4- Orono Weekly limes, Wednesday, August7, 1991 by Phyllis Lowery ,Well July has once again corne and gonte, here we are into August. June and July were certainly hot months, new we are getting cool breezy weather. Is it my imagination or is our weather changing more each year? We seemn te be getting the heat earlier each year, this feels more like September tdmnAugust. As one travels around the country one sees the crops being harvested much earlier, east cf here combining was taking place early in JuIy and ail over the second cutting of hay is being done. Perhaps June and July should be the holiday months, the people atthe cottages must be feeling pretty cool these nights. Sunday was a breezy day, coming from Church the sun was shining but it was raining as I came up the ski hill. This was our first Church Service since the end cf June. Elaine Kellogg was our guest speaker, she was introduced by Keith Wood. Elaine is studying at the Centre for Christian Studies, she lias completed one year. She will be with us next Sunday and Sunday, August 25th. Fellowing the opening hymn Psalm 43 was read. Elaine read from the Scriptures, the choir sang the anthem, "How Long Ras it Been, Since You Taiked With the Lord." Elaine then read from "Luke, Chapter 4, Verses 16-30" the hymn, "Oh Brother Man" was sung. Ini the Sermon, Elaine spoke of Jesus' visit te the Temple, where lie spoke of healing and he premnised them geod news, but the people were offended and threatened te throw him eover the cliff. We do neot always want te hear good news. She then went on te tell us cf being ithe Philippines this year. She told of a group cf people whe had te leave their home area, they were lay Catholics and strong Christians. They were harrassed because liey wanted te ewn land, the land is owned by the rich, their gardens were destrcyed se they had ne food, mnembers of their famnilies were killed, se they had te move 'te anether area, tliey teck shelter in a Church hall. The Cliurch set tliem up. They were given water buffalo 50 they could work the land. A petty Government man questiened them for the ownership papers for these animais and because they did not have them with them, the animals were confiscated. The people fear the police and the officiais. Elaine also spent timne near the American air base, which provides much cf the employment. When she came home and spoke te people about the conditions there, people asked what dees their situation have te do with us? t is a matter cf global justice. We need sugar 50 these people have te work on the large plantations forvery iew wages, te suppiy our needs. God wants justice for ail people. Following the prayer the closing hymn, "Where Cross the Crowded Way of Life" was sung. Announcements . .. Plan ahead for Sunday afternoon August 25th. The 3rd Annual Basebal gamne between the members cf the churcli and the members cf the Kendai Orange Lodges, followed by supper at the hall. Churcli members bring dessert, the Lodge members will suppiy the main course. Time 2:30 p.m., at the bail diamnond behin, the school. Capsules of Wisdoma . . . t seemns, that every year it takes less timne te fly across the ocean, and longer te drive te work. First layoffs for Coo)pele Tools plaint Thirty WOrkers of somne 200 workers ai Coopers Tools plant were laid dff permanently recently. The remnjifg employees of the 200( will be laid-off by January of 1992 when the plant will be closed. The operation is being moved te Culiman, Ala. Carousel being restored The Roseneath carousel which is thought te ie one of four in ail of North America was manufactured in 1906. The Roseneath group have turned aside an offer cf $200,000 U.S. and aie determined te restore the carrouisel te its original condition s0 that it can once more be in operition at the Roseneath Fair. 'Me province han helped with a heritage grant cf $60,000 but much more funding is required. Expect to be in the prize money Fishermeri who fish the mouth cf the GanarasKa and eut into the lake at Port Hope expect te be in the meney in the Great Toronto Star Salmon Hunt. Catches of ever 30 pounds are frequent with the weigh scales at Mill 'n Madison Baits being quite busy weighing-in entries te the hunt. Pilkeyn11W Solicitor-General ,In the recent gevermnent cf Ontario shuffle Ailan Pilkey, M.P.P. Oshawa was shifted from lndustry, Trade and Technology Ministry te that of the Solicitor General where he also picks up Correctional Services. Under the shuffle Gord Milis now han a new boss, Allan Pilkey. GM going to over time According te a Union officiai, GM Oshawa is expected te schedule over time for -two Saturdays in August and September Bethany Outdoor