enough. .sixty anyway, and ready and willing to take part in special events such as the annual picnic and barbecue put on by Parkview's Board of Directors, this past Tuesday, July 16. Parkview Boardl of Directors, in Chairman), Ray Woods, part..(l-r) G(j(orge Walton (Superintendent), Frank Hoar (longtirne residient, gardener), (Director) and Maurice Pedwell Howard Quînney (Vice- (Chairrnan). Christian Corner ...... (standing> Benny Spencer, Dorothy Branch, Lola Tuffrey, Alice Hopson, May Hall and Bessie Dean. These ladies took in sonie shade on the sidelines..(l-r) Mrts. Buras, -"Shuffleboard anyone?. you Bet! " (1-r) Lil Bolderstone, Bill Hall, Parkview Apartments was built in 1981, and boasts forty-two lovely apartmnents. As one makes their way down the widing path from the main street, colourful flowers and shrubs greet residents and visitors alike. Superintendent Ray Woods and his wife Ruth and alI Parkview residents tend to give a stranger the impression, the very pleasant impression, of being one big happy farnily. Eva Smith and George Walton set up teams to play. Though the Directors aren't around ail the time, they are ail caring and dedicated individuals in maki.ng Parkview a nice place to cail home. On the Board of Directors..Maurice Pedwell, Chairman; Howard Quinney, Vice-Chairman; Judith Nicklaus, Secretary-Treasurer; and Directors, Frank Hoar, Marilyn Martin, Francis Jose, Dave Adams and aiso Judge Richard Lovekin. by Rev. Marg WQst How do you handie death? Death can be sudden, it can be prolonged throûgh sickness, old age but it is inevitable we ail have to face the fact diat one day death will befaîl us. I had just such an experience titis past week. Death knocked on the door and took a loved one. De-âth can be very devastating, but 1t doesn't have to be that way. Fear of death anld dying can be done away with ttirougl' a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Death took ouf Mom last week and we are grieving but Mom had a personal relationship with Jesus Christ so we have the assurance that when deatil knocks on our door we will see Iher again. It'sflot s0 with ail our fpimily. Some have flot asked Jesus to corne into their lives, so they are fearful of death and dying. ITn Corinthians 5:8 it says "to be absent frorn the body is to be present witi the Lord". In 1 Timothy 4:13-17 "But I would flot have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep (dead) that you sorrow not, even as others which have no hope". (Those who have flot aksed Jesus into their lives) For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them aiso 983-5598 (Orono, Newcastle) [ Thank you to everyone over at Parkview for the smiles and warmest of welcomes 1 received. It certainly was my pleasure to visit! which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. (They are with Jesus). For this we say unto you by the word of the L'ord that we which are aiive and remain unto the corning of the Lord shall ot prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord hirnself shahl descent frorn with a shout, with the voice of the Archangel and with the trump of God: and dhe dead in Christ shahl rise first: Then we which are alive and rernain shahf be caught up together with thern in the clouds, to meet the Lord ini the air, and 50 shahl we ever be wîth -the Lord. So -We will miss Mom but We have the assurance of seeing her and being with her again. If you do flot know where you will bc the instant you die, please get your life in order today. The bible says Heb. 9: 2,9 - its appointed unto man once to die, and after that the judgement. Ask Jesus to forgive your sins and let Hîm take over your life and you aiso Will have the assurance of a home wîth Jesus. Total Christian Television Channel 49 Conmments or questions, Box 179, Orono. Council Brie f Town staff are to meet withi representative frorn Harnptoi over a request for a park in the hamnlet. Staff will report back to the general purpose committee. é -O oWeklyT~me~ednesday, July. gg HELL-O NEWCASTLE! H COMPLETE CAR & TRUCK REPAIRS DIESEL ENGINES - CUMMI NS, DETROIT & CAT RADIO DISPATCHED 10W TRUCKS MOBILE MECHANICAL SERVICE TRUCK R 1ORONO, ONTARIO LOB 1 MO 4 MILES NORTH 0F 401 ON HWY. 115 &35 PHONE (416) 983-9151 COMPLEUE REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES & MODELS 0F FOREIGN & DOMESTIC *CARS *VANS *BUSES *TRUCKS lUsed Car OeSOPS o Sales- Rad Shop & Oirigina Muffler Shop 983-5130 Safety Inspections Tow Service Propane & Natural Gas Brakes o Tune Lips 983-5487 Body & Paint Work Automotive Parts 117 MiD St. Orono Proprietor: Milke Mangar Lic, CI.A.B.H.NGSP.S6a.S6b. Insp. by Pegg Mullan Hidden away amnid flowers, trees and shrubbery, in Newcastle Village, one cornes upon 165 King Street East and the lovely Parkview Apartrnents. But not just anyone can get a place here! You have to be old Thoroughly enjoying the beautiful day, were Parkview gais (1-r) sitting - Ruth Woods, Lil Bolderstone, Edna Houden, Eva Smith and Elizabeth Skelding; Lawn Control you can depend on - Weed Spraying - Crab Grass - Fertilizing - Insect Spraying - PIug Coraeration Program available for the season. See the Difference Quality M akes! Letter to the Editor Letter written to Mr. E. John Veld.huis, Chairman, Port Granby- Newcastle Envîronmnent Committee from Ross Stevenson, M.P., Durhamn - dated July 16, 199 1. Dear John: This will acknowledge the copy of your letter to the Prime Minister, dated June 18, regarding commencement of Phase IV of the siting process for relocating low level radioactive wastes currently located at Port Granby and in the Port Hope-Hope Township areas. Your letter seemed to convey the mi staken impression that the federal government only reacts when you personally exert pressure. On the cOntrary, mY understanding is that Phase IV aiready has received the requireil consideration and approvai of cabinet and, if an announcernent has flot been made by the time you receive this, then it soon will be. I have noted your reference to the Prime Minister's 1984 letter to James Sculthorpe and other area residents who were concerned about these wastes. You might well remember that this was the first time ever that anyone within the federal govemnment had accepted any goverfimental responsibility Whatsoever for resolving t.his long- standing community problem. Previous goverilments had insisted sole responsibility lay with Eldorado Nuclear whîch,,as you've mentioned, subsequently proposed burying ail the waste under a prime dairy farmn property, near Tyrone. It was to prevent this outrage that the present govemment intervened and established the siting task force. The federal goverfiment has every -intention of seeing this matter through to its conclusion. Everyone concerned knew from the beginning that it would be a lengthy, complicated, and extremely expensive process. Under the circurnstances, veiled threats of "lconfrontation" and "patience wearing thin" - while they may look good in print - are hardly justified and certainly flot productive. I noted that you sent copies of your letter to the local media. Therefore I aiso an providing them with copies of this correspondence. With very best regards, Yours very truly Ross Stevenson, M.P. Durham