2 - Orono Weekly TImes~, Wednesday> Auguot 28, 1991 Conservation attitude growing It would appear that a conservation attitude has been gaining momentumn over the past few years both in the private lives of individuals and as well in the industrial boardrooms. Conservation is certainly a large part of any plan that will reduce the pressure on the destruction of our planet earth. Of recent weeks Ontario Hydro has announced that it is their intent to increase their drive to reduce the use of hydro through conservation in t he use of electricity. Already they have devised a number of programns in which they encourage participation through financial assistance. Over the long-termi this should certainly pay-off in the reduction of future increased hydro loads and the expenditures of fünds for increased power production both of a capital nature and, of course, operational. The Region of Durham's chairman, bas made comment of recent weeks as to conserving-water supply where again such a move would again reduce expenditures for capital expansions in sewer and water works. And again some reduction i operational costs. One might ask, "What price are we wiiling to pay to water lawns and be satisfied with leaky tapa. 1,Surely we have seen in the past that any change is slow in coming but momentumn may start to excelerate when we corne to realize that waste and destruction of the environmient cannot continue. Helen MacDonald in her Green Reading article this week notes the value of education especially i the schools. This certainly is so in the elementary schools but accordig to the principal at Clarke some of the kids lose some of the edge while others appear to lose it ail. We do have to be careful that we do flot become complacent or that we are lead -down the garden path by dlaims that just do not add up and there certainly wili be some. The question is whether or not we leave a future on the planet for our children and their children. It begins now not later. Happenings cont'd) ANNOUNCING SPECIAL SERVICE REGISTRY Announcing tbe Special, Service at Home Registry, wbere families wbo are in need of assistance caring for a developmentally or physically bandicapped member may seek an at home contract worker. We are aiso looking for individuals wbo are interested in special needs contract work. It is part-time and the hours are flexible. For furtber information cail Ann McPbee at 416-434-3620. EPILEPSY DURHAM MONTHLY MEETING Epilepsy Durham Region will holding its monthly meeting on Tuesday, September lth, 7:30 p.m. at the Kinsmen Centre, 109 Coîbome St. W., Oshawa. We are pleased to announice that psycbologist Dr. Barry Brooker will be our guest speaker. Anyone interested is more tban welcome to attend. For further information caîl 436-3152. Epilepsy Durbam Region is a Non-Profit Self Help Group. MAIL STRIKE AFFECTS FAIR ENTRIES .This is die week rnany people would traditionally mail their entry forma to tbe fair secretary. But with the unpredictable mail situation people are afraid their entry may not get delivered in time. To help relieve this situation a drop off box will be located at the Apple Blossom Shop in Orono, anda Fair Booth will be set up at the Bowmanville Mail on August *3Mt and 3lst. Lette r to the Editor: Letter written to the Honourable Ruth Grier - Dated August 16, 1991 Re: Laidlaw Waste Systems (Durham) Ltd., Provincial Certificate of'Approval, No. A- 390305, Application for Interim Expansion Further to my letter of May 2lst, 1991 concerning the designation of Laidlaw's Interim Expansion proposai under the Environmenta Assessment Act, I would like to bring additional information to your attention. In early 1989, the Ministry of the Environment asked for comments on Laidlaw's proposai for an Interim Expansion. The Town of Newcastle, the Region of Durham and our Committee strongly urged the Minister at the time (Jim Bradley) to exercise bis discretion, and desigpnate ibis proposai under the Enviromnental Assessment Act. 1Mr. Bradley's decision 'was conveyed to us in bis July 20. 1989 letter. Mr. Bradley's decision was to allow this expansion to proceed under die Enviromnental Protection Aa if certain conditions were met. In tbis letter be defended bis decision by saying that "the minor expansion is in keeping with my Ministry's policy on Environmental Assessment exemptions for minor landfill expansions". Our Committee subsequently communicated to Mîr. Bradley and later to you that this is die wrong decision - and should be reconsidered. I have just become aware of the fact that the Ministry of Environment's poicy (Environmental Assessment Act Interim Expansion of Municipal Landfills) Mr. Bradley is referring to in his July 20, 1989 letter bas an 'Effective Date' of November 30. 1989! How isit possible to rely on a policy that was not even in effect at the time the original decision was made? In our March 15, 1990 letter to then Premier David Peterson we Comme t * *Weird and I. wonderful. I Witha 1ý * - 1 def inite accent. on the "rather wonderful" part if we as adults and parents ca n catch a littie of the feeling too. The excitable, jittery feeling of back-to-school butterfiies, taking over almost every other tbought on the minds of kids this Urne of the sunimer. - And no matter what the kids say. or dare to admit, each and every one of themt is in a state of wonder and anticipation of. one level or another. 