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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Aug 1991, p. 14

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14 -0ru~noWeektyTlme~, Wednesday1 Augunt l4~ 1~91 Dedine for Service Drectory t Ir---TV XT I e. 8-50 DalnFriday Noon Tel. 983-5301 iii LV..~LJI L The Shop APPLE-BLOSSOM- -We Donit ust SpecdaIze-, We Make Every Order Se;cai' Main S treet, Orono 983-9155 YVONNE MAITLAND We' Deliver NewtonviiIe, Pontypool, Oshawa and Places In-Between à"Hair With Flair" For LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 Orono Electric Ld. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES COLOUR TVs - HI FIS Sales and Service Hutpoint -RCA. White Westighouse Frigidaire - Whirlpooi Woods Freezers Magic Chef -Hoover 983-5108 "The latest in fashions for ail limes and ail needs' a 983-9341 FOR-NIK Auto Body and Collision Quality Body Work and Retinishiflg INSURANCE CLAIMS FREE E-STIMATES R.R. 3 Newcastle, Ont. Phone 987-5071 FLO WERS PL US FLOWERS GIFTS and CRAFTS 29 King Street East Newcastle, Ontario 987-150 Betty Lycett 983-5908 Wiida Middieton 983-9819 'o GRUNDYS Country Upholstery Studio Quality Work ln Upholstery R.R. 2 Orono, Ont., 983-9874 Bryon Grundy ANNUAL BEEF BARBEQUE Wed., August l4th Orono Park 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Aduits $8.00 Chlldren 6 to 12 $4.00 Under 6 years FREE Entertainment Proceeds to Orono Arena hnprovemnents and Project Fund 24, Aug. 7,14; Corne Play and Dance with the Orono OId Time Fiddle Club Newcastle Community Hall Wed., August 2lst Admission $2.00 For details phone Ba n na Home Check Vacation Home Checking Let us make your home ook lived in Wedding Day Gift Sitting Relijable References BONDED Barb Shetler-ina Gox NEWTON VILLE (416) 786-2996 MacGREGOR Auction Service Estates, Consignments, Households Bankruptcles, Farms Sold at your location ot at ours Storage & Truc king Cali for a Free confidential consultation M. MacGregor 416-987-5402 Junior West 416-983-5556 (416) 623-8161 Jo-Elen Sportswear & Gifis Suppliers of Teamns, Schools & Clubs Corporate Gift Packages 43 King St.W. Bowmanville, Ontario LiC i R3 J. Wayne Aasen PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIO 5 George Street, Bowmanvi lie, Ontario 623-4473 SOMERVILLE Garden Sale Wondering what to do -for exciternent before the Orono Fair? Corne to our mid-surnmer garden sale - infant and boys stuff and nonsense, previously- enjoyed books, housewares and other good junk. Corne on buy rain or shine on Saturday, August 24th to 3480 Sornerville Drive in Orono. 14,21, ap Pastoral Charge BARBEQUE and PICNIC Wed., Au gust 28th Orono United Church 1421, ac ALL STEEL BUILDING Factory Clearance 21'x24', 30x40', 40'x75', 50'xlOO', 60'xlOO', 75'x150' We can ereot or deliver 10 site Supply is Limited Please Cail 983-5872 or Fax 983-8179 tSi Fresh Frozen Meat Chickens Phone 983-9815 Day or Evening May 8 - Aug. 8 ac Precast Patio Slabs 12"x12" -$1,.10 16"x!6" - $1,80 20"x20" - S3.35 Plus other sizes Well Tîle 30" inside diamneter $40.00 36" inside diameter $46.00 Also Firewood, Lumber and Plywood Pontypoot Concrete Products Located 1 mile south Pontypool on Hwy. 35 Honest and Friendly Service OPEN 6 DAYS (705) 277-2442 tfn Pureb red Llasa Apso dog, excellent with children, house trained, two years old. Phone 983-9358. 