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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Aug 1991, p. 12

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(.1 -Omo eeky ImsWednda A ut? 91Jw From round Home Summer dwindles 1As the calendar turns wc do cansider dma summer is at least baif over but apparently do some of the birds. A recent trip to the Port Perry scwage lagoons offcred viewing of at least three species of shore birds wbich are reputed to nest along Uic rira of Hudson Bay westward to Alaska and the Yukon. These birds do not reach their nesting area until early June but here they werc with their families raised and apparently an their way south for the winter. AlI Uree take up residence for Uic winter along thc shore of the Gulf 0f Mexico with onc spreading over along thc Califomýia coastline. The three hirds included the Semipalmated Ployer, Uic Pectorial Sandpiper and Uic Lcast Sandpipcr. One would have te say they were net slackcrs in -their efforts ta survive and then ta pramate their particular species. Other vicwings of shore birds included a considerable number of Yllawlegs along with Spottcd Sandpipers, bath of which could. have been summer residents of Uic area. There were a hast of ducks which surely had ta bc Malllards along with a geod grouping of Blue-Winged Teal. Unfortunately they all secm ta look alike at this tume of year ather than for thc sizc af Uic birds. But amongst anc group of a passible twa hundred ducks were QUOTATION SEALED QUOTATIONS, clearly marked as to 'contents, for the follawing requiremerîts, listed below, àddressed to the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, Purchasing Off ice, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, Li C 3A6, wiIl be received on the forms and in the onvelope provided until the specif ied closing time and date. Quotation Documonts may be obtained from the Purchasing Office at the above add ress. Quotation 091-17 ELECTRICAL SERVICES - Street Lighting The scope of service required includes qualified tradesman for emergency and general ropairs to street lighting on an "as required" basjs within the Town of Newcastle for the balance of 1991. Closinig Timne& Date: 4:00 p.m. (Local Timne) Wedneësday, August 21, 1991 The lowast or any quotation not necessarily accepted. ~* TQW O Jr Mrs. Lou Ann Birkett fIPurhasing and Supply, î"'eephone: (416) 623-3: Date of Publication: We,--dnesday, August 7, 1991 SEALED QUOTATI< following requirer Corporation of the Temperance Street received on the forr specified closing lime Quotation Documner Office at the above ai Quotation Q91 -14 Closing Mime & E The Iowest or any qu( Date of Publication: Wednesday, August 7,1 Agent 379 ext. 268 P-0. 4653 I DEVELOPER CON VICTED 0F FISHERIES HABITAT DESTRUCTION CHARGES Becbnirut Develoýpment Corporation of Markbam, Ontaria 5 Axas conivicted an June 7, 1ý991 in Wbitby Pravincýial Court of charges under tbe Fishieries Act in connection wiGh the developmient of a subdivision in the City of ýUOTATIOJN Oshawa. In August of 1990, Beecbnut Devclopment Corporation began ONS, clearly marked as ta contents, for the development of tbe Cranberry ments, listed below, addressed ta the Heigbts Subdivision. As part of ic Town of Newcastle, Purchasing Office, 40 approval process, Beechnut 1Bowmanville, Ontario, LI C 3A6, will be Developmient wes required ta ms and in the envelope provided until the obtain approval by M.N. R. of their e and date. intendcd drainage, sedimentation and erosion contrai works. This nts may be obtained f rom the Purchasing appravai was not granted by M.N. iddress. R. priar ta the initiation of en-site construction. 6 - PAINTING EXTERIOR - In September of 1990 beavy rains Clarke Museum washcd large amnounts of silt into Date: 4:00 p.m. (Local Tîme) nearby Harmony Creek. Sult was Monday, Augusi 19, 1991 mcasured up ta depUis of 14 inches, for a distance of approxîmately bal iotatian not necessarily accepted. a mile. Beechnut Development Corporation was convicted and Mrs. Lou Ann. Birkett fîncd $5,000.00 for carrying an Purchasing and Supply Agent work that rcsulted in the harmnful Telephone: (416) 623-3379 ext. 268 alteration of fisb habitat and an additional $ 10,000.00 for allowing 1991 P.O. 4649ý a deleteriaus substance ta be deposited inta waters frequented by fish. Jtwo Ruddy Ducks. This is flot a rare find but a pleasant onc for the bird watcher even though it has only Happened on tree occasions for us, twice being at the Port Perry lagoons. The Ruddy Duck is most spotty in Ontarjo with their usual sumnier location being in the Prairies Up into the Northwest Territories and a strip west of the Rockies. The sighting was a pleasant one and it did stand out with the white face patch and the up-turned taau. On Sunday at our daughters in Prince Edward County we sighted our second American Woodcock this year. It was no more thm fifty feet away and sat squatted in a drainage ditch for a number of minutes before flying off