10- Oronc W..tdi' Tf m.s~ Wo nosdy~ $.pt.mber4~ ¶o~ -- -~ From A round Home We gave in! by Roy Forrester Finally we hadta give in ta the new advances in technolagy as it relates ta communication. It was flot that we wanted ta for we have been resisting this move for the pas: couple of years. In fact one could say it was flto ur decision. It was made externally due to calis such as "What is your Fax number?" or another one "Without a Fax you will flot receive advertisements from this departnent." Further ta this having been using, the Lycett Law office Fax we had becamne embarrasscd as ta the use we were making of their facility and just could nat continue. My point had always been that the Fax fad cauld well diminish and after aIl there was the telephone and Canada Post (the latter being until this recent strike). Unfortunately the Fax fad has flot dixinished with the resuit that we faund ourselves in the market for a Fax machine. The wait may have had some benefits. For the samie price as a single Fax machine two years ago we were able ta corne up wi th what 1 would cail a mini communication centre for the Orono Times. The machine acts bath as a Fax, telephane and copier. It has a 60 station ane/touch speed dialing mode for either Fax or telephone. It can automatically act as an answering service and at the same time receive a Fax. It automnatically records the date, month, year and time on ail Faxs and displays the length of your conversation. With the push of a buttan incaming caes cari be recorded and thus played back. Sa with thc instruction book we have had a goadly portion of thc pragramming for these functions placed in the machine. Others will have ta wait until we becomne a little more familiar with the littie bcast. That brings us up ta the programming for the Answcring Device part of thc facility. How oftcn does anc hearing "1 just hate talking to a ipechanical machine". You know how it gaes - "This is Ro y. We are out right naw. To leave a message continue ta spcak after Uic long beep - you have 30 seconds. 1 will call back". 1 thought about tmis for somnetme and feel that if I'm about ta zip-up aur communication systemn why flot put some zip into thc message on Uic Answering Devîce. Mftcr more Uiaught I came ta Uic conclusion Uic only timne I would be unavailable ta take Uic phone-at Uic office would bc a trip ta the washraam. "Hi this is Roy, I'm in the can right naw, wait for the sound of Uic flush, count ta six and fil bc back". Perhaps a littie messy! Perhaps "Hi, this is Roy N'e gone nuts - rounding up black squ irrels for a drive ta Rutherford's bush back in a week". The Uiaught came forth 1 could well be out birding "Hi, Uis is Roy - 'm out birding but you will be in full flight for thirty seconds - at Uic Sound of Uic chirp - wing it". That's it. But firs: I have ta fmnd the location of the speaker/microphone before daing any programming of Uic message. That may take some daing but l'mi sure it will came forth somnetime. lIl tell you this machine is about Hallowe 'uen I-arvest at Clarke Museum On Sunday, October 20 the Clarke Museum and Archives is hosting a very special family day entitled "HALLOWEEN HARVEST". -In order ta make this day a success the Museum requires approximately 20 pumpkins suitable for carving into Jack 'O' Lantems as well as prepare vaniaus foods ta taste. as complicated as Uic new computer systcm and cverything is programming, modes, micro-chips and what havc you. One Uing I did learn was Uiat sente years ago 1 should have signed up with Bell Canada for a job. We did require Uic installation of a wall jack for Uic equipment and Bell charged $77.00 for the, installation. The installer was here for no more than five minutes and go: caught up in Uic swing of Uic front door from Uic time he entercd and the trne he left. There is some salvation however for the system requires only a single phone line and the call number is the sanie for the phone as for Uic Fax mode. The systemn distînguishes between a voîce transmission and a Fax transmission and automatically switches ta Uic required mode. The single line is a monthly savings of $33.00 as far as Bell is concemned. We will pay Uic $77 .00 for five minutes but will take Uic savings with this single line systemn. The whole Uing boils down ta "You can Fax me and 1 can Fax you and we bath can have a Faxing goad timc'. 'he Museum attemp:ed ta grow their own crop as part of this programme but aur crap lias failed and we would greatly appreciate any donations of pumpkins. Pumpkins may be dropped off at thc Muscum any time befare Uic 20th October, during Museum hours: Tuesday - Friday 10 -5 p.m. Saturday &Sunday Il - 5p.m. Closed Mandays Phone (416) 983-9243 We are located at Old Kirby School Road, Hwy. 35/115 at Reg. Rd. -9, Kirby, Ontario. cre our Q-qn Durham Colle ge A series of free courses have been scheduled for Durham College for this fali and winter. The courses would qualify applicants for multi-skill warker certificates. The program begins Sept. 9 and continues into February 1992 a: the main College campus. Full time classes can be adjusted ta fit a flexible schedule running from 8 am. ta 8 p.m. Subject matter ranges from the technical, quality, leadership and computer skills. .For more information and 'registration cail Durham College at 576-021l0 (ext.- 503) TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT OUTDOOR SWIMMING POOLS The Community Services Depariment is pleased to announce that bath the Newcastle LionsPool and the Orano Park Pool wiII remain open for public swims September 7th, 8th, I 4th and I 5th Fram 12:00 Noan to 5:00 P.M. and tram 6:00 P.M. ta 8:00 P.M. For Weekends OnIy, Weather Permitting Ievafe, Date of Publication: Wednesday, September.4, 1991 P.O. 4249 EASY TONohigaun A R O U N DDere'>s high-quflty mowers off.: a ," ý full efn or exchange on walk-behinid rowersBU JN EH within 30 days of purchase 7 A Mulchîng attacliment for 21-inch mowers means no ... 14iflSn Èpo eîkIoer, hdge Ippeef clippings and a natural fertiizer for your lawn, Iawn7oe r, eligmee dn A Five speeds on self-propelled models are eas ily adjusted ta user Pace A Lightweight design for easy handling GET AHtEAD 0F THE GAME BACKE8YTHBEST$32.95 VALUE! IWARRANTIES & MALEA THE 8USINESS I_________________ WHILE SUPPUES LAST. STX38 Lawn Tractor A 12 5 hp Kohler engine with overhecad valývest fulI pressure lubricaion ARugedj 5-speed gear tran.smission A Jin une shift lever for easier operation à lighit 23-inch turninig radius for excellenti inaneuverabilitv à 38 inch miowing wîjdth vwth 2 gauge whcl o hielp preveni scalping on uneven terrain 6.5-Bushel Rear Bogger à Two hoppers à Collecis directly rit hoppers or plastic bags A Fls ail awnl tractors Taunton Road, West of Orono m 4EEGRE FARM & GARDEN LTD.- JOHN DEERE SALES & rSE~RVICE Phone 416-983-9119 - 1400-461-2120 CAAE o z z o m m m