10 ren Wlcl lmes. W diedaY,,AuguSt 28,i 9 NEW YORK, NEW YORK doorways. There is some been the target of many break-ins resemblance to some areas in aver the years and recently oniy a New York City and other areas couple of weeks ago. where crime thrives. No doubt the LCBO hopes ta The Orono LCBO outiet bas thwart any other attempt as to breakingin. ChristianrLCorner. by Rev. Marg West- Faitli and Doubt Doubt sees the obstacles, Faitli sees the way;' Doubt sees the blackest niglit, Failli sees tlie day; Doubt dreads ta take a step, Faitli soars an higli, Doubt questions "Who belleves?" Failli answers 'T'. In Hebrews 11: 1 - It tells us tliat "Now failli is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Wliat is NOW faith? Now failli believes for what you need at that specific time like right now. if yau need something at a specific time you need failli now ta believe you receive. Wlien you pray yau need faill i en ta believe not tomorrow or a week or two down the road. You need now failli at that time. Ini other wards you have ta believe you receive when you pray, flot wlien you see the resuits of your prayer. We neyer get answers ta aur prayers if we dont think we are going ta get answers. You have ta know you are going ta get answers. God does flot answer prayers of doubt because tliats tlie camplete opposite of failli. God is a faith God. Hebrews 11:6 says that, "witliaut failli it is impossible ta please hini (God)." Jesus always answers prayer, if we pray in faitli believing. Mattliew 21:22 says that A world of facts lies outside and beyond the warld of words. -- Thiomas Huxley Facts are facts and will flot disappear on account of your likes. -- Jawaharlal Nehru If you get ail tlie facts, your judgement can be riglit; if you don't get ail the facts, it can't be riglit. -- Bemard M. Baruch I often wish ... that I could rid the world of the tyranny of facts. Wliat are facts but compromises?- A fact merely marks tlie point wliere we have agreed ta let investigation cease, -- Author Unknown "Wliatsaever you shall ask in prayer believing, you shall receive.*' Praverbs 15:29 also tells us, "The Lard is far ftom tlie wicked: but lie learetl tlie.prayer of tlie rigliteous." (those wlio have asked Jesus into their lives.) We see by tliese few scriptures, and there are many more, that Jesus hears and answers prayer when we have faith. So corne on people, get into failli, stay in failli, please God and get answers to your prayers. Comments or Questions? Write Box,179, Orono. Total Christian Television Channel 49, Buffalo. PUBLIC MEETING HAMLET 0F, HAMPTON TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the, Corporation of the Town of Newcastle wiIl hold a public M eetin .ta present and discuss several malster plan -conce2pts prooosed for ELLJILEPARK in the Hamiet of Hampton. Ail persons are invited ta attend the meeting and may make written comment ether in support or in opposition of the varlous concepts. DATE: Weclnesday, September 4, 1991 lIME: 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. PLACE: Hampton Hall 5360 OId Scugog Road Hampton, Ontario For any questions related ta the Public Meeting, please contact James D. Cameron, Operations Superintendent, Cammunity Services Department - Telephone: 416-623-3379 ext. 284.' Dates of Publication: Wednesday, August 21, 1991 Wednesday, August 28, 1991 P.0. 4235 I cono Durham, Farmers' County Co-op Hwy. 115 at Taunton Road, Orono -L A lýlIc,- l- -g1-- . .. Co-op Dog Food, 20 Kg Nuggets Co-op Cat Food, 10 Kg Purrfect Chain Saw Chain 011, 4L Anti-Freeze 4L Quikki Heavy Duty Garbage Bags, 40S Fan Rake only PAINT Interior/Exterior THOMPSON'S WATER SEALER, 3.785 L 14.95 11.95 3.99 5.29 3.99 3.69 HALF PRICE 12.99 New Business Hours:t Effective September 3rd, 1991 Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. OESTOP SHPI-u1NGO CO-OP, SHUR-GAIN, MARTINS, UIA MASTER Durham Farmers' County Co-op Hwy. 115 and Taunton Rd. Phone 983-9134 1 -800-263-7805 SHOP and SAVE ýat the CO-OP Late last week the Orono LCBOstore took on a new look for after hours with the installation of steel closings >for the front window and the ORmhý'ONO aý