111 .Tbough for a parent, back to school usually means being rewarded with a littie more time and organized sanity around the bouse. But! W.i a littie of tha weird and'rather wonderful energy and excitement of heading back to school become contagious we should grab it! Remembering. and reminiscing back to our own school days is somnething pretty special.* I believe even more so if some of these memories can be shared with our. children. Yes, special indeed. . After I got home from school shopping with my ten year old daugbter this past weekend, I found myseif feeling kind of lucky 1 guess. Seeing ber so excited about a few new school clothes, then going for lunch was nice for me too, I thought afterwards. We can forget how traumatic or special or important readying for another school year can be. We might even take it for granted that our child will bandle whatever comnes their way with the greatest of ease. .. This doesn't always happen, though. Sure, Flil be happy for some get- organized time of my own. But every so often, 1 just have to remind myself how fast they grow up and bow soon they won't seemn to need me as much. Comy but true. ..School days! One of the great trnes in a kid's life! " Peggy Mullan indicated a number of areas where we feit that Laidlaw was receiving undue consideration from bis governiment. We sincerely hope that your government does not continue to perpetuate these mistakes. We look forward to your early decision on this matter. I have also just been made aware of a new scheme by Laidlaw. In response to negative comments by the Ministry of Environment on the current landfill's impact on Graham Creek, Laidlaw is actually proposing to diverthpt of the Creek away from the site by building an alternate cbannel. Apparently, this is being proposed as an abatement measure and not part of their Interim Expansion plans. This intervention, in tbe natural environment of this area cas only be viewed as a desperate measure by a desperate company. The well documented environmental problems associated with the current site are not being' resolved, and yet your Ministry is being asked to seriously consider an 'Interim Expansion' and ultiniately a massive 'Main Expansion' . At what point in this unending teclmological review will common sense prevail? Yours truly, Kendal CoIumn Phyllis Lowery Wbat a beautiful week-this bas been, altbougb in many ways it certainly is beginning to look like fail. Tbe grass is once more turning green and needs cutting. Several nigbts this week, it bas been warm enough to sit out until iluite late so one can enjoy tbe bright moonligbt. Sunday was warm and sunny, once again Elaine Kellogg took tbe Service. The Service opened with the Hymn "Flow Sweet the Name of Jesus". Following the call to worship everyone joined in reading the 23rd Psalm. The readings were ftom 1 Kings 19:-1-16, and John 14; 1-7, 16-18. The Hymn "Unto the Hilîs" was sung. Elaine titled bier Sermon, "'Finding Peace", our own personal peace. Everywhere we tumn we hear of struggles, famine, crime, murder, people committing crimes, neyer punished. Cbild abuse, poverty, loss of jobs. Although we may neyer have suffered from crime, we live in fear, we live with the awareness that this is not a very sa fe world. We are also aware of things being done by groups, to belp prevent these tbiings from happening in our area, neighbourhood watch, shelters for battered wives, environment groups, many national peace movements, Christians and Non- Christians, working together. At one point, people sat in bleachers to watcb the testing of nuclear weapons, now the people in these areas are protesting this, they realize the dangers to the environment and to tbe people living in the are-a. One observer remarked that after watcbing a bomib going off, the noise of it, the huge musbroom cloud, it was the silence following, she felt the sense of God being there. We must find peace within ourselves. Wars don't start by themselves, man starts them. God sends a belper to find our way. If we have found our own péace, we cas be peacemakers Of the world. The Service ended witb the singing of "0 God, Our Help in Ages Past." It bas been a pleasure to bhave Elaine Kellogg with us this past month, and we wisb her well as sbe returns to ber studies. She will be working to become a Minister. Don't forget if you wish to'enter anything in the Fair, you cas do so on the Wednesday or Thursday of Fair week. Ahl Juniors, please state your age. Don't' forget the Baby Show being held on the Saturday momning, ail entries must be i by September 6tb. If you like Penny Sales tbere will be one held on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, the draws will be beld on Saturday at 3:30 pan. Remote Control Cars are going to be coming to the Fair on Saturday. There are several classes to compete. Quotable Quotes. "Most of our so-called reasoning-c onsists in finding arguments for going on believing as we already do." St. Saviour's Anglican Church .MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. Douglas Hall 987-4745 SUNDAY SERVICE and SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. ORONO PASTORAL Marlene Risebrough. 983-5702 Church Office 983-5502 Sunday, September lst at Newcastle United Church 10:30 a.m. Rev. Donald Stiles 987-4250 ORONO, ONTARIO 983-5009 Last Week for Augeust Specialsàe also Labour Day Week-end Specials See You at the Faîr