6 - Orono Weekly Times,, Wednesday, August 28, 19916 HELLO N u E WCAS %jTLiJE!l by Peggy Muflan The Side Street Cafe is open Monday te Friday, 8:00 a.m. te 4:00 p.m. and on Saturdays 8:00 Trudy Wheeler (left) and partner, Cher Monteur. 1Formerly known as "The Back Roomn", the newly re-openied laundromat restaurant, "The Side Street Cafe" had its official Grand Opening on Juiy 27, with balloons, streamers and many many happy faces complimenting the already cheery country decor. Trudy Wheeler and Cher Monteur teck ever the reigns of the popular cafe fromn Rob and Hecather A round Region (Continued fromn page 5) their ewn recycling orthrough the use of refillable botules. t has been pointed eout that refillabies must be stronger, consume more energy and wouid require a costly distribution system. Recipe Con test for pork lovers Got a favorite pork recipe? Then why net enter it in Ontario Pork's Sth anniversary iecipe contest which runs until September 30. Prizes include a deluxe food precesser, a set of gourmet cookware or a cookbook. Simply send in a original, unpublished recipe that uses at ieast one pound cf fresh pork te Ontario Port Sth Anniversary. Recipe Contest, 20 Eglinton Ave. W., Box 2040, Toronto M4R 1K8. Include your naine, address, city, province, pestai code and telephene number. The contest is opcn te Ontario residents over 19 except for empicyces of Ontario Pork and thicir immediate families. A complue set cf contcst miles is avaiabie by writing the abeve address. Griffen of Newcastle, Rob and Heather will be returning te their teaching careers when schooi epens next week. Truidy anid Cher have made a few appetizing changes te their café, including breakfast and a fresh veggie plate, aleng with more plants and their already appealing personalities. Little Sceops ... - Registration for Newcastle Sparks, Brownies, Girl Guidfes and Pathfinders will bc held at Newcastle United Church (in the Village) September il from 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. AIl girls 5 - 15 years cf age weicome te join in the tradition! - Remiember te circle September 21 on your calendar. t is the date set for gala events spcnsored by the Newcastle Village and District Chamnber of Conumerce. The day starts off with an inviting Pancake Breakfast put on by the Newcastle Village Fire Department from 8 te il a.m. Everybody Welcome! Throughout the day from 10 a.m. te 4 p.m. on Town Hall grounds is a.m. te 1:00 p.m. -be glad yeu did!" the Flea Market and Craft Sale, About 1:00 judging wil tLake place on the bicycle deccrating event as well. Corne 9 p.m. a dance takes off in the Town Hall. Tickets are $35.00 per couple, which includes dancing, drinks, and a iight lunch. Cail Helen Simpson at 987-4395, for tickets. Ail sounds like a must-not-miss date in September! - The Great Pine Ridge Kinettes are happy te announice their first teen dance of the season, September 13, at the Newcastle Town Hall. - September is Big Brother Month. Watch for details of upcoming happenings. This is it! Pie last week before school, got your shopping done? Got a scoop? Give me a cali - 983-5301 or 786-2964. "Have a super week and a great long weekend!" Try the WANT ADS Reasonable & Effective 983-5301 Notice to the Ratepayers of the Corporation DURAM of the Regional Municipality of Durham The Audited Financial Statements of the Corporation of the Regional Municipality cf Durham for'the year ended December 31, 1990 are available from the Regional Finance Department. Anyone interested in obtaining a copy of these statements should write to the Finance Department cf the Regional Municipality of Durham, 60 Bond Street West, P.O. Box 618, Oshawa, Ontario L1 H 8B6. The foliowing financial highlights reflect the operations, assets and liabilities cf-the Regionai Municipaiity cf Durham including the waterworks, sanitary sewage and waste disposai systems and the Board cf Commissioners cf the Durham Régional Police. COMPARISON 0F CONSOLIDATED REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES (AIl amounts in thcusands cf dollars) WHERE THE MONEV CAME FROM: Requisiticn cn Area Mun icipalities Ontario Grants User Charges Other Revenue WHAT THE MONEY WAS SPENT FOR: General Gomerment Protection to Persons and Property Transportation Services Waterwcrks Operation SanitarySewage System Waste Disposai Health Services Social Services Senior Citizen Services Day Nurseries Famiiy and Children Services Planning and Development VEAR END POSITION 0F ASSETS AND LIABILITIES (Ail amounts in thcusands cf dollars) 1990 1990 $78,445 102,909 74,956 $3 4:950 1989 Cash and Short Term Investments Acccunts Receivable $ 67,677 Other Current Assets 76,499 Restricted Assets 65,678 Capital Outlay 37,168 Financed by Long Term $247,022 Liabilities and to be Recovered in Future Years $ 10,077 $ 6,735 Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities 44,889 37,712 Current Portion of Ontario 30,100 22,161 Hcusing Action Program 26,908 29,981 Loans 32,349 32,722 Other Current Liabilities 23,093 16,719 and Deferred Revenue 7,323 6,211 Net-Long Term Liabilities 58,046 33,582 Reserves and Reserve Funds 29,763 28,032 Fund Balances 6,783 5,665 Unexpended Capital Financing 1,981 2,062- $275,134 3211 $224,793, Trust Funds Administered by Region, $ 35,368 39,853 6,007 74,63l 21,840. $1 77,699 1989 $ 30,078 36,615 3,608 26,2 $ 154,o85 $27,852 $ 35,292 2,275, 2,342 21,840 101,633 2,453 $1 77,699 5,488 3,128 27,212 66,135 5,746 11,084 $1 54,085 $1,912 $ 1,756 tt~ THE BEST ARCHERY SHOP Archery Sales and Service Complete line of Bows, Arrows and Accessories for the Bowhunter and Target Shooter Owned and Operated by a member of the Professional Archery Association P.A.A.. INSTRUCTION AVAILABLE 29 Caroline Street East,, Newcastle Village (2 blocks south of King St. off Mili St.) 987-1147