SOrono WeekIy Tlmes ensaAagst719 Working together on the family farm, Thbis is our first running of "Co- op Corner". Each month we will feature a successful farmer from ail aspects of farming. The Orono Co- op has many farmers, we are happy to serve and thought we would share some of the pleasures with the rest of you. I hope you will enjoy reading about our customers as much as 1 enjoy writing about them. Bruce and Melody Hendry have a dairy operation just west of Welcome. For 23 years they have, begun chores at 6 a.m. and ended at 7 p.m., if everything goes right. They milk' 25 to 30 cows with a B.C.A. of 140 and climbing. The herd is artificially bred with bulis from Eastern Breeders. Top buils such as "Starbuck, Lincoln and Inspiration" have been used. These buils will flot only improve production but type also, which every dairyman surives for. The cows arefed first-cut round baled hay and second-cut square bales as the main course of forage. They are fed cribbed corn balanced with soybean meal and Co-op Premix. The top cows are given our high fat topdress. The heifers are fed mainly round bales with grain and Co-op Heifer (0% Supplement). The farm consisîs of 200' acrcs,with 180 workable. Approximately 80 acres is hay, 30 acres com and the rest barley.» Bruce has used, Noble and Legend alfalfa, both supplied by the Co -op. He likes Noble because of its fine stem quality which is great for baled hay. He has some Legend planted which is the best alfalfa on the market now. Not only is it a multifoliate, it is the highest indexed and the best for disease resistance. Bruce has used Hay Pro for the last three years. It works well because you can bale longer hours without worry about dew. It will allow hay to be harvested Iwith more moisture, therefore saving leaves and protein. Hay Pro doesnt hurt the baler anid is totally safe tw use. Bruce bas some N"K 9214 corn plantcd bcside Pioncer 3902. Both look great. It will be niice to sec whcn lhe rkes it off, which bias the highcst yicld! Al erop)s have been well fcrtilized with the use of Co-op dricd fertilizcr, with the majority WANT ADS WORK being customuspread. The custom spreading saves Bruce time and is very convenient during the hectic spring. Bruce and Melody are hardworking individuals who have made farming part of their lives. Thaniks for sharing your success and information with us. Sincerely, The Orono Co-op Kef1daI HallNews .aa by flyI1il Lowcry On Saturday, August lOîh the men of Kendal L.O.L. 405, held their annual horseshoe toumament at the home of Don and May Hemsley on Brownsdale Road. There were 12 tearus competing.' The winners were: lst place Jack Robinson and Lloyd Moore; 2nd place Stewart Brown and Mark Drinkie; 3rd place Rob Brown and Brenda Lowery. The draw held was won by Kim Griffin. Despite the sunburn, a good time was had by ail. , On Sunday, August 25th, the 3rd annual balîgame and supper will be held at the small diamond behind the Kendal school. This is between the Church members and the Lodge members. Supper will be held at Uhc Hall, with the Lodge members supplying the.main course and Uic Church the dessert. Come on out and enjoy a good time. Don't forget the Black Parade on Saturday, August l7th, to be held at Beeton. On Saturday evening a special dance was held at the arena in Oakwood, Uis was a for Clarence and Marj Alun, who lost their home in a fire. It was sponsored by Uic Lions Club and tho orango LOdge Of Iiîrtiey and Kendal. Music was provided by, Carman White, Carlos Tamblyn, James, Doreen and Kevin Lowery and with Gladys Brown and Martha Farrow tpking their turn on the piano. Between their sets Gord Grills was the dise jockey. Alan Wright and Jack McNab cailed off for Uic square dances. Among Uiose present were many from Orono and the