling program wicb be said electorate. Electric Commissiofi of whicb)h does not cover enougb of the Orono She states it is ber intention to bas -been chairman since it area. listen to the people, to be inception. Paulinè Storkso Balentin is a twenty-four year old welder. On Monday Ann Dreslinski, a accessible, and to approacb eacb issue mindful of the interest and well-being of mhose wbo live, work and play in tbe community. Dreslinski points to ber interests having been activity in community organization including the Orono Hall Board, the D,B.I.A. in Orono and the Orono Woods Walk Park commîttee. Sbe is currently employed at the Durbamn Farmners' County Co-operative. Diane Hamre bas stated mhat sbe will be a candidate in the coming election but as yet bas not decided wbetber sbe will run as mayor or to retain ber regional council seat. Sbe expects to make mhe decision by August. Hamre bas stiated that sbe wants Happenings.. ANNUAL BEEF BARBEQUE The Annual Beef Barbeque will be held this year on Wednesday, August 14th, at the Orono Park. froin 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Plan ahead to attend. Proceeds to the Orono Mrena Improvements and Project Fund. COUNSELLOR IN TRAINING PROGRAM For the aspiring teenager, 13-15 years of age, the YWCA is offering a "Counsellor In Training" programinii the months of July and August. If your child is looking for summer fun and a chance to meet new friends, please cail the YWCA at 623-9922. ACTIVITIES FOR KIDS If the kids are getting bored witb the summer holidays a pbone cail to tbe Newcastle Library system will provide informiration o n a number of programs being held this sununer. The YWCA bas a prograt- ;- ful swing at tbe Orono Park and the swinrming classes are into their first session witb a second session startng July 29th to August 12th. Phone 623-3379 ask for Community Services liil ias the be to or iro hie its Of Newcastle Village will also be seeking to return to è~ffice with the Hydro Electric ComnW-ssiOn. For Council, thee in Ward 1 (Darlington), wil bhae their naines on the bailot for loda1 councillor, Ken Smith, Mary Novak and Mary. Jo Boyes. Tbis position bas been beld by Arnot Wottefl who will be seeking to contest tbe regional council seat against the incumbent Larry Hannali. Ken Bromlpy awl John Vanginhoven bave cicclared to mun for local council -in tbe (Cojitinued page 5) Propnose 1v Newcastle Bramalea Limited, tbrougb a public meeting at cou.ncil on Monday outlined their proposai for a major development on the lakefront in the Village of Newcastle. The proposai seeks approval for a mix of single-detached dwellings, townhouses and apartments totalling a maximum of 1650 units bringîng a possible 5000 new residents to the area. The proposai also calis for a 70 unit motel with various commercial uses and an extension to the existing marmna. The property is west of the Grahamn Creek in New castle reacbing over the Wihinot Creek on the west. At the presenit tinre many of the reporting agencies are awaiting technical reports from Bramalea before commenting on the plan. In the town report it is pointed out the town is undertaking a lakefront study which will consider the Bramalea proposai as it affects the lakeshore area. Bramalea bas requested develop dloser than the allowable setback of 285 feet as determined by the Ganaraska Conservation Autbority. 65O unitsI lakefrontI Bramnalea does propose taking the bank at the waterfront down to lake level and constructing lakeshore protection works. Tbis must meet mhe approval of a number of Mnistries and agencies. kn their proposai Bra malea does propose a number of innovations from tbe traditional. plan of subdivision. As outlined the street plan will be on a grid fonn, as was undertaken prior to the 1940s. It was stated mhat sucb a systern leads road to a focal point, in this case Lake Ontario. Back lane access to bouses is anotber feature eliminating front yard garages and autos. Tbis is being undertaken in, some of tbe single family and townhouse areas. Tbe proposai aiso include witbin tbe 1650 units a five storey apartment complex.facing tbe marina whicb is to be expanded to 300 boat slips. It also moves tbe existing sewage treatment planté from its existing location to a site close to- tbe Wilmot Creek thus protecting the mnouth of the creek being developed later on. The outflow froin tbe new treatment (Continued page 3) Coune. Diane Hamre says Blue Box- program in Durham is baenkrupt in a discussion oftme blue box go on," she said. Counc. Hannali said it was a operation at MondayN's Newcastle's She further stated that the serious problein and tbere was general purpose meýeting Counc. politicians bad to tell the home concerni as to whether or not the Hamre stated that the blue box owners that tbey will bave to province would continue to assist. operation was bankiPt. It is-tiine separate their recyclables and take Tbe Newcastle council did for the politicians toj be bonest and the items to a centrai pick-up centre approve of a joint tendering for the tell the public they have to be part rather than bave curbsîde pick-up. pick-up of the blue box content. of the solution", she Wad. She noted mhat the blue box pick- However, the actual tendering will At the time of the comment up was not available in the rural be delayed until sucb time as the wbich was also supported by Mayor areas and these people bad- to take Region of Durham makes it known Hubbard and CouflcX Hannah the their recyclables to a central deport whetber or not they will continue to Town was consideri,1g approval of or Igloo. provide the funding for the a joint tender with Other Regional Counc. Harnre referred to areas collection of the blue box materiais. municipaiities for the collection of in the U.S. where people do take kn a staff report the budget in the blue box recyclables, their recyclables to a centrai depot Town for 1991 for garbage Hamre said a lot of work had in their area and where there is also collection, garbage disposai, been done as to the <üperation of the provision for composting material. recycling disposai, yard waste and blue box prograin and for transfer Some centres levy a fine for not road side collection of tbe waste stations. She said the Region could recycling, sbe said. plus administration amounts to not afford to carry on the prograin. "What Counc. Hamnre says is a $2.972 million. An estimate for the I do not know how long this can facn" stated Mayor H.ubbard. similar service in 1992 plus die cost (Continued page 3) I a --, N