Theatre hosting several fundraising events This year the Bethany Outdocr Theatre wili be hesting several fundraising events in preparatien for our next year's performance, one cf which will be a very unique evening of Iraditional and originai story-teiiing by Bernie Mfartin. The performance is cailed "Coyote" and is accompanied by the hamnnred dulcimer and tin flute. The hammered dulcimer, by the way, was hand-made by Bernie and produces a wide range cf wonderful sounds. Bernie resides in Kendal, Ontaric. Re is a very talented musician, acter, writer, director, children's entertainer. and envirenimentai activist. He is aise president cf the Orono and District Fiddle Club. On May il thi le performed "Coyote" at the Orone Town Ral as a fundraiser fer SAGA (Save The Ganaraska Again). On June 2lst he teck "Coyote" te London, Ontario, once again as a fundraiser, and while there, taped it at Rogers Cable T.V. fer Channel 13. Bemnie and "Coyote" wîll aise be appearing at the Union Theatre, Hunte r Street, Peterborough, on August 15, 16, and l7th. along with four in October and four in November. New Alderville Chief elected A retired Hydre worker, Leonard Gray has been elected the new chief of the Alderville band in the Roseneath area. Gray won eut ever Nora Bothwell by four votes 70 te 66. Creating lakefront trail Workers and volunteers i Port Hope are cl earing a haîf mile lakefront trail aleng Lake Ontario. The trail is expected te be completed this month. We are very grateful te Bernie for offering te share "Coyote" with The Bethany Outdoor Theatre, Friday, August 9th, 8:00 p.m., St. Paul's Parish Hall, Bethany, Ont arie, $8.00 each. If additional information is required, please'cal 1-705-277- 147in the evenings. Gr'Jlad Days for Epilepsy "Glad Days for Epilepsy" are coming August 22 and 25 in the Durham Region. There will be an official kick off for "Glad Days" by Honourary Chairpersen, Mayor Alian Masen on Thursday, August 22 at the Ministry cf Rev%ýçnue Building, Oshawa. Bouquets of giadioli wili be seld at varieus mails, LCBOs and Brewer's Retail Outlets throughout the Durham Region on Saturday, August 24 and at the Metro East Trade Centre on Sunday, August 25. The colourful bouquets will be $5.00 for 6 glads. Funds raised during "Olad Days" will al low Epilepsy Durham Region (formerly Epilepsy Oshawa & Area) te continue te provide support services Owner vacates Welcome Motor Court Once a prominent motel and eatery the Welcome Court is now ever grown by weeds and litter. It appears the most recent owner just plainly walked away fromn the operation. Durham Police wages near top in Ontario Due te a recent settlement Durham Regional Police have a saiary scaie near the top of the list in Ontario. A first class constabl e for the region is now earning $50,020 annuaily. Demanid on Food Bank away up The demand on the Port Hope food bank bas tripled for the first six mcnths of 1991 cempared with the sanie peried i 1990, 1600 visits during the peried compared with 517 in 1990. Whiie demand has been up donations cf menies and food bas dropped. Fight to keep Registry Office Lawyers in the Port Hope area continue wili7 a battle to keep the registry office open ini the Tcwni. The province lias stated the Pert Hope office and the Cobourg land registry offices are te be clesed with Cobourg office te remain open liandling ail registries in the area. Crime down in Port Hope The cases cf crime te property and people is down in Port Hope while it bas increased in sucli areas as Hope Township and ether area centres. Thie recessien and lack cf work lias been slated as the cause cf the icrease. The decrease i Port Hope is slight for the first six menths cf tbis year. Receive plea for action on Purple Loosestrife Ail municipalities in Ontario have received a letter from the Federatien ef Anglers and Hunters te take'scme action against the increasing appearance of Purple Leosestrife which lias been crowding out other plant ferm aieng the readsides and wet lands. The solution cf the Hunters and Anglers han been questioned by a recent envirenmentaiist whe lias questiened the action and comments by the Runters and Angiers. He contends that nature will find a way. te centrel the weed whicli han even seld at nurseries as a desired plant for the flower gardens. Plans underway to sell Northumberland Mal SStan Poulten who spent years getting approval for the Cobourg Mail is now almest assured there will be new ewners for the 300,000 square fect mal. It bas been estiniated that it had cost $30 million te build the mail which was epened in 1989. The mail lias nct, as yet, been cmpletely leased out te vendors. From A round I The Region