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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Aug 1991, p. 9

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Orono Woekly Trimes, Wednlesciay, Auguslt 28,1991 - 9 Bernie Martin in hîs play laden with bis treasures and Ponder'-Osa enters with his wealth. pilgramage to a new kiagdon The King, laden with bis worldly treasurers, bowing the plaintiff sounds of bis violin, struggles to bis castle in the lush green paddock of the Spooners, Mike and Rachel. It was the entry of Bernic Martin Saturday in bis one-man production of Ponder-Osa before an early evening audience seaîed in the corner of the Spooner paddock. The performance was typical Martin, with a message, with audience participation, and a large portion of Martin humor. It was eviderit from audience reaction that the play and the presentation went over well. Ponder-Osa had the King porider bis advances to Osa, a maiden that livcd in the huge barn and was reluciant to encourage bis advances to joir i hm at bis castie and share bis wealth. His communication with the maiden was riot of a Bell telephone line but a rope of somec size stretchinig from the castlc to the barrn. -The Kinig was not without the services of Bernadette, the Martin creation of a horse, that trots, gallops and canters witb thc bcst of the Hackncys. The King bcnds to the dcmands of Osa and figbts with the devil in Charge the-g lasses the depths, of the, sea where like above, roads, housing, tall buildings and dumps obliterate the scenery. He does retum victorlous at which point scene three ends and it is time once again to charge the glasses with the wirie of the land. it was interesting that the King did bring in what was interrupted as Quebec into the kingdom. Here he asked bis audience for their opinion and from the call of the vote it appears to have been a tic vote. Osas demands conîiriued in that she asked that the Kinig give up bis castlc, bis kingdom and bis wealth everi though be bad defeatcd the devil at the bottom of the sca. Aftcr charging the glasses the audience votcd ovcrwbelminigly that the King should meet the dcmands of Osa anid scck ber company at the barri. The castle was flrcd and thc kingdom and wealtb abandoricd with the King prcparcd to make bis way to the open barri door and Osa. But the King could flot resist some wcalth îo be retairied for bis short journey to Osa. Osa was flot to bc taken in and the barn door slammcd shut. Indccd it was an irtcrcsting evening. Bernie Martin adds a new which:came at the King's whim. dimension to bis production with An entertaining evening with a the King calling for the charging good splash of humor. of the glaýsc, btwycen scenes Gord's View by Gord Milis, M.P.P. Durham East Winter in Florida - buy health coverage!, The Ontario goverriment is changing the way it pays for, out-of- country hiospital services. These changes will affect anyone planning to leave the country for any period of time -- whethier it's on vacation, work assigrinent or attending sehool, Beginning October 1, the Health Ministry will pay $400 per day for acute medical care, such as surger, highi technoiogy treatment and frequent monitoring of a paticnt's condition and $200 per day for rehabilitative and' other less mcdically intense care, such as treatmcnt for substance abuse, psychiatrie illness and eating disorders. These figures reflect hospital rates in Ontario and are much lower than the daily rates bcing charged by hospitals in the United States and elsewhere. What ail of tbis means is, anyone who plans to be out of the country after October. 1 should buy additional health coverage through a private insurer to cover any medical cmergency that may arise. The above noted rates will also apply to Ontario residents who travel out of the country strictly for medical treatment. With prior approval fromn the Ministry of Hcalth, the full cost of out-of- country hospital treatment will be paid by the ministry if it is flot available ini Ontario, also, if the life of the patient is threaiencd or irreversible damage to his or bier health occurs.' Ontarios annual payments to American health care institutions have more than doubled in the last three years to more thani $200 million. Ontario taxpayers canti afford to provide an opent-enýIdd Facts A fact in itýelf is nothing. It is valuable only for the idea attachied to it- or for thie proof which it furnishes. -- Claude Bernard A concept is stronger than a fact. -CalteP. Gilîman Get the facts, or the facts will get you. And wben you get 'cm, get em right, or they will get you wrong. -Thomas Fuller Sit down before fact as a lîttie child, be prepared to give up every preconceived notion, follow humbly wherevcr and to whatever abysses nature leads, or you shahl learn Piothing. -- Thomas Huxley Oct your facts first, and then you cari distort themn as much as you please. -Mark Twain Facts have a cruel way of substituting themselves for fancies. There is nothing more remorseless, just as there is nothing more helpful, than truth. -- William C Redfield Comment is free but facts are sacred. - Charles P. Scott subsidy to the profit-driven U.S. medical system if we want, to preserve medicare in Ontario ai the present level. It is estimated that the new rates will reduce out-of- country hospital costs by 20 to 30 per cent in,1992. As the popular credit card advertisement staies, "Don't leave home without it" - and dont leave home without health insurance either! If you need clarification on ariy of the above information, please call my consîituency office at 416- 623-6663 or if out of the 416 area code, call 1-800-661-2433. Trent University ro at Durham College Fal-Winter: September to April By study in Oshawa atone, you may obtain a Trent degree in: Anthropology, Cultural Studies, Economics, English, History, Politics, Psychology or Sociology. For a brochure, counselling or infor- mation on admission please cati (416) 723-9747. Greg's Carpet & Vinyl Installation & Service -ORONO - Complete Installations e Resi dential & Commercial Repairs & Restretch e Free Estimates Greg 416-983-9208 out of town cal! collect Sea Cadet REGISTRATION - Boys and Girls 12 to 18 years to be held Tuesday, Sept. 3rd and lOth 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. in the Veltri Complex Basement' 68 King St. E. Bowmanville Uniforms and Equipment Supplied No Registration Fee Sailing - Camping - Travel For information, tetephone Sheila Brooks - 623-2880 or Don Scott - 983-5026 What's New at Roy's Vîdeo Rentai 5341 Main Street, Orono- 416-983-9162 Fax 416-983-5607 Water Cool Clear Water Corne in and sample our Kendal His ®' Pure Sring Water We carry bottie sizes f rom 475 mLtol18L also Cooler Rentai or Purchase Delîvery A vaîlable Resîdential and Commerîcal

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