Oro~îo Weelcl .T............y~ .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . Quarter Horse Event Over Friday, Saturday and Sunday the Area Four Quarter Hlorse Promotional Club sponsored an event at the Orono Fair grounds. .The three day event attracted 156 entries which generally took part in ahl events during the three days. Points won at the show are added to an entries total in order that they may compete is somne of the larger shows, with one such show being held in Okahoma, The hune of events attracted riders of ahl ages and one could even see what appeared as perhaps pre-schoolers being part of the lead- huneevent. Pleasure ridiug and time events were al part of the show. 1Accordiug to Shari Bouckley, of north Orono, who assisted with the promotion participants came from, as far as Hwy. 12 on the west to OronorFire Cails The following fire calîs were received by the Town of Ne-wcastle for week of August 25 - September lst. Thursday, August 29th between 4:17 p.m. and 4:29 p.m., Pumnper 3 responded to a parking lot of Beekers Store, report of motor on fire. Friday, August 3th between 6:31 a.m. and 6:59 a.m., Pumper 3 and Tanker 3, responded to a truck fire on Hwy. 115 south of Concession 7. Sunday, September lst between 9:11 a.m. and 9:39 a.m., Pumnper 3 and Tanker 3, responded to a report of a car fire on Hwy. 115, South of Concession 5.> Napanee on the east and north to Algonquin Park. From the local area other dma Shari Bouckley, are Joe Jarvis 'anid Des Maquire who -are competitors Iwith their Quarter horses. Some of the horses have a valuie of up to $20,000. Mayor HutMý,ard proclaims Waste RedUjCtiof Week, S eptember 2 October 6 Mayor Marie' Hubbard, with Volunteer Co-ordiflators for Waste Reduction Week, Judy Hurvid (left) with her daughter Devon 5, of Newtonville, andi Evelyn Stroud, Bowmanville. Formerly fecognized as Recycling Week, Waste Reduction Week bas been proclaimed front September 29 to çQctober 6, 1991 in co-operation witil Durham Region and the Recycliifg Council of Ontario. More and mot@ in our Education system young pe@ple are becoming vividly aware of the need to put the 3rs into everyday life. A number of âçtivities have been scheduled yyith W aste Reduction in mind, including a Poster Contest for chjldren 12 andl under, set for October 2, and a Green Magic Show October, 5, Both at the Neweastle Villegc Town Hall. TO SfJE A NE,' I The Interim Waste Authority Ltd.ca (IWA), an agency of the provinca government, hasbeen formed to un- dertake three concurrent site searches in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA): one in Peel Region, one for Metro/York Regins, and one in Durham Region. Public open houses were recently conducted in each region to inform these communities about the search for new landffil sites. Now is the time for you to work with the 1WA, to- assess what issues are important to your cornrnunity, and to incorporate your, concerns and criteria into the selection of the optimum landfil site for Durham Region. To reachl these goals, public workshops have been planned in your area. I 1 would like to register for the following workshop(s): Complete and mail coupon ta:I 'l l Z2n 3E Ms, Karla LivseyI W I would iemrinoatn Durham Site SearchI like ore nformtionPublic Information Office n Put my nome on your mailing list 47 Sheppard Ave. East P.O. Box 1850, StationA I 1 would like to correspond with you in French El Willowdale, Ont, M2N 6MV5 I EnglishW Phone: 1-800-661-9294I IPour renseignements en fronçais, composer 7-800-661-9294,Fx 46 2949 Nme IAddress____________________ WI I Interim Waste Authority Limnited Postal Code ______ Telephone ___________ Officerosoe de seec'0 de lieu &eliainds déechets Ltéeeu REDUCE oREUSE *RECYCLE in order to receive vital background information prior to the workshops listed below, please pre-register. Re- turn the coupon below or cali the toli free number indicated. 1. Tue sday, Septeffnber i17 6:30-9:45 PM- 2. Thursday, September 19 6:30-9:45 PM 3. Saturday, September 21 8:45 AM - 3:45 PM Lawn Control for FaIl & Winter Season -Wsed Spraymng -Crab Grass -Fertilizing -Insect Spraying -PIug Coraeration Program available for the season. See the Dfference Quality Makes! 983 I59 Oronio, Newcastle) Imm 1% ý'i i i ' i iiii i - ii - i ii ..... .. ............ * * .............. * ............