Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, JuIy 17, 1991-3 Happy 2lstJeff Love from Mom and Dad Guess Who's 30 Happy Birthday Teresa Graduation WOODWARD, Gail Patricia Gail Patricia Woodward, wife of Jack Woodward Orono, and eldest daughter of Ivan and Vera Hobbs Bowmanville, graduated with Honours (94%) from The Toronto School of Business on June 27, 1991. Gail received her Receptionist/Typist Diploma, and will be considening positions in the unonediate area. Council Briefs Crooked Creek in theformer Township of Clarke is to be designated a Cluster in the Durham Official Plan. The designation bas been approved by mhe Region. The recommendation from the Regional director of planning states mhat mhe recommendation was not made on planning grounds but on compassionate grounds to allow a severance whereby Lloyd George_ could have a lot for a home. George had lost bis home during the tornado mhat passed through mhe area last year....... .... The Federation of Anglers and Hunters have asked the Town to Newcastle along with other municipalities in Ontario to pass a by-Iaw so mhat some control may be taken for Purpie Loosestrife which is fast destroying nature areas and wetland especially throughout mhe province. The large spike of purple seen aiong the roadways at mhis tume of year is mhat of Purple Loosestrife. A Strathmpior drive resident, Bowmanville, s5ýeks information to hold a Street PartY, in the sub- division at which there would be games for childrefl, an evening barbecue and a dance in the evé ing. This is the second such reust made to the Town with a report that the first such scheme was a great success. A community getting together to know> one another., The Towns Senior Citizens Steering Committee have requested four firms to submit and present their proposais for a Seniors' Activity Centre Feasibility Centre. Two of the finms state they will be submitting their proposais at which time the comniuee will consider their choice of firm to undertake the study. .. . ....... .. Gord Milîs, M.P.P., Durham East, has submitted a request to the Minister of Transportation for consideration of a reduction of the speed limit in Newtonviile and a consideration of a four-way stop at the Newtonville-Kendal road and Hlighway 2. 1Milis -bas also written the Minister of Consumer and Commercial Relations as to the closing of the Bowmanville Registry Office and advises council' that lie bas not been able to secure any reprieve in maintaining the office iBowmanville. HI-s letter points out that better service can bc provided from a more central location where ahl documents will be available. The Durham Region Non- Profit Housing Corporation bas informed the Town of Newcastle of its interest in constructing an affordable housing, complex in Bowmianville on lands now owned by Shorecrest Developments ic. The lands are located east of Liberty Street and north of Highway No. 2 with front on the highway. The board bas authorized staff to commence negotiations for the purchase pending a positive outcome of the site investigation. The Corporation bas a site at the corner of 'Mearns Avenue and Concession Street where work is expected to get under way this, year on a rentai project. The chairman of the Bowmanville Museum Board, Richard Horton, bas resigned with mhe position being filled by Acting Chairman, Irwin Colwell.- Counce. Stapleton said that the Master Plan, in its first draft, for recreation in Newcastle, will be presented to counicil mhe first part of September. The Master Plan bas been undertaken by a consulting fiTn. Counce. Hanire spoke of a super mail box placement in Newcastle Village mhat bas been servicing 20 residential units bas now been expanded to service 63 patrons. She said residents in mhe area of the mail box complex had no objection to mhe 20 boxes but that 63 was something else. Hanire asked if the planning department had input to such placements. It was answered there was dialogue but it was on the ternis of Canada Post. The Works Departmnent is bo dialogue with Canada Post over the display. 1ounieand ouiii C M ri ecoder. $349.95 $ 54995 OnIy $4.25 a Week OAC OnIy $6.75 a Week OAC SHARP SYS-3500AVC SHARP SYS4500AVC 200 w attsempg enoM Iotol 240 watt surroued-Jsound stereo pkg. dieCD changer, double cassette, Remote control, 5 dise CD changer, stand indluded. surround speaker and stand included. $1,1 99.95 I ,499.95 OnI1y $14.75 a Woek OAC OnIy $17.95 a Week OAC CAR AUDIO 5631 AMIFM/CD1 PLAYER clu n 5IH 159995 or V u M, -0n1y 7." aWe.k OAC 4 PKERS M 2 -WAY SPEAKERIS Total 170 watt package.