Orono Weekly Times, Wedriesday, August7,917 Newcastle, Aquatic Club annual awards xHockey Update A( a special meeting held on Monday, July 22, the, Orono Amateur Aîhleîic Association revised ibeir agreemnent wiîh tbe ]Rowrnanville Toros, Organization te allow players to îry oui for botb major and minor teams in their own age group. Next Hockey Registration to be held on Wednesday, Augusi 7, 1991, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. at the arena. On June 2t the, annual NEWAC awards and presentations of certificates were awarded. Agai Orono was well represented with CarIa surpassing 15 club records and awarded the best injury award - a box of bandaids; Diane achieved 2 club records, Adele acbieved 8 club records and Scott 6 club records plus the Rookie of the Year tropby. All club members received trophies for their hard work and decication to tais sport. Another year begins again in Septemnber. Anyone interested in learning about the swim club please call Mike Dymarski 623-6384 or Paul VonHlatten 623-6185. Good luck next year swimrners. Town Hallers do battie with weather too.. The Town Hallers feel they can beat any team in the league now as they prepare for their tournament ibis weekend. Unfortunately, they Stijl are baving trouble with Mother Nature. Two weeks ago, the boys travelled to Courtice to take on the crew from C & C Motors. They were gracious visitors and let the Automen have the lead in the early innings. Then Kyle Montgomery camne on t0 shut down the hosts and the team capitalized on some costly walks to corne wiibin two runs Of the lead. Then, Mother Nature sent a cloud burst 10 flood [lie diarnond and end the comeback. Tomnas Wakefield started strong for the Orono nine but ran int control problems in the second inning only te be rescued-by Kyle. Alan Lee and Mati Black lead the bit parade with a pair of singles, each. Deepak Angl chipped in two walks on the corneback trail. Coaches -Stapleton, Angi and Wiiberidge were impressed with the fine fielding plays made by the players during ihe garne. Lasi Thursday, playing in front of the horntown fans the boys ran up an impressive 23-8 vicîory. This BOWMANVILLE > SPORTS SHOP ~ >4 athletiec dothing. foot ivea, lhcensed products. basebail, > baskelball, soccer, skates & hockeyi equiipmeit. Pi - equipmenr repairs & skate sharpening > >4 We take Trade-Ins > >4 Stop by today! > 1-à-E VENINGSg >4 121 KING ST. EAST, BOWMANVîLLE, ONTARIO > >4'Phone (416 6230322 > gamne was neyer in doubi as the teamn scored sixteen runs in their half of the firsi. Paul Dreslinski got the nod frorn ihe coaching staff to start the game and struck oui four batters on his way to bis firsi mound victory. Alan Lee pitched a sirong third inning but let our Terminator, Kyle Montgomery, strike oui tbe last baller. Rookie, Corey Stapleton, lead the hitiers with bis firsi borne mn of the season. Tomas Wakefield thought that it looked like fun s0 he stroked a four-bagger t0 the opposite field. Grant Esler contributed three singles to the cause. Catcher Seth Demeter, was injured in the second inning whcn struck on the knee by Pauls fastball. This week's Player of the Week is a joint award first to Corcy for Corey Stapleton bis horner and fine fielding and THE BEST ARCHERY SHOP Archery Sales and Service Complete line of Bows, Arrows and Assessories for the Bowhunter and Target Shooter. Owned and Operated by a member of the Professional Archery Association P.A.A. INSTRUCTION AVAILABLE 29 Caroline- Street East, Newcastle (2 blocks south of King St. off Miii S) 987-1147 Mark M. Stapleton xstortiCtL ci -production 6720 Leskard Rd. N., Orono 983-6098 We specialize in Historical RestoratÎon and Reproduction of Century Homes. Also ail types of General Carpentry. ORONO FUEL& - LUMBER LIMITED PO. Box 180, Station Street Orono, Ontario LOB i MO ALISTAIR ROZARIO FREE ESTIMÂTES Telephone: (416) 983-9167 Residence: (416)>983-5344 Af f ordable Dream 'Vacations! .0 Free Vacation Planning Services " Dscount Cruises- e Charter Vacations " Arline Tickets e Honeymoon Packages 0 Hotel and Car Reservatittns PERSONAL & CORPORATE TRAVEL SERVICES' Travel Agents Intern ational 39,ýz We're wth you ail the way kiki 68 KING ST. E., BOWMANVILLE Over 300 Agencies in North America 623-6600, LATE MODEL SPORTSMAN STREET STOCK Tom Miiign Daryi Leatherdaie Andy Warbuton Wayneffiiiams Randy Siack Rod Marshait Ai Thomnson John ummit Bob Franks /tý a Bud ?aV RACING EVERY SATURDAY NGHfT GATES OPEN 5:30pr. RACING 7:00 Pr. ADISINCUIT Sil.o AiSOn o4LRMEN UNDER 12 - FREE - Friformation (705) 743-3850. Alan Lee second to Alan Lee for his îean leading walks total and for bis relief effort ibis week. There are no accurate line scores ibis week as rain messed up tbe first gamne and 1 ran) out of înk during the second gamne. Again, the tearn received a solid umpiring effort frona the crew of Mr. Maartense and Mr. Tuft. Tbanks gentlemen! RO0KA LUMBER & FIREWOOD CENTRE Lumber Firewood Pressure Treated Lumber Interlocking Brick Doors Wood Flooring Windows Trusses Cedar Lumber Roof Steel Kitchens Wood Tim bers, 1 mile south of Pontypool on Hwy. 35 (705) 277-3381 r'4r lqr 1Vý