Kendal area, also many members of thc Orange Association, R. W. Bro. Roy Best, Dep. Master of Ont. E., R. W. Bro. Murray Pogue, Gr, Treas. Ont. E. R. W. Bro. Edgar Carmen, Past gr. Master of Ont. E., R. W. Bro. Wayne Lowery, Gr. Marshall Ont. E. who is also Past County Master, Bro. Richard Lowery, County Master. W. Sis. Brenda Lowery, Gr. Dir. of Ceremonies and R. W. Sis. Cathy Switzer, Oir. lst Auditor of Ont. E. In the fire Bro. Allin lost his Past County Masters collar, the Brothers from his Lodge, Hartley L.O.L. purchased a new one for him and this was presented by R. W. Bro. Roy Bcst. Since the Allin's will be celebrating. their,48th Wedding O n April 2. 1991, The Honourable Ruth Grier, Minister cf the Foxviron- ment, nuade a policvannouncemnent coflcerning the disposýiI of xxaste produceci in theGeae Toronto Area (GTA) xx biichi affects x ou. Ytour gî1o is currentîx disposeci of in the Broc k \\est site xxvhere capacitx is rapiclIx runinil-ut. Thaýts x xthe 1Interim Waste Autoitii Ltd. 1W A), torieci V the provincial ,gox \ernmiient, is uinclertaking a phîplnning p1rocess to locate a nexx landifill site xx ithin Durbham Region. The INXA neecîs xour su-ggestions about box' 10 find anen rometli uitalNe landfill site to serx i exurcm nlx.andt îberesidents of Pulic opn buse xxiii soo(n be beld in voui areai, 1w e1; x ou learo nmore about the ,Jearcb p iice l and10,ut voursu,,gestions. Tbe I)raift Approacb l andi Criteria documiient fully ullines bow Ibe Iý [\ A proposes 10 onidu1c[thte searcb toi' a nexx Iancitill site. This document is subject to a 60-dax -public rex iexx period. Allnivcrîirfy joon Dorcen Lowery presented lier sister Marjorie AMin a lovely bouquet of flowers. A lovely quilt was auctioned off and also a 3 piece cooler set. Clarence and Marj asked that I express their deepest thanks to ahl who took part in putting this evenmng together and to ail their many friends and former neîghbours who attended and made it a very memorable occasion for Uiem. Greenhouses grow marijuana Police have discovered marijuana growing un two greenhouses in Uie Castleton area. The greenhouses-formerly were part of a tobacco growingoperation. Charges have been laid. Meals offered at no0 cost The Oshawa General Hospital is providing some 50 to 60 meals per day to -the St. Vincent Kitchen in the city. These meals are provided at no cost being arraged from left- overs at the hospital., The meals are offered at St. Vincent restaurant for those in need at acost of $1.00. To receixe ',our copy cf the document, or for more infonmation about public open bouses. return the coupon I)eio\\ or call: 1-800-661 -9294. Opben House hours: 4 p.m. - 9 p.m. Aaix: Ajax Recreation Complex, 75 Centenniail Rd. August 26, Bowmanville: Bowmanville Recreation Complex 2440 Hwy. 2.- September 12. Cannington: Cannington Community Centre Peace St,- August 28. Oshawa: North view Community Centre 150 Beotrice St. E.- September 10. Pickering: Kahn Auction Barn, Brock Rd. (5 km. north cf 401 Hwy.)- August 29, Port Perry: Oddfellow Hall Simcoe St. S. September 9. tixbridge: Uxbridge Community Recreation Centre, 291 Brock St. W.- August 27. Whitby: Centen niai Commun ity Centre 416 Centre St. S. September 11, DPut my nome on your imailing ist, Complete and mail coupon f0: n71, wauld like a speaker for my group or association, Ms. Karla LivesyI 17 would like ta register for an upcoming wvorkshop, Durham Site SearchI 1wouîd like ta correspond with you in English French Pubhlic Information Office I Fl -47 Sheppard Ave. East IPour reseignmenfs on fronçais, composýer 0 6199 Box, 1850. Station AI Willowdale, Ontario M2N 6M5I Nome: Phono: 1-800-661-9294 Fax: (416) 229-4692 Address: d PostalI Interinm Wase Authority LinÈted(- Code: Telephone: ELUS FINDA -NEW,- LANDFJLLiSUE àmmý