-- r ,w. ~ ~sr, g jr ~ ~ fi - Orono Weskly Times, Wednesday, Auguet 28, 1991 V ) i '~ It is now aimost one year ago when I was elected te serve Uic people of Durham East. At that time 1 opened my constituency office with just one assistant. Today, there are three constituency assistants working in the office. Last week, due te the increased volume of assistance being provided to constituents from al walks of life, and wim ail different politicai views, I decided that a move te a larger office was required. On October lst, Uic constituency office wiil be reiocated with the Veltri Compiex at 68 King Street East, Bowmanville. The new offices wiil provide agreater Working area, and above ail provide a high degree of privacy for everyone., Nearer that date we may have te close for a couple of days to allow for the re-location of telephones and equipment. Notices *wili be posted, and the inconvenience will be kept to a minimum. This past week 1 have been kept busy with my commîttee work at Queen's Park, and spending a couple of days working in the cOnstituency office. I was asked last week as to mhe 'opening date of the faîl session of parliament. 1 said that we opened again on September 23rd, to which the inquirer remarked, "Boy, you have had a nice long hol iday then." I mhought rather quickly of the pepular Everley Brothers song, of yesteryear, "Dream, dream, dreamn." On Wednesday, I went te Orillia on behaif of the Minister of Housing, Hon. Evelyn Gigantes, to open a new 106 apartment building. AIl the units were part of our government's commitment te provide low cost housing at rents Orono Fire Cails The foliowing fire calis were reoeived by the Town of Newcastle during the week of August il through te August 18. Monday, August 12 between 12:27 p.m. and 1:15 p.m. Punper 3 and Tanker 3 responded te a report of smoke at Cedar Park, on the 5th line. Between 1:29 p.m. and 2.00 p.m. they responded t o a bumning complaint on Milîson 1-lui, Orono. Wednesday, August 14, Pumper 3 and Tanker 3 responded between the heurs of 12.13 a.m. and 2:00 a.m. to a car fire on Hwy. 115, north of mhe 3rd Concession. TIhursday, August 15, Pumper 3 responded between 11:56 p.m. and 1: 15 a.m. on Main St. S., Orono to a report of a. tree and hydre wires down. Friday, August 16, Pumper 3 and Tanker 3 responded between the hours of 2:35 p.m. and 5:39 p.m. at 3609 5th Concession to a report of a tree being bit by lightning. Sunday, August 18, Pumper 3 and Tanker 3, responided between 9:50 a.m. and 10:.19 a.m. at Taunton Rond and Durhamn 42 te a report of a vebicle fire. geared to income. I had the Hospital . The centre was offlc'ialiy opportunity to meet with many of opened by the Minister of Heaith, the new tenants, and discuss how tie Hon. Frances Lankin. The moving ino non-profit housing had importance of this new, much changed their lives. Some became wanted facility, was demonstrated quite tearful as they explained how by the representation from Durham, previously their income had ail be Northumberland and Victoria to swallowed up with hgh rents, and witness the officiai ribbon cutting now they were able to provide ceremony. 1 things for their children mhat for so As Durham continues to grow long they had done without. Non- by leaps and bounds, even more profit housing and rents geared to medical facilities wiil be.needed to income will do much to aid folks in keep pace with the growth. getting ahead in their lives, and Everything the govemment is called those of mheir chiîdren. If we hope upon to provide bas a price. The to let people pull theinseives up by capping of transferred funds by the their bootstraps we first have to Federai Government, makes our provide mhe boots. ta.sk mhat mucli more difficuit. On Friday morning, 1 joined This coming week F'm off on mhe with omher M.P.P.s from Durham, last road trip wîtii Bill 115 (Sunday _at mhe opening of the new regionai Shopping) - Till next week - be dialysis faciiity at Oshawa General kind to each other. Clarke Hîigh News 'The Future Starts Here" the year. The caiendar section is Front the Principal intended as a place to record S Clarke High Sehool once again appointments, tests and speciai welcomes students new to mhe area events. If the students use it they to register and retumning students to ýstand a better chance of being a make timetable changes. The successfui student. Guidance office is open 9:00 to On Thursday, September Il al 3:00 p.m.