Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, July 10, 1991-3 Fort hcoming Marriage Max and Carol Lycett of Orono and Mildred Snowball of Tliorold are pleased to announce the fortlicoming marriage of their Itfs a little bit of tiis and a little bit of mhat for this week. That is about how the past week lias passed from day Io day. No doubt most will remnember Janiette Desousa who worked at mhe Times some three years ago after graduatig from Durhanm College. She dropped into the office on Saturday for a few minutes to see what had been happening since lier departure to the Ontario Treasury Ministry iOshawa. Janette sifi keeps most active i the music world playing sax in a big band and as well keeping mnost busy with lier solo engagements with bler accordion and ail the omher equipment she uses in her engagements. Janette states she enjoys lier present employment were there is plenty of opportunity for ,advancement. We also had another iteresting visitor on Saturday from mhe Ajax- Pickering area, one involved in prinfing and being in Orono was interestecl just what went on at the Orono Times. This genteman liad anï interest ini former letterpress printing and just what baud-set types 1I may still have around the sliop. After viewing what stili exists at the Times tlie conversation turned to the old wood type which lie stil uses on occasions along with the bard-metal types. He spoke of bis Westman & Baker baud press stating it lookecl like the Gordon we have tucked away ln the corner. "My press was the 384th built in Toronto," lie said. It turns out that the old liandpress at the Times is a Westmnan & Baker, mhe same as is in Ajax. The genteman had wetted my interest i his number of 384 and 1 asked, "Wliere do you get that nu-mber?" After being told we scraped Off an eighth incli of ink from one of the castings to find mhat the Orono Times Westmnan & Baker was the S28tli press built in Toronto and k mat would be manY years ago. children Lori Lee to Michael Jamnes. The wedding will take place July 13, 1991 at 6:30 p.m. at Orono United Churcli It was the Westman & Baker mhat 1 first did my first printing on in the mid, '30s and it 'served tbrouglitme '40s when in tme early '50s an automatîc letter press was installed. It's al in mhe past and a far cry from mhat of to-day. It was apparent, liowever, mhat our visitor stili took great dlighit in using mhe system of years ago for somne-of lis printing today. Jncidentally the Orono Tinmes Westman & Baker is equipped with a foot tredie and fly wheel making it a good possibility it was in service before the era of the electric motor. The visit from the Ajax- Pickering area genteman did bring back somne memories of.years ago as did the reading of an article of a public meetinig held in Warkwortli late last mnonml. Warkwortli is an existing Police Village in Percy Township and is now confronted wiîli the great possibility of loosing that status througli the restructuring of Northumberland County. Orono faced the same problemt with the formation of the Region of Durbamt and the Police Village status was lost to Orono li 1974 wim mte birmh of the regional systemn of governmnent. Likeiy Warkwormh will go mhe sane way as Orono when the new County systemn is inaugurated. Some 100 people li Warkwormh attended a public meeting over the issue just recently. It is read mhat for die residents it is a question of principle, of xaintaining a sense of independence and lianging onto a slim thread of political autonomy. -There was no0 hope of lianging onto that slim thread for Orono and flot likely will it happen for Warkwormh. Afîer reading the Warkwortli article it is clear mhat mhe Village Trustees in that Village hold lesser control over Village affairs than was the case in mhe Orono Police Village. Orono following a Ontario Municipal Board hearing was given somne additional powers tbrougli an arrangement with the thien Township of Clarke, One might ask "is biggei BramalPpa for lakefrfl t (Continued froi9 page 1) plant would uscý the existing outflow flot affecç41ng ejîher the Graharn or Wiimot Cecks.- In total the pl.,n involves 250 acres of which 47 acres is designated Open Space and 28, acres parkland. Gord Carveth of Bondhead said mhis was one of 5ôveral proposais for the Newcastle lakefront over a number of years Whefl density has been increased froffi 800 in the 70s to now 1650 unitg plus the 70 unit motel. He said lie was agreeable to development of thé area but flot this plan with. its dengitY. He said 465 units look clown on, the Marina and this was just too great of a density for that particulâr area. He said there was no0 area for boat storage. He pointed out tilat the area was designated for 14 units per hectare and the Bramalea proposai was four trnes greater thgn the existing zoning would allow. Helen MacDona.ld also spoke on the proposai statiflg that density was too great and mhat there would be a lack of acce§s for the general public to the lakefront. "We have to travel to Oshawa1 or Cobourg for sucb lakefront accf-ss,' she said. Jack Eilbecke Bondhead, also spoke noting tixat bis concerns al centred on mhe délpsitY- He said he saw no facilities inpme comniurity comingon line ffi the 5000 plus residents colinig to the comniunity. "It Wili be nice for tbree montlis of mhe year but the rest of the year ig drastic along mhe lakefront. Mr. Duncani, Bolton Street, aiso spoke of the density figure and beld a concerfl of change to the liarbour entfance that could affect the later;tt drift to those properties east of the harbour and the loss of lakestiore prOperty. He said the old right angle harbour entrance had been mucli better mhan mhe present barbour entrance. It is the intent of Bramalea to make changes to the barbour entrance and at riglit angle to mhe lake frontage. He aiso notçd that Bramalea intended to MIinh a portion of mhe lakefront. The proposai lias been referred back to mhe planning department. Blue box plan bankrupt (Continued from Page 1) of blue box collectt.on and collection and disposai from the Igloos increases to $3.831 million. This makes for an increase of $859,000. This amount is increasd furtlier to $1.301 million due to mhe likelihood that a rebate from Metro Toronto on disposa] is figured on weight ramher than on population.. It was pointed out to Town council that a decision must be madle even though no decision as to funding has been made by the Region. 1 i calling mhe joint tender for al municipalities it lias been noted mhat mhe tender cail will be for once a week collection as weil as once every two weeks, Miicipalities wimhin mie Region pay $97.50 a tonne to the Region for recyclables dropped at the Regional centre, REDUCEDI ALL KINOS 0F DEMONSTRATORS, ENDO0F UNES, ETC. DISCOUNTS 0F 20%/, 30%, 40% HURRY IN FOR BEST SELECTION up, NO DEALERS PLEASE - -T07( OPF SHARWPA OXNCD6- NO SARP GX-CD75UUKEMB Remes cntrl * ortbleCD5B player .AM'FM causette $449.951 OnIy $5.50 a Week OAC1 -IARP GX-CQS6CBK *Remoe control- Portable CD player- AM/FM double-cassette $549.95 Only $6.75 a Week OAC le CD player -AM/FM e * AM/FM portable Stere'Twin- $299.95 Cam* Double casette Only $3.75 a Week OAC'19 5 control-CD player. 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