- ~9rormo ~V~oJ¶iy Tll!I??~ YYflflflhIJ,~NIy~i, 1t~l~ Councl Brief - A Municipal Board hearing has been schieduled for a possible flive days beginning Septemiber 23, 1991> when the issue of the Reid - Reynaert 14 residential lot estate plan will be hecard. A staff reports sites it would cost upwards of $25,000 ta have a solicitor and planning consultants at the hearing. The Region of Durham when approving the Officiai Plan amendment gave authority for their legal staff to make representation and planning staff ta, appear as a witness, if required. Residential development in the Town of Newcastle has reached $24,702,500 in the first six months of 1991 comparing with $27,775,850 in 1990. Comimercial1 developmnent reached $3,255,300 for the 1991 six month period comparing with $732,000 in 1990. Industrial development lias reached $957,000 in 1991 comparing with $1,313,000 in the same period for 1990. -- - - - - - - - - - - - Town committee has given their approval spending $172,693.66 as tender paymient for the Mill Street Boat Ramp and Parkette at Bondliead lakefront. The project also includes plantings, electrical lighting and a boardwalk ta the p ier. - - - - - - - - - - - - - The Town is spending $121,865.29 for~ sidewalk construction in various sectors of the municipality. The contract is ta be Jet ta a Bramalea contractor. A sum of $25,000.00 has been approved for expenditure for the restoration of various monuments and bases i the Bowmanville and Bond Head cemeteries. Fees for recreational activities have been approved with increases from 4 ta 5 percent. Car admission ta the Orono Park on Saturdays and Sunday lias been increasrd ta $4.00 from the 1991 figure of $3.50. The 1990 financial statement has been received by council members and will bc given further consideration at the next meeting of counicil. The statement shows a surplus for 1990 of $1.905 million which drew a comment from the auditors representative was excellent for the time. Mayor Hubliard was assured that the Town was in excellent condition fmnancially. Committee approved an expenditure of $33,965.00 for the services of Greer Gal!oway Group for the implementation of the Senior Citizens' Activity Centre Feasibility Study. The study is ta start immediately and is expected ta bc complete by the end of the year. The Town is granting the Un ited Way $400,00 rather than providing the Bowmanville Recreation Complex for a Hospital ity Nite free of charge. Mayor Hubbard was supported in asking for a staff report relating to implication in calling a freeze or slowdown of residential development in the Town of Newcastle. She said the report should contain financial impacts and other aspects as it would relate to the municipality. She said there is concern of residential assessment over-riding industrial and commercial assessment. ASummer report by Gord Mills, M.P.P. In my last column, and the. presentation of my first Report Card ta you, 1 asked for your comments regarding my marks. Since then, 1 have been very encouraged by the number of positive remarks sent my way., This past week, I have. taken ta the roads in the riding. f have made many calis in Janetville, Pontypool, Port Perry, Courtice, Orono and Wilmat Creek. Severai people have asked me when the election is taking place! It seemed strange ta a lot of folks as ta why I wouid be making hause cals when the next provincial election is some four years away. I am making the cails for a numberof reasans. Firstly, I wasn't able ta meet al those who supported me during the last election, this is my oppartunity ta say thanks in a personal manner. Secondly, I have often heard that a politician oniy comes calling at electian time, 1 wanted ta be a shade different. Thirdiy, and perhaps mast important, 1 wanted -) let people know that being their ~representative at Queen's Park is a fuil-time commitment ta me., 1 do niot haveany private business requirements ta catch up with dur ing breaks in gavernment business. Far ta many paliticians eiected by the people ta serve them, and them alone, are caught 1- being a part-time ,sentative. 1 would like ta sec some legisiation introduced that would prahibit such activities. All my cals were well received, and con trary ta what one may have read in the, national press about aur govemrment, the biggest complaint was against the Federal governmenit. Over and over, people complained about the GST and its effects on ardinary people. Thec GST, is a poorly designed, iniefficient, and regressîve consumnption tax which will conitinue ta fuel inflation and destro0y Jobs. Thîis past week, tucked in between imy house calis, I hiad the pleasure of makiing 1t\v presenitatians an behiaif of the Premier anid the Gavernment of Ontario. Bath were ta commerate important Wedding Annîversaries. Merlin and Dora Dawson of Port Perry ceiebrated their Sth Wedding Anniversary. Harold and Dorothy Berry of Oshawa, celebrated their 55th Wedding Anniversary. Ta me, and no doubt ta the