with its wings whistling in thc wind. When are you going fishing again Bill? Bill Bunting with bis three sons motorcd to Wawa the latter part of last week for a three day fly-in fishing outing. Bilsbrother, Jack, does somne guiding at Uic camp and I must say the fresh pickerel fillets fried in butter Monday evening was a real treat. "When are you going again Bill?" Yes, Bill does report somte fine 17ishing and did prove thc fact of that success. Cooling off on a hot surrner's day Chris bas retumied from bolidays and during a break on Monday related the latest in cooling off on a hot summer's day. No doubt most of you will remember the heat wave we had on a recent Friday and Saturday, a time that found Chris travelling ta Oshawa with hier daughter. On retuminig ta Orono Uiey stopped in for ice crearn just norUli of Uic third line on Highway 115, With Michelle in for [lhe ice cream Uice weatherman let go wi th a real down pour. Chris stepped out of lier vehicle ta enjoy mother natures solution for a hot muggy day. "Is there anytingi wronig?" asked Uic gas attendant. "Noilhing at ai - this is beautiful", repliced Chris. And of course Bob had somne questions wben she got homne. January 1939 A pretty wcdding was soleminzed at Emo, Ontario, last week when Frances Gamsby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gay Gamsby, Stratton, was uniited in marriage ta Calvin Hamm, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Hamm, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. George Butters, Mr. and Mrs. R. Sherwin and Mrs. Moon, Miss A. Tbomton, Mrs. M. Cooper and Mrs. E. Searl and Mrs. and Mrs. James Richards have been entertaining ta goose dinners during ic hioliday season.. Orono Chamber af Commerce held their annual meeting in the Orange Hall on Wednesday evening, when around, twenty members and citizens attended- One item of business - John Armstrong told of the botel in Orono whicb is about ta close and whicb will be tumned into apartments. He thought that the Chamber of Commerce sbould bave someone in town open a boarding bouse and sleeping quarters. On Friday cvcning, December 24tb, a very happy occasion was enjoyed when Mr. W. H. Barrett, anc of Orona's original citizens celebrated bis 75Ui birthday at his borne in Uic south ward. -, Mr. A. A. Somerville bas retumned ta bis home in Toronto, having spent tbe past montb with bis brother, Mr. Thas. W. Somerville. NOTICE TO ITS CITIZENS 0F A SPECIAL PUBLIC MEETING TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle will hold a Special Public Meeting, in accordance with Section 26 (1) of the Planning Act, to discuss the need for a review of the Town of Newcastle Official Plan. A DISCUSSION PAPER concerning this issue will be considered by Council at the meeting. The Discussion Paper will be available to the public prior to the Public Meeting. ANY PERSON may attend the Public Meeting and/or make written or verbal representation regarding the need for a review of the Town of Newcastle Officiai Plan. The Special Public Meeting will be held as follows: DATE: Monday, September 16, 1991 TIME: 9:30 a.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario 1L1C 3A6 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating ta the Officiai Plan Revîew, is available for inspection between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. (8:00 a.m. ta 4:00 p.m. during the month of August> at the Town of Newcastle Planning and Development Department, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, or by contacting David Cramne or Janice Szwarz at (416> 623-3379. ~3 THE 0' j Dates af Publication: lWednesday, August 7,1991 Wednesday, August 14, 1991 Patti L. Barrie, A.M.C.T. Town Clerk Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LiC 3A6 P.O. 3132 Mr. Fred W. Bowen attended the complimentary dinner gîven in honour of Rt. Hon. R. B. Bennett in the Royal York Hotel, Toronto on Manday evening. The Orano Midget hockey tearn defeated a midget hockey tcamn from anc of the scbaols in Oshawa on Saturday aftemoon by Uic score of five ta one. January 1949 Miss Shirley Parter visited witb her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Porter. An enjoyable progressive cuchre and five hundred party was beld in the S. O. E. Hall last Monday nigbt. Increased telephone service charges proved ta be a miost paramount issue at the Orono Telephone Company Limnited annual meeting an Saturday, January 15th. Mr. Miller, sec.- treas., outlined that ta give satisfactory service the company had decided ta have twa operator 's at the exchange during the day. This meant that the renters and sharebolders would have ta pay a higher rate. The women's Institute card party beld last Friday evening proved quite successful. There werc ten tables of Five Hundred and the- prize winners were: top score Mrs. O. W. Rolph lst with Mr. Fred Cowan 2nd. Consolation prizes went ta Mrs. P. Lang and Mrs. Underwood.

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