-Evergreen Farm and Garden "No Job too smail" Dby Peggy Mullan Morawetz, Secretary; Richard Posig with pride, are Evergreen Harris, Parts Department; Tom employees (-r) (lmeelig) Service Morawetz, President; Bill Worden, Technicians, Peter Westheuser, Sales -Manager; Ian Rudkin, and Len Harris; (standing) Kris Service Manager; and Helmet Vaneyk, Technician; Marilyn Klei, Parts Manager.__ "Our service, without question, problerns and questions. is second-to-none". They are located on Taunton Somehow, when President of Road, just west of Orono. Their Evergreen Farm and Garden hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Equipment, Tom Morawetz tels Monday to Friday, and 8:00 a.m. you tliis; you belleve him. < to 12:00 noon on Saturdays. Specializing in theSales and Service of John Deere equipment, Evergreen Farma and Garden Equipmnent, opened up on Taunton Road i Orono i April 1989. 1The Company carnies a complete line of John Deere farmn and garden equipment, as well as a remarkably extensive parts department that can virtually service any tractor or problema thereof. Evergreen stocks batteries, beits, fitters, filter puxnps, plow parts and cultivator sweeps, hydraulic hoses, and more; everything including unique special tools, a calcium -tank for fixing tires, and a complete, up-to-date 1service library, enabling them to fully service everything sold,' plus other brand name equipment ... right the first time ... on the spot i Orono. It was interesting to learn that John Deere is totally commnitted to safety. They are constantly updatîng safety features on all of their machiery. Many John Deere equipment owners are not aware of the extent the company wiIl go to ensure ultimate safety is maintained on their tractors. If a customer has purchased a Deere prior to a certain safety feature being introduced, John Deere and Evergreen will bring that tractor up to present safety standards, at no cost to the consumer. This is in addition to servichig everything from a small lawn mnower to the largest of combies. Clearly, a well' -rounded, start-to- finish service company. The staff of Evergreen really enjoy their work. They take a rare pride, one miglit say these days, i the job they do and the service they offer. As Tom Morawetz said, "The Orono area lias been good to us. We really try to get involved \,_,.enever we can with the community and folks around here... trying to give something back to our friends, neighbours and customers i our hometown". The Staff of Evergreen invites everyone to pop into the shop or showroom to have a chat, a look i d, or to bring along any Heflen MacDonald (Continued ftomn page 5) Book from the Editors of Own Magazine, teaches children about birtlfeed, and provides some creative instructions for building birdfeeders from household items which you would normally dispose Of. Polis tell us that Canadians are more concemned about the state of the environment than we have ever been. How can we take that concern and put it into action? Next week, we will look at some magazines which can help you i your quest for more information 1leading you to action - at home and i the workplace. Helen MacDonald An encouraging statistic for a change It lias been reported that there has been a decrease in the number of auto-accidents in which the driver bas been drinking. Alcohol related accidents have dropped by 42 percent from 1980 to 1989. 1 I 1980 there were more than 30,000 accidents ivolvig alcohol i Ontario. This declied to 17,488 i 1989 or 4.5 percent of al raffic accidents. At the samne tme drivers icreased by 26 percent. Local 222, Oshawa thumbs down dues increase Members of Local 222 Caw, workers at the Oshawa GM plants voted 99 percent against any suggestion that union dues icrease by 25 percent which would resut i an average union member at GM payig $9.3 1 more a month i dues. The union's national executive wants membership dues to hicrease from the present two hours a month pay to two and a haif hours a month. Warn Region "We wiIl leave" Developers have warned the Region of Durhamn they will leave the region and Oshawa due to proposed lot levy icreases. The Region is considering increasing lot levies in total by $1500 or 22 percent. Ini the addition the Region itends to iclude a new garbage charge of $331 along with a new $425 per unit general purpose charge plus an icrease of 10.9 percent i the present lot levy charge. Further thecharges are to apply upfront when the development is approved. The City of Oshawa are also itendig to icrease their lot levies by 92 percent that would bring a 987m3281 z single home lot levy up to $7,170. from the present $3,341I figure. Region cails for old age home studies The Region of Durham is about to undertake a $60,000 study that would recommend the best way to, renovate both Hillsdale Manor in Oshawa and Lakeview Manor in Beaverton. Both homes were built twenty years ago. It bas been stated there is more need for private accommodation for residents who From A round TeRegion Mark M. Stapleton f«çstoratiort & çProduct i 6720 Leskard Rd. N., Orono 983-6098 We specialize in Historical Restoration and Reproduction of Century Homes. LAlso all types of General Carpentry. ORONO FUEL& LUMBER LIMITEb P.O. Box 180, Station Street Orono, Ontario LOS i MO ALISTAIR ROZARIO FREE ESTIMATIES Telephone: (416) 983-9167 Residence: (416) 983-5344 Af f ordable Dream Vacations!- '0 Free Vacation Planning Services' " Discount Cruises 0 Charter Vacations " Airline Tickets 0 Honeymnoon Packages * Motel and Car Reseiratit4ns PERSONAL & CORPORATE TRAVEL SERVICES Travel Agents International We're- with you ail the way 68KING ST. E, BOWMANVILLE Over 300 Agencies in North America 623-6600 r ROKA LUMBER- & FIREWOOD CENTRE, Lumber Firewood Pressure Treated Lumber Interlocking Brick Doors Wood Flooring Windows Trusses Cedar Lumber Roof Steel Kitchens Wood Timbers 1 mile south of Pontypool on Hwy. 35 (705) 277-3381 now are required to use conimon washroomns. Consider three cat limit for homes The Oshawa council are considering placing a limit on the. number of cats that can be kept inia home. The limit suggested has been thxee. Play cancelled in Cobourg The Lakeshore Festival group of Cobourg have cancelied their proposed presentation of "Eight to the Bar" production which was to be held i August due to lack of sufficient sponsors. However Peter Colley's "When the Reaper Cails" continues to July 27th at Victoria Hall. (Continued page 8)