10- Orono Weekly TMmes, Wednesday, August 14, 1991 45 RV vehiicles line-up atfair <onds The Orono Fair groundsý was the Village for their annual the Village. home to close to fifty trailers and Samboree on a number of It is the intent of the Good their occupants over the past occasions., Same Club again to visit Orono holiday week-end. At the time of the picture the some three years down the road. Those present have been to group was off on a hike through Challice Class 45 - Tomates, slicing type, 3 specimens: I-) Carol Mostert; 2) Loma Atkins; 3) Cor Mostert Class 46 - Onions, 3 specimens, one variety. 1) Carl Tamblyn; 2) Minnie Zegers; 3) Inez Harris; 4) Thelma Gilbank Class 47 - Zuccbini, 2 specimens: 1) Inez Harris; 2) Carman White Class 48 - Any other Squash, 2 specimens: 1) Eleanor Terrill; 2) Carol Mostert Class 49 - Any other vegetable, suitable number of specimens: 1) Minnie Zegers; 2) Carman White Section "C" Decorative Class 50 - "Puttin on the Ritz" Black and White tiered arrangement, front view: 1) Isabelle Challice; 2) Yvonne Trafford; 3) Shelley Etmanskie Class 51 - "Dress MO'UP" One Red Rose, attractively arranged in a vase: 1) Shelley Etinanskie; 2) Isabelle Challhce Class 52 - "Past Times", arrangement featuring your hobby, front view: 1) Isabelle Challice; 2) Yvonne Trafford; 3) Shelley Etmanskie Class, 53 - "Celebration", Coffee table arrangement, alI around view: 1) Shelley Etmanskie; 2) Carol Mostert; 3) Inez Harris; 4) Yvonne Trafford Section D - Other Class 54 - "Gay Nineties", a nosegay: 1) Inez Harris; 2) Yvonne Trafford; 3) Eleanor Terriil Class 55 - "Follow the Rainbow", a basket of glads: 1) Isabelle (Continued page 11) Orono Horticultural Summer Flower and Vegetable Show Resuits The bot dry summer we've had bas paid off witb the many beautiful flower and vegetable displays at the Orono Horticulture Society's Summer Flower and Vegetable Show at the Orono United Cburch, Thursday, August 8th. Tbe eighteen exhibitors with 214 entries are to be congratulated. The meeting opened with the singing of O'Canada accompanied by Doreen Lowery at tbe piano. Donna Hutton wetcomed everyone to the show. Minnie Zegers introduced our guest speaker Geri Honing wbo speci-lizes in cacti ad succulents. Mrs. Honing mentioned many interesting facts about cacti and succulents, how theyare different, what soul to use, how to get them to flower and how to keep tbem alive. i winter cacti and succulents go tbrougb a rest period and like being in a cold room preferably as close to a window as possible. Some require a lengthy period of regulated darkness to encourage tbem to flower, and hardly any water at ail. Mrs. Honing demonstrated how to transplant a cactus by putting it into a sling, made of paper or cloth. We alI appreciated the question and answer time, and enjoyed Mrs. Honing's hunior as we leamed how to grow these plants. Lorna Atkins thanked Mrs. Honing on behalf of our society for sharing ber knowledge with US. Please note the change of date for the Sunday Flower Service now to be Sunday, September 22nd. Our guest speaker will be Mr. Frank Stapleton. 1A delicious lunch was served by Bertha White, Vera Staples, Thelma Vagg and Myrtle Reid. A Minutes Silence was observed and a short in memoriam was read hy Isabelle ChalIice in memory of Cyril Baird, our recently departed member. Judges for this show were Mr. and Mrs. Bert Deckie from Cannington. Tbey really bad somne tougb decisions to make and tbey did an excellerl'jq.b judging the show. show Results: Section A - Spýecimen Cut, Flowers Class 1i Asters 3 bloomis, one colour, o-ne variety: 10 Minnie Zegers; 2) Isabelle Challice Class 2 - Asters, 5 blooms, mixed colours, any variety: 1) Isabelle Challice Class 3 - Marigolds, 3 blooms, 2-4 inches: 1) Shelley Etmanskie; 2) Isabelle Chailice Class 4 - Marigolds,,5 blooms, under 2": 1) Carol Mostert; 2) Bertha White; 3) Shelley Etmnanskie; 4) Cor Mostert Class 5 - Petunias, single, 3 sprays, one colour, one variety: 1) Lorna Atkins; 2) Mary Tamblyn; 3) Eleanor Terrill; 4) Carol Mostert Class 6 - Petunias, double, 3 sprays, one colour, one variety: 1) Shelley Etmanskie; 2) Mary Tamblyn; 3) Lomna Atkins Class 7 - Zinnias, 'large Dahlia, flowering 2 blooms: 1) Orville Chaltice; 2) Isabelle Challice;, 3) Eleanor Terrili Class 8 - Zinnias, any other Zinnias, 2 blooms: 1) Carol Mostert; 2) Isabelle Challice Class 9 - Zinnias, Pom Pom, 5 blooms: 1) Isabelle Challice; 2) Carol Mostert; 3) Orville Challice Class 10, - Any other Annual, not listed, 3 stems, one variety, grown from seed: 1) Isabelle Challice; 2) Shelley Etmanskie; 3) Thelma Gilbank; 4) Bertha White Class il - Geranium cuttings, with flowers, 3 stems: 1) Shelley Etmanskie; 2) Inez Harris; 3) Carol Mostert; 4) Doreen Lowery Class 12 - Snap Dragons, any variety, 3 spikes:. 