t 2 Ono WeklyTime ,nsdaY, September 4,1991 H110w does such happen? A urn of events a thtle recent Ontario Municipal Board Hearing relating 101the proposed rezoning to allow a Service Station in Kendal is a indication that the left hand of planning doesnt know wliat the riglit hand lias done. As we understand thie Land Division committee, an arm of tlie Region of Durham, gave approval to a farmn retiremnent lot severance on the condition that registered on tille the land was flot to be sold for ben years. This decision when made is'certainly circulated to thie Regional Planning department and iliat of tle Town of Newcastle. Even members of council would have found the decision in their agendas. The decision apparently did not surface when both government departments and councils granted their support for die rezoning. And what about the search of title during the lime of transfer? 1 I was only Ilirougli the viligance of an interested environental group, SAGA, that the fact came before the liearing. It just may be that tlie Regional Land Division committee does not have the power 10 place such a condition on the granting of the severance but it is somnething they have been doing for a number of years. Il will be interesting 10 see just how the Board liandles this tu-n of events and it does slow, unfortunately, that the general public cant take everything for granted. It is in tis vain that planning is a nebulous exercise often thwarted by political decisions for straiglit political reasons due to pressure. The record here could be docurnented given the time. A phone cal 1 the Ganaraska and the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authorities revealed that neillier follow up on their cornments and conditions as commenîing agencies in the planning process. "We go on trust", was one comment. As such the commnenîs and conditions are but mere scraps of paper t0 add 10 the paper shiuffle1 Is it any wonder that the Land Division condition was.lost in the shuffle. "Are we going to charge' employees to park?" The above was a comment by Bob Attersley, Mayor of Whitby, wlien regional mayors were discussing the cost of parking for the proposed new headquarters in Oshawa and just who was going 10 pay the costs. It appears regional staff would require upwards of 900 parking spaces. Maybe we sliould look around a little. Memorial Hospital staff pay for parking and so those a thie provincial building in Oshawa. If anything dont do what the Town of Newcastle did a few years back. "Ask for a report from staff." Yes, you now know the answer. Newcastle staff park free - and at whose cost 0MB Hearing (Continued from page 1) be sold for ten years and that this condition bc inluded on the deed, Veltri lias purdhased the land in 1988. As a resuît of this information the liearing was adjourned 10 Friday morning. At that lime the malter was not resolve and the hearing lias now been adjoumred to Wednesday, September 411. Tliere is somne difference of opinion as to whether or not tlie Land Division committee ias the riglit 10 include sucli a condition that the land could flot be sold for ten years upon giving approvai of thie retirement lot severance. Comment.. MWliat is this I . postal strike doîng to Myou?, With government spending leadingthe ever-present "sîab-in- tlie-back-brigade," jusî liow much more crippling can you our "True North Strong and Free" really take. Canadians coast 10 coasî are pracîically being lield liostage, because of one powerful union - like il or nol. Our American neighbours are surely sliaking their lieads - again. C.U.P.W. should they be allowed to strike, putting this country in limbo If so, then, bo what limit? And to what extent of damage orcosts to Canada - isnt that part relevant? As long as workers- have their demands met, is that ail that maîters? (neyer mind the quality of mail service) Every individual wants a fair shake from their employer. However, liaving one union dictate wlietlier or not the mail is delivered is beyond comprehension. Himm - it really sounds like a famiiar tune. Comnparable to yet anotlier minority group making a lot of noise (with a little violence tlirown in) domng wliatever il takes to get what tliey want. At everybody else's expense. Canada included. - It just sliouldnt be. Peggy Mullan Garbage Costs (Continued from page 1) problemns Durham is being told it must pay Metro $8.6 million by the end of thie year due to a change i the garbage rebate sysîem. Metro lias been returning well over $ 100,000 in rebates to Durham over the past years . Finance commissioner Jack Gartley lias warned council members that there will be no money for the recycling prograin. Sometime ago Diane Hamre bold Newcastle couincil that tlie operation would be bankrupt. Last Wednesday regional councillors set-up a special committee to meet with officiais of the Ministry of blie Enviromnent, Metro and York Region to ask for funding f0 build the proposed transfer Station. They want full control of tlie Station and also are seeking a break on Ilie $150. per Letter to the Editor: Re. Gord's view on economics: In1 order to pay fair wages, goods also have to be fairly priced. This statement sounds very much like price fixing! This is the systemn which was used in Eastern bloc nations which lias tumed out to be an abysmal failure, Gord, we have a free market systemn where the consumer is KING. If the price is too high, the item siniply will flot seli, Everyone benefits from the "free market economy' in the West because it is free to produce the best product at the lowest price so long as it is unfettered, by governiment intervention. Sincerely Glenn Tamb1yn Letter to the Editor: Dear Roy: In response to Gords View which hie titled ',Grumblings From Far Off', Iarn disappointed to think that lie still clings to his position that tlie UNITED NATIONS action tlie in GULF if analagous to Gennany's blitz of POLAND. The only similarity is that they were both efficient military operations. What Gord overlooks completely is that Hitler was out to conquer thie world whereas the UN (spearheaded by US, BRITISH, FRENCH, SAUDI ARABIAN, EQYPTIAN, SYRIAN, etc., as weil as CANADIAN NAVAL FORCES) was determined to restore the sovereignty- of KUWA1T, a wee nation whidh had been over-run by a despot (SADDAM HUSSEIM) of IRAQ. (There is your analagous situation to Hitlers blitz, Gord!) The motives of Hitler and Bush are at the extremne opposite poles; the former was out to "TAKE",; the latter, along with comple te UN support, was out to ensure that sudh aggressive actions would nolonger go unpunislied. If Hitler liad been stoppedwhen tonne charge down to $35 a tonne. On Durliams list of wants there is included the reimrbursement of $4 million to Durliam for the mollies spent by tlie Region for a temporary du mp study and plan near Whîtevale in Northi Pickering. Originally Durliam was looking to tlie site being a money-making proposition from use by industry and also by Metro Toronto., he look his first-step of aggression, perhaps WWH Cou d hav, breený averted. (The alarming thirg was that the free worldliad NO comparable miliîary miglit in the 30s to prevent such aggressîon). 1Tlien lie goes on to say "I1 think that eventually history will prove my comments correct". HISTORY has already proven that he is wrong! SADDAM HUSSEIN-S military power lias slirunk b aà size wliere his neiglibours, ISRAEL, SAUDI ARABIA and EGYPT no longer live under the Ilireat of being invaded or attacked with SCUD missiles! The UN is presently aîtempting t0 ensure that his nuclear wea pons capability is desbroyed so fthat lie will flot pose a bireat i the future. -Furthermore, the oul supplies fromt the Middle EAST have been assured for the ininediate future so eSSential for tlie economic wel being of blie G-7 community of nations (including CANADA). Sincerely, Glenn Tamblyn St. Saviour's Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. Douglas Hall 987-4745 SIJNDAY SERVICE and SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE, Marlene Rlsebrough, Secretary 983-5702 Church Office 983-5502 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8th Klrby United Church Mornlng Worshlp 9:30 a.m., Orono United Church and Kfrby United Church Gospel Slng at Orono Fair 12:30 pi.. In charge of program Dick Morton . . . . . ...... .. .. ... .