Orono Week.1y Times, W.cinesdaY, JuIly 24, 1991l -5 along in the summertime, drinking in ail of Mother Natures spiendour... Theres always a rainbow along grounds at Martin and Bey the driveway, dressing up the Boekee's. 1'Hope to see you out and about, Newtonvilîe Alive returns, enjoying this truly ury August 7. summer ...."I "Lers keep in toucli!" Helen MacDonald's choice One of Ron and Arlene Phillips' gardens.. a delight to passers-by. of children's At home, or on an outing, your children can enjoy some of the most beautiful cratures on this planet - birds. Birdwatching has become a very popular activity for, the '90's, and there are many books for the young omithologist. The "Peterson First Guide - bird books Birds" is a simpliied field guide to the common birds of Nort h America. It is illustrated in the Roger Tory Peterson tradition, with clear descriptions of birds, and an introduction telling your child how to get started in birdwatchiing. You might want to Newtonville Alive Orono Fire Catis The following fire calîs were received by the Town of Newcastie Fire Departmnent, Station 3, Orono during the week of July 14 to July 21, 1991. On Monday, July 15th between 8:30 p.m. and 1:30 a.m. pumper 3 assisted station 1, re: structure fire King Street, Bowmanville-. CAW says "NO" to fée increase A proposed due increase for CAW members by the National CounIcil was defeated on Saturday when delegates voted down such a recomimendation. Approval was sought for the inicrease in order that it could be brought before the union's national convention being held Ibis fall. The executive suggested a $9.50 average monthly increase which was to be phased ini over a peried of three years. 0F ALL THE DRI VING SCHOOLS YOU CAN CHOOSEr ONLYONE HAS 400 000 STUDENTS TO RECOJCEND UT At Young Drivers of Canada, exclusive mn-class instruction we offer one of the Most thorough from highly-trained instructors to defensive driver training programs make sure you understand ail the in the country. defensive driving techniques. 'ONE ~ We believe the best way to learn Learn emergency maneuvers like WAYis with one instructor and one student brake-and-avoid, threshold braking, in te ca. -swerving techniques and how to avoid You'll learn how to drive defen- a head-on or rear-end collision. sively with our proven approach to Don't take a chance. Let a H accident-free dnvmig. professional teach you to drive - ~You'll also receive and survive. by Peggy ML "Wild and Wonderful!" Many folks i Newtonville have laboured long and hard to crate beautiful gardens of colour. It is indeed a treat to the soul, to strol *complement your child's learning experience with the video 'Watching Birds" (prepared by Houghton Mifflin) which identifies birds both visually and by "song". " For the Birds" by Margaret Atwood is a wonderful story with a message of protection and preservation of birds and their habitat. Your child will discover with young Samantha what life really is like fer the birds while cultivating, his/her reading skills. This Canadian book also features ..sidebars" which include ideas for creating bird habitat and interesting facts about the dangers to birds and their environnment. A more in-depth book about birds for the older child is "Exploring the World of Birds" by Adrian Forsyth and Laurel Aziz. This Equinox guide to avain life explores the behaviour of birds, their adaptation to a changing enviroament, and observations of birds in their habitat. Splendid photographs examine some of the more well-known birds and some exotic species. It is exciting to see birds in their natural habitat, but great pleasure can also be derived from observations of birds feasting at a bird feeder, or in your garden. As a summer project, you and your- children can build bird feeders to attract birds close to your home for observations; and, dont forget te provide a birdpath, or some other means of water for your "guests". Yeu mîght also consider building some birdhouses to ensure that they nest nearby. Your local library has a host of birdhouse and birdfeeder building books; some which also include suggestions for creafing habitat for your bird friends. "Flow to Attract, House and Feed Birds', by Walter E. Schultz, is an easy-to-follow guide which tells you most of what you need te know about providing food and shelter for birds. New is the time to plan to attract birds to your backyard as they will soon be preparing for their long journeys south. There are some books which include suggestions for feeding or housing birds, taking into consideration the 3R's of environmental protection: Reduoe, Re-Use, and Recycle. "The Puzzlers Book", A Green World (Continued page 7)