-, Monday to Thursday. parents are invited to come te mee Students or their parents cari make school between 9:00 and 11:30 an appointment by caliing 987- a.m., have a coffee, meet the 4771. Principal, Vice-Principal, some of Regular school begins at 8:30 on the staff, tour the schooi and find Tuesday, September 3 with the out what Clarke High School is distribution of timetables in the doing to educate the students. gymnasium and classes begin at New Dialysis system 9:00 a.m. and continue until 3:25 p.m. Ail students should come to officially opened schooi prepared for classes. They The Minister of Heaimh was at wili need, at a minimum, a pen, mhe Oshawa General Hospital last pencil and a notebook and bc week to officially open the new prepared to work. If a student needs Dialysis facility that is now in to purchase a iock, they are operation. availabe in the mainoffice at acost The facility is especially of $4.00. 1 interesting to those in the area Ail students receive Student requiring such a facility as Planners which expiain to. the previousiy they had to travel to students mheir obligations and rights Toronto. and events that occur throughout The facility has five stations at mhe schooi year. As well mhere is a the present time but is expected to page for the parents of die students expand to ten with a capacity, at expiaining how they cari heip tmeir mhat time, of thirty patients. students succeed. 1 strongiy The Dialysis equipment recommend mhat ail parents read mhe eperates six days a week and Student Planner to sec what Clarke services those in Durham, the High School offers their students as Haliburton area, Northumberland, it prevides essential information Victoria and Peterborough mhat students need daily throughout counties. DURHAM CENTRAL FAIR September 5, 6, 7 & 8 AT THE ORONO FAIRGROUNDS Watch for your complete program in the mail IF THE MAIL STRIKE CONTINUES Entries may be dropped off at the APPLE BLOSSOM SHOP IN ORONO or At the Fair Booth in the BOWMANVILLE MALL Aug. 30 & 31 KendaliA Phyllis Lowery On Saturday, August l-7th, the Kendai Band along with members of the local Orange Lodges, traveiled to Beeton, to take in the Parade ceiebrating the anniversary of Derry Day. Although there wasnt a prize or trophy given out, I am told miat the Kendai Band was chosen as best Marching Band. Next year mhe Parade will be heid in Orono. On Thursday, August 22 members of Kendai L.O.L. 405 travelled to Reaboro, where they assisted in putting on the "Blue Degree'". On Sunday, August 25th, the 3rd annuai bailgame betweeni the Lodges and members of Kendal United Church was heMd and 'Hial News alihough it was necessary to cheer for bomh teamns, I have to report miat mie Lodge team were mhe winners. Ail went back to the Hall for supper where there certainiy was no shortage of food and to those who made the desserts, they were sure tasty, of course there were no calories in them, I hope. Don't forget the Lodges and the Band, wili be taking part in the Fair Parade on Saturday, September 7th, and wiii once again have a boom hi mde arena. Thie Men of Kendal L.O.i., wiii be meeting on Wednesday, September 4th. Now that September is almost bere ail Lodge meetings wiii be getting back to mheir normal meeting nights. Ro KA LUMBER & FIREWOOD CENTRE Lumber Firewood Pressure Treated Lumber Interlocking Brick Doors Wood Flooring Windows Trusses Cedar Lumber Roof Steel Kitchens Wood Timbers 1 mile south of Pontypool on Hwy. 35 (705) 277-3381 Mark M. Stapleton fI<storation 6&ReIproductiont 6720 Leskard Rd. N., Orono 983-6098 We specialize in Historical Restoration and Reproduction of Century Homes. Also ail types of General Carpentry. ORONO FUEL& LUMBER LIMITED P.O. Box 180, Station Street Orono, Ontarlo LOB iMO ALISTAIR ROZARIO FREE ESTIMATES Telephone: (416) 983-9167 Residence: (416) 983-5344 Af f ordable Dream Vacations! 0 Free Vacation Planning Services -0 Discount Cruises 0 Charter Vacations 0 Airline Tickets 0 Honeymoon Packages à Motel and Car ReserVati4ns PERSONAL& CORPORATE TRAVEL SERVICES Travel Agents International We're wth you ail the way k-lit 68 KING ST. E., BOWMAN VILLE Over 300 Agencies in North Amerca 623-6600