1) Eleanor Terrill; 2) Carol Mostert; 3) 'Yvonne Trafford Class 13 - Cosmos, 3 stems: 1) Isabelle Challice; 2) Eleanor Terrill; 3) Shelley Etmanskie Class 14 - Collection of Annuals, suitably displayed: 1) Carol Mostert; 2) Lorna Atkins; 3) Isabelle Challice Class 15) Tuberous Begonia, 3 blooms, witb own foliageini low container: 1) MInni-e Zegers Class 16 - H.T. Rose "Peace" none exhibited Class 17 - Red Rose - single bloom with foliage: 1) Lorna Atkins Class 18 - Rose - suitable to variety: 1),Carol Mostert; 2) Isabelle Chàlice Class 19 - Rose, any other bloom and foliage floating in a bowl: 1) Isabelle Challice; 2) Carol Mostert; 3) Shelley Etmanskie Class 20: Dahlia - Cactus, 1 bloom: 1) Mary Tamblyn; 2) Carol Mostert 3) Inez Harris -Class 21 - Dahlia, giant over 8, i bloom: 1) Carl Tamblyn Class 22 - Dahlia, decorative 6"-8", i bloom. 1) Carl Tamiblyn; 2) Isabelle Challice Class 23 - Dahlia, bail type, over 2" blooms: 1) Inez Harris; 2) Isabelle Challice Class 24 - Dahlia, Pom Pom, under 2", 3 blooms: 1) Carl Tamblyn; 2) Orville Challice; 3) Isabelle Challice Class 25 - Gladiolus, miniature, 1 spike, any colour: 1) Orville Challice; 2) Bertha White; 3) Lorna Atkins Class 26 - Gladiolus, red, 1 spike: 1) LomaAtkins; 2) Inez Harris Class 27 - Gladiolus. yellow, 1 spike: 1) Lomna Atkins; 2) Orville Challice; 3) Isabelle Challice Class 28 - Gladiolus, pink, 1 spike- 1) Isabelle Challice; 2) Gord Atkins; 3) Eleanor Terrill Class 29 - Gladiolus, white, 1 spike: 1) Lorna Atkins; 2) Shelley Etmanskie Class 30 - Gladiolus, 3 mixed colours, in a vase: 1) Lôma Atkmns; 2) Inez Harris; 3) Isabelle Challice Class 31 - Perennial, any variety, 2 stems: 1) Carol Mostert; 2) Eleanor Terill; 3) Shelley Etmnanskie Class 32 - Lily, any variety, 1 stem: 1) Carol Mostert; 2) Yvonne Trafford Class 33 - Canna or Calla Lily, 1 stem: 1) Minnie Zegers; 2) Inez Harris S ection B - Vegetables Class 34 - Beans, yellow, 6 pods: 1) Carol Mostert; 2) Cor Mostert; 3) Lorna Atkins Class 35, Beans, greenr, 6 pods: 1) Cor Mostert; 2) Carol Mostert; 3) Lomna Atkins Class 36 - Beets, 3 specimens - A: 1) Minnie Zegers;, 2) Orville Challice; 3) Isabelle Challice B: 1) Carol Mostert; 2) Cor Mostert; 3) Thelma Gilbank; 4) Bertha White Class 37 - Carrots, 3 specimens: 1) Carol Mostert; 2) Bertha White; 3) Cor Mostert; 4) Eleanor Terrill Class 38 - Cucuinbers, slicing, 3 specimens: 1) Carol Mostert; 2) Carman White-, 3) Eleanor Terrill; 4) Minnie Zegers Class 39 - Cucumbers, pickling, 3 specimens: 1) Minnie Zegers; 2) Carol Mostert Class 40 - Sweet Corn, 3 cobs, 1/3 of husk removed from tip to butt: 1) Carol Mostert; 2) Carman Wbite; 3) Bertha White Class 41 - Peppers, sweet, 3 specimens: 1) Carlos Tamblyn; 2) Eleanor Tamnblyn; 3) Lomna Atldns Class 42 - Potatoes, white, 3 specimens. 1) Carol Mostert; 2) Doreen Lowery; 3) Cor Mostert; 4) Carman White Class 43 - Potatoes, red, 3 specimnens: 1) Isabelle Challice; 2) Minniie Zegers; 3) Eleanor Terrill Cl-ass 44 - Tomates, miniature- 5 specimecns: 1) Inez Harris, 2) Minnie Zegers; 3) Isabelle Going Out of Business Store Inventory 20% -Off AIiin b roo k Feed & Farm Supplies Corner H wy. 115 & Clarke 4th Lino 983-5791 NOTICE TO UTS CITIZENS 0F A SPECIAL PUBLIC MEETING TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle wil hold a Special Public Meeting, in accordance with Section 26 (1) of the Planning Ad, to discuss the need for a review of the Town of Newcastle Off iciai Plan. A DISCUSSION PAPER concerning this issue will be considered by Council at the meeting. The Discussion Paper wilI b. available to the public prior to the Public Meeting. ANY PERSON may attend the Public Meeting and/or make written or verbal representation regarding the Ineed for a review of the Town of Newcastle Officiai Plan. The Special Public Meeting will be held as follows: DATE: Monday, September 16, 1991 TIME: 9:30 a.m. PLACE: Councll Chambers, Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario LiC 3A6 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the Officiai Plan Review, is available for inspection between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. (8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. during the month of August) at the Town of Newcastle Planning and Development Department, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, or by contacting David Crome orJanice Szwarz at (416) 623-3379. IV a.-l Dates of Publication: Wednesday, August 7, 1991 Wednesdlay, August 14, 1991 Patti L. Barrie, A.M.C.T. Town Clerk Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Ll C 3A6 P.O. 3132