families invalved, it is quite remarkable these days - no doubt ta impraved medicai care - ta see couples ceIebrating milestones in their lives, iooking s0 mucli younger than their ages. Congratulations tealal and many happy years to foiiow. Until next week - please be kind te each other. Area Conserivation Authority Proqram Ganaraska plants 72,000 trees The Ganaraska Regian Conservation Authority completed thecir tree planting progfam ecarlier this year planting 72,0)00 trees on 29 pr ivate properties. Under the Conservation Services pfogramn the owner of the lands and the Authority share in the cost Of planting with the owner purchasing the trees. Work is now underWay on the erosion contrai compoîlent of the program. Later this year the Authiority in conjundçtioii with property owners will be undertaking wildlifcl habitat projeets. School Boards considering first aai 1The separate sehool board of Peterborough Victoria, Northumberland and Newcastle lias found that three of fts schools do not have anyane an Staff with up-to-date first aid training. As a resuit the board is now offering such training ta staff when it is requested. The public school board apparently doesn't know where it stands as ta first aid training in its schools. Three years ago the board enicouraged staff ta take training but a certificate only lasts for three years. The Board does suggest in a policy that first aid will be pravided and first aid supplies wîll be available. Some boards do have a palicy which requires that at least 20 percent of staff have first aid training in bath secondary and elementary schools. It is often a requirement that an emergency response plan is in place and that a minimum of first aid kits are ta be available. There is a law enforcing employers to have first aid available for their emplayees but there are no such laws requiring schiools ta have such first aid for students. Tnie Public School board is ta conduct a survey of the service in their schools this caming September. Further work for Cobourg harbour Cobourg counicil could set further imiprovemnits for their lakefront in motiont by approving a furthecr expenditure, of $500,000 with work startmig in August. The work this year would include a extensive boardwalk. The total praject is ta bc completed in 1992 at a total cast of $1 .5 million. .Private developers of 'land in the Cobourg area are/hopeful of being able ta undertake a study of development an private lands ini the near future. Postal station finally arrives After months of debate between the owner of a canvenience store in Baltimore and the Township of Hamilton a postal sub-station has been opened ini the hamlet. The Canada Post office has been closed and mail is distributed through the now familiar, super mail boxes. Those interested in such project for 1992 should now contact the Authority, 416-885-8173 asking for Bill Newell. Activities planned by Central Lake Authority The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority lias a numnber of activities planned for the remainder of the surnmer including ba th events for kids and adults. A free walk and talk is beîng held within the Bowmanville Valley Conservation area on July 3lst at 7:30 p.m. from the parking lot. The parking lotis off Waverley Drive at Raenigk Drive. It is suggested that inseet repellent be available as well as proper footwear. CLOCA has also on stage a show for the kids being presented by the CLOCA Players of An Environmental Show. The show includes puppets, staries, games and loads of fun and designed for the 5 ta 10 age group. It's free and takes place at the Heber Down Conservation Area on July 27th at 1 p.m. More information by phoning 579-0411. Follow Taunton Road west to Country Lane and go north. CLOCA is again holding its annual Autumn Fun and Craft Day on Sunday, September 22 from 10 a.m. till 4 p.m. at the Enniskillen Conservation Area. Those wishing to take part in the craft event for show purposes or sale may do so by contacting Gord Geisberger at 579-0411. Crafts of ail kinds would be welcomed. *WEEO CONTRL *FERTIUZItff INE* îacrCONTROL CIINCH, ORUS, ANTS. I, CIIABB GRASS ~ PROTECTION GOVERNMENT LICENCED RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL L4AWN PROFESSIONALS BY 43 COMPLUE!LNPORAMMNES WITII GREATER SAVINGS -DRIVIEWAY PROTECTION - ASPHAIT SEALING M PO BOX 277 983-52à,67 ORONO MORRIS FUNERAL ICHAPEL LTD EstbIished in 188 623-5480 ~ 4 Division St. Bowmanviile PRE-ARRANGED AND PREPA ID FUNERAL SERVICES AVAILABLE 3-tfSN MERVYN B. KELLY Barrister and Solicitor LAW OFFICE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE - REASONABLE RATES Free Initial Consultation 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 6234444 Evening and Week-end Appoinments Available Corner Church and Temperance Sts., Bowmanville Cal!me to buy or self . Orono and area's real estate rep. KRYSTYNA JONES Tel: 983-9782 RE/MAX APPLE Tel: 576-3111 COUNTRY BUNGALOW Beautiful View! Asking $1 59,000 Orono