Orono WeekIyTlmesWednesd.y, August 21~1~91 - 3 Happy l8th Birthday ix SERVICE ~b PIONEERR The Art of Entertaînment A National Bird for Canada There is a movement underway to select a national bird for Canada which is being sponsored by the Outdoor Canada Magazine and Canada/Sportsmens' Show as a feature of their twentieth aflniversary. In starting the process a number of selected comments are being received to formn a list from which choice may be made and through ie process the general publie will have input if they so wish. The World Wildlife Fund has prepared a possible list of ten which includes the Snow Goose, the Canada Goose, Great Blue Heron, Grey Jay, Tree Swallow, Snow Bunting, American Robin, Common Loon, Black Capped Chickadee and the Peregrine Falcon. When reading this list 1 ask myself on what basis does one mnake such a choice for a national bird. To me every bird has somne characteristic that would be appealing but their territory of living for a national bird has to bc considered if the final choice is to please people from sea to sea. Going down through the list of ten 1 would perhaps leave the Sinow Goose on the list as it is fairly well distributed throughout the nation and is a more spectacular looking bird than the Canada Goose. As for the Canada Goose 1 can well remember, years ago, when it was a great sight tosece the V- formation and hear the cali, early in the spring during migration and then again in the fali. But of late that formation and cail has dîsappeared to a great extent possibly due to the fact that the bird has taken upon itself to adjust to a d_.rban lifestyle. The cry for the north is not there and many of our waterfront parks are bcing rendered unfit for use. 'nie Canada Goose is dropped from my list. There is no more majestic bird that the Great Blue Heron as it stocks its prey along the waterfront 1 lumbers off in flighit to the heronry. Perhaps it does not stay during the winter months but then a lot of Canadians also make the flight south for a number of months. t would near the top of the ten. 1 would possibly add the most common Ring-Billed Guil which is distributed across the country and does continue its stay during the winter months especially along the Great Lakes in this particular part of Canada. At times it does appear to become a nuisance bird but standing on a rock and in ful plumage is a majestic bird and is everywhere. 'Die Grey Jay goes as 1 would consider it a bird of the north year round. The Tree Swallow, although another beautiful bird and industrious and common stays only for the breeding season and then is off agaln for the south. No doubt most people will pick the Comrnon Loon for the national bird but here again it does not reside in the country for the whole of the year. Its popularity is mosn evident through wood carvings, paintings and photography and not to be forgotten on the waters of our lakes along with its mournful cry. The American Robih is already symbolized by mnany States in the U.S. s0 we would exclude it ee though it is ant enjoyment to have around every year. The Snow Bunting is another attractive bird and is well distributed throughout Canada and here it would be close to thie top of My list. This brings us to the Black Cappcd Chickadee whichi jumps to the top of the list. t is a busy hlte, fine looking bird, mnany staying the year round and is well distributed throughout Canada. t brings a lot of joy to residents of Canada as it flits arouind at the feeders in the winter aii," throughout the trees during sumrncr. t is well known by everyone in Canada. As to the Peregrine Falcon it is a bird that has a distribution Just George On the 8th of this month, I was mnvolved in an auto accident, which some of you may have seen. It happened on Taunton Road, right outside the Works Department buildings. 1 wont go into details, but 1 want to emphasize the fact that I bel jeve my seat belt saved me fromn serious injury. 1 could conceivably have gone through the windshield, - the car is probably a write-off! But 1 sustainied no serious injury. I know that some of you (like me), hate strapping ourselves into a vehicle, but I personally'-will, neyer hesitate in future to dojust that. 1 want also, at this point, to compliment, and thank the Works Department staff that came out to the scene, and took over the job of assisting both drivers, directing traffic, clearing up debris, phoning the police and generally taking charge of things. They ail did an ex&cellent job. My sincere thanks to you ail - for everything. Jusi George Drug lab found in raid Metro Police and the RCMP uncovered a drug lab and chemnicals to make speed as well as a quantity of drugs in the Welcome area wvith James Allen Hetrich being charged with 15 criminal counts. t has been estimated that the value of the drugs would amount to $1 .2 million. Letter writer gives advice A letter writer from Warkworth advises that we are heading for disaster if we don't start requesting that garbage be separated before it hits the garbage truck. throughout most of the world and is not exclusive to North America. One might replace it with the, Golden Eagle or the Northern Shrike, the latter having distribution in every province. t will be the govemment of Canada that makes the final decision, if a final decision is made, as to a national bird. As we understand it is hoped that the choice will be made froînthe ten that will appear on the final listing. in this case we suspect Brian Mulroney would have his say in the final choice. And what would be his chioice? "The Golden Eagles". After ail his friend, George Bush, has the Bald Eagle. Really it wouldn't bc a bad choice even for Brian. The CATERING CONNECTION ON THE SPOT CATERING WVeddings - Anniversaries - AII Banquets CHEESE TRAYS - MEAT PLATTERS - SALADS Fred &Patricia Storsbergen Orono 983-9679 U Pr Mangar's Auto Centre COMPLET REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES & MODELS 0F FOREIGN & DOMESTIC *CARS * VANS * BUSES * TRUCKS Ised Car Qg5O h ales Rad Shop Original Muffler Shop afety Inspections Tow Service 983-5 13,% ropane & Natural Gas Brakes o Tune Ups 983-548"À7 Body & Paint Work Automotie Parts 117 Miii st. OrCi Proprietor: Mïke Mangar Lic, CI.A.B.H.NGSpS6a.S6b. Tnsp. Remembrance I X'Howard Miller Suggested Retail Price $4552. Orono Fair Specials coming *Popular Oak Yorkshire finished grandfather clock and curio cabinet in one *Beveled glass lower door and sides Lighted shelves and mirrored back for ultimate displayîng Pendulum suitable for monogramming, have your family initials etched! *Cable-driven, triple chime movement plays Westminster, Whittington and Winchester 'H. 813/", W. 35%", D. 14%" Oak Remembrance 1 Modeî Number 610-440 Wthfor our Howard Miller Grandiather CkDplyj 1Wthat the Orono Fair, September 5, 6,7 & St jlooper's Jewellers 39 KIn St. W. 623-5747 limoivlk ono