Oroo eely ims~ WenecSy~Septem ber 4, la9 April 1939 Figures released on March 30th indicate that the total number of deaths fromn flu is higher than in any year since 1929. Departmnent of Public Health records show 2,092 deaths already this year. On Thursday of last week, Mr. Robert Lunn suffered painful injuries when the horse hie was driving ran away, upsetting the buggy and throwing Mr. Lunn iný the ditch. Mr. Frank Harris, of Richmond Hill, is visiting Mr. Chas. Harris due to his healthi. Miss Jean Mercer, of Orono, spent the weekend with hier parents, Mr. and Mr s. Win. Mercer, Kendal. An interesting and for Orono an unique event took place in the Assembly Hall of the Continuation Sehool last Thursday night. At the regular'scout meeting the Troop was presented with its officiai charter. Mr. Linton had donated a beautiful frame, and Rev. S. Littlewood made the presentation on behalf of the Group Committee. J. J. Mellor as Scout Master accepted it for the Troop. The following boys were received:, Jim Linton, Manley Littlewood, Ronald Patterson, Donald Staples, Edwin >Manning, Roy Forrester, Leroy Myles and Franklin Tamblyn. Mr. Stan Payne now handies ail forms of ice cream, bricks, bulk,, Eskimo pies etc. Dr. Patterson, one tim-e dentist in Orono, was renewing old acquaintances here on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Wilson and daughter Helen of Ottawa are visiting the former's mother Mrs. C. G. armstrong. We alI welcome Mr. and Mrs. Everett Brown back to his former home and our best wishes go out to this young couple. Mr. Charles Tyrrelî's One-Cent Rexali Sales starts today (Thursday) and lasts until Saturday night. This is the time to repienish your stock when you can purchase the second article for one cent, making a saving that is worth while, Mr. O. W. Scott spent last week with his daughter, Mrs. W. K. Sloane of Peterborough and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wilson called in on himi. Miss Gladys Ard spent Easter Holidays wt her parents Mir. and Mrs. R. Ar,". Beverley Payne and Dan Chmrara win the silver medal contest held in the Park Street United Church on Monday evening, sponsored by the W.C.T.U. of Orono. Miss Beatty, Mr. and Mrs. Alf Elliott and son Douglas, of Toronto, visited Sunday last with Mr. Elliotts parentsMr. and Mirs. Wesley Elliott, Kendal. Miss Barbara Rolph camne first with her writing shown at the Hobby Show, in Bowm-aniville l ast week. April 1949 Oronio juniors win the Ontario, Championship of the Junior "D" O.H.*A. The Orono Juniors defeated Milverton in Oshawa on 'Monday evening by a score of 6 to 5 and in the second gamne played at Stratford Orono won b-y a score of 10 to9. Be sure and attend the Homie and School Club meeting this Friday night and hear an illustrated talk by W. Riddell of Bowmanville, along with other interesting programmes. A salvage collection Iwîll be held in Orono on Saturday, April 9th, under the auspices of the Orono Boy Scouts. Mr. and'Mrs. R. S. Caldwell, of Port Hope, Miss Marion Brown, of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy' Brown and family of Lindsay, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Tamblyn and family of Guelph spent the weekend with the formers parents Mr. and Ms. M. J. Taiblyni. Easter Sunday Service witnessed a very large conigregational at Park St. Church. Rev. A. E. Eustace spoke of the great realities of Eastertime and the Resurrection. Judy, the 4 year old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Tamblyn, is celebrating her fourth birthday today - April 2lst - having ten little girl friends in to help her celebrate the occasion. Mrs. Priscilla Bradshaw has been visiting her si ster-in-law, Mrs. L. E. Chapnlan, who hag been iii with the flu.' Miss Adelaide Harrison, who since retiring as an active Missîonary in China, has been kept busy speaking on missionary work, is taking a few days rest with Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Bunt. - Newtonville. Two hundred hockey minded citizens of the district were present at a banquet that we held in honour of the hockey players who obtained the O.H.A. "W'" championship. The members of the Orono Orphans - president P.' Lunn, Raye West, G. Robinson, John Gibson, J. Hudson, traîner Gord Pollard, Don Mercer, S. Creamer, C. Welsh, Dane Found Manager, R. Esposito, R., Shaw, Bob Stevenson, Bill Gearing, C. Hutton, Dean West, Junior West, Sec. Treas. C. F. Flintoff'and "Bud'" Hooper, Coach. Mr. and Mrs. James Patterson of Toronto, Harry of Oshawa and MuLrray of Belleville, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Allun are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Sharon