7,14, cpn Hockey Equipment For Sale Skates - Micron Mega, power clip, 1 season old, size 5 EE; Victoriaville shin, pads; Cooper shoulder pads, form fitting. Ail excellent condition. Cail 983-5844. 14,ac 1991 Blazer 4x4, air, Power windows, power locks, pulse ,wipers, sport rirns, traider package, 2 tone burgundy and gray, tinted rear wu~ 10,000 kms., askingS o.b.o. Phone 987-5066. NO CASH BMk AT SHOWTIM] T.V. & STER] 6 MONTHS NO INTERESTI NO DOWN PAYMI AND NO PAYMIEN TILL FEBRUARY 'S >- OR NO G.S.T. TAX REVOL'I *YOUR CHOIC. CALL NOW FOI DETAILS IN PORT HOPI (416) 885-865 FAIR ENTRIES For those wishing to enter in the Gair deadline by mail is August 28. Office open Wednesday, September 4, 1 p.m. - 8 p.m. and Thursday, September 5 front 8 a.m. - il a.m. Those wishing to enter early or receive information or help and actually entering pick-ups tags August 19 at Orono Faîrgrounds fromi 7 p.m. - 8 p.m. Passports available for Fair at $15.00 each. Passports cover entry to the Fairgrounds for each of the four days of the Fair. 14,ac Two 'teachers require a babysitter for their two ch ildren ages 4 and 6, in the Leskard area for September. Cail 983-6206. 14,21 ac Housecleaning Service available. Weekly or Bi- weekly. References Supplied. Cali 983-6193. 14,ap Orono stores for ]ease, vaious sizes, 5414 Main Street, CI Zone, cail Lyle orMarg West at 983-9341 - Res. 983-5962. lin 4 bedroorn house, $650/month, plus utilities. First and Last. 2nd Line Manvers, just south of Pontypool. Phone evenings 7:00 - 8:00 p.rn. 983-5665. References Required. 14,21, ap 21,000 SUD - Rakesh and Monika (nee Konzelmann) are 7.14, cpn delighted to announce the safe arrivai of Emmi Rekha on August 9, weighing 8 lbs. 3 ozs. A little sist er for Rms SH Alexander. 1Proud grandparents are Ernie and E Irene Konzelmann, Orono, and 0 Mohian and Devi Sud, Hong EO Kong. 14.ap NT )TS 92 'E 2 STAFFORD MONUMENTS 143 King St. E. Bowmanville, Ont. Phone 623-8150 OUTOFTOWN CALLTOLLFREE 1-800-461-4848 GRANITE MONUMENTS MARKERSand CEMETERY LETTERING PRIVATE HOME or SHOWROOM APPOINTIVIENTS 1 AVAILABLE SERVING ALL FAITHS AVAILABLE ONi REQUEST Atter:Hours Call Oshawa 579-11116 Recipe Con test for pork loyers Got a favorite pork recipe? Then why not enter it in Ontario Porks Sth anniversary recipe contest which runs until September 30. Prizes include a deluxe food processor, a set of gourmet cookware or a cookbook. Simply send in a original, unpublished recipe that uses at least one pound of fresh pork to Ontario Port Sth Anniversary. Recipe Contest, 20 Eglinton Ave, W., Box 2040, Toronto M4R 1K8. Include your naine, address, c ity, province, postal code and telephone number. The contest is open to Ontario residents over 19 except for emiployees of Ontario Pork and their immediate families. A complete set of contest rules is available by writing the above address. mnake it pai t of our gaine plan! Va'.n Eyk's Concrete Ornaments Everlasting Beauty - Fountains - Bird Baths - Figures - Planters No. 57 to Durhamn Rd. 20 - go East 5 kmn. tum north onto Long Sault Rd. - lst place on left. Blair & Marilyn Van Eyk (416) 263-2691 R.R. 5, Bowmanville, LiC 3K6 eazil aw c.D.A. (1988) DECORATIVE ART STUDIO (416> 983-5312 Complete Line of Folk Art Supplies and Classes COMINGEVENTS BIRTH [ANNOUNCEMENT 1 'l

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