Ann, on Saturday, April 23rd, at Bowmanville Hospital. A littie sister for Joan. Miss Heather Jean Rutherford entertained several of her friends on Thurs day afternoon, the occasion being her 6th birthday. RKeport From Ottawa by Ross Stevenson, M.P. for Durham Events in the Soviet Union have moved so swiftly that it will be some time before we know the full story behind the recent unsuccessful coup and its dramatic aftermath. However we did have another clear demonstration that in today's world nobody has the power to tumn back the dlock. Clearly it must have been a sever shock to the coup leaders when they seized control of the countrys traditional levers of power -- the Communist party, the KGB security service, and the armed forces -- only to find those levers dlidn't work like they used to. Six years of glasnost, perestroika and burgeoning demiocracy had changed drastically the governmental structure as well as the way people think. 'Most had no desire to go back to a totalitarian system, especially those of the younger generation who came of age in the Gorbachev era. Certainly there were those in the privileged higher strata of the communist bureaucracy who would have welcomed a return to the tightly-ordered regime in which they personally felt more secure. 1 dont think its stretching a point to suiggest some p)arallels to our own affairs. While Canadians wil11 scoff at any Ruissians wish to re ve rt to recpressive state communism, there are somie amnotg us Fin sure who could sýympathiiize withi the yearning to retum tio a imen that seemningly was safer anýd more peitbe As people get older they often become increasingl y less comifortable wt change. There are mny 1 know who hark back to a time when life in Canada seemingly was much bette r. Living was cheaper, so were houses; taxes were lower, and our cities a lot less crowded., Its also a fact that we earned much less, and the average Ca nadian back then had considerably fewer spare dollars to spend. In my own lifetime the population of Canada has more than doubled, with most living in urban communities. Theres nothing 1 or anyone else.can do about that, even if we wanted to. The fact is that we now live in the future, and theres no way we can recapture the past, whatcver its illusory appeai. Theres another parallel somewhat more pertinent to our own national affairs. No nmattr how great it may have been, once a country is divided it cant accomplish anything.- Soviet Russia cant repair its own economy or even get desperately needed food from the farmis to the people who want to buy it. And once a counitry starts dividing, theres absoluitely no telling where the process miay lead or end. at the time this was written seven Soviet republics were seeking or claimi ng fuil independence. it, appears questionable whether anythiing can survive or their present central govenmnent. Id suggest that situation offers a grave warning to thiose who advocate getting rid of a province, or who seek a signiificant reduction in the federal govemmrieits powers -- powers that in fact are essenitial to operate and maintain the strong and efficient Canadian nation we enjoy today. Mail Service came to a hait Mail service ln Oshawa, Whitby and Bowmanville came to a haIt last Wednesday as local mailmen formed picket lines at the Canada Post offices. However mailmen were back at the job on Thursday The CATERING CONNECTION ON THE SPOT CATERING Weddings - Anniversaries - Ail Banquets CHEESE TRAYS - MEAT PLATTERS - SALAOS Fred & Patricia Storsbergen Orono 983-9679 Man gar's Auto Centre COMPLET REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES &MODELS 0F FOREIGN & DOMESTIC *C-ARS * VANS * BUSES * TRUCKS Used CarOne Stop Shoo Sales Rad Shop & Original Muffler Sbop (Q 1 f Safety Inspections Tow Service 983-5130iJI Propane & Natural Gas Brakes o Tune Ups 983-5487 Body & Paint Work11 flStOrn 6@ïAutomotive Parts 17Mi t rn Proprietor: Mike Mangar LIc, CI.A.B.H.NG.Sp.S6a.S6b. Insp. MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. Established in 1881 ~ 623-5480 iI1Y1~1uu*ii~~u 4 Division St. Bowmanville PRE-ARRANGED AND PREPAID FUNERAL SERVICES AVAILABLE 3-IfSN MER VYN B. KELLY Barrister and Solicitor LAW OFFICE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE - REASONABLE RATES Free Initial Consultation 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 623-4444 Evening and Week-end Appointments Available Corner Church and Temperance Sts., Bowmanville ,Cati me to buy or self . Orono and arecz's real estate rep. KRYSTYNA JONES Tel: 983-9782 RE/MAX APPLE Tel: 576-3111 Whitby beauty! Central air. Greenhous e kitchen. $184,900 1 